Super Study God

Chapter 1672: Xuan Tian Chuan Gong!

Su Hang heard that there was a silence, Master of the Underworld? After so many years, I do not know whether Xuan Ming is still there, what is the state of the underworld.


  Although the six reincarnations are still in operation, what the Underworld is like now, Su Hang does not know, because he did not feel the existence of the Underworld in the world of future generations.


   If it is not that the underworld no longer exists, it is that there is a supernatural power to hide it. Of course, this latter one is more likely.


   "Simple is just reincarnation?" Su Hang asked, Mo Daoxuan said that, to put it plainly, he wanted to find Su Hang to take a back door to ensure that his next life can be reincarnated smoothly, at least without having to be reincarnated on some insects.


   Mo Dao Xuan Dao, "After my reincarnation, you have to find me, put me under the door and pass it on to the Dafa..."


   Er, this requirement is somewhat...


   Su Hang stayed, "Do you want to enter my door? Are you so sure I will help you?"


Mo Daoxuan nodded, "The next life is the last life of my reincarnation, and there will inevitably be the light of reincarnation at the time of rebirth. At that time, the power of the Xuanhuang Realm will be felt. I believe that Huang Tian will also Be aware, if let him find me..."


In the following words, Mo Daoxuan has not spoken any more, just looked up at Su Hang, but his eyes have explained everything, cast him under your door, just want to seek your asylum, in this world, I am afraid that only you can take shelter Got my reincarnation.




   Su Hang sighed for a long time, what's the matter? The reincarnation of a granddaughter, Wa, had already caused him to come across, and now he jumped out of a mysterious sky.


   "Let me think twice."


  Su Hangdao said, he really had to think about this matter. They are all old foxes who have lived for countless years. They must be guarding them a little. This busy value is not worth helping.


   "Of course I won't let you help me in vain." Mo Daoxuan raised his head, facing Su Hangdao, "stretch out your hand, I have something for you."


   Su Hang was stagnant, and there was exchange?


   depends on the value of the thing you gave, and immediately, Suhang carefully extended his right hand out of guard.


  In a moment, from the bottom of Mo Daoxuan's black robe, several tentacles were extended, and Su Hang didn't have time to respond. Those tentacles had already rolled Su Hang's right hand and wrapped it around his body.




  Dare to yin yourself? Su Hang is furious, when his own flesh is in vain?


   "No need to panic, there is no malice in old age."


Just when Su Hang was struggling, Mo Daoxuan's voice rang in his ears, and then Su Hang felt a huge and pure power, following Mo Daoxuan's tentacles, pouring into his crazy in vivo.


   Is he... spreading merit?


   Su Hang suddenly froze for a moment, when he couldn't feel it at this moment, Mo Daoxuan was passing on the power.


   A tentacle suction cup directly wrapped around Su Hang's head, two wrapped around his hands, two wrapped around his feet, and the other three wrapped around his chest and abdomen, and wrapped Su Hang like a big dumpling.


   is like charging together with eight charging lines. The huge and pure energy, like the backflow of the river, pours into the body of the Suhang, and does not give Suhang any chance to refuse.


   Among these energies, more of them are rare spiritual energies. The energy is so majestic that Su Hang has never seen it in his life.


  The soul of God is contained in that huge spiritual energy, which is really a comfort. It is completely different from the last time when the energy tyranny of Tongtianguo was used to fill it. The impact of spiritual energy brought Su Hang completely pure spiritual pleasure.


  The huge conscious star sea was quickly filled with those spiritual energies, and then the conscious star sea began to expand, just like the Big Bang, spawning more star fields and wider space.


   This feeling makes Suhang enjoy very much, and the whole person is very happy.




  When Su Hang was awake, the transfer of power had ended unconsciously. Su Hang had no time to check his changes and quickly opened his eyes.


  Mo Daoxuan sat in front of him, describing terror as if he were a ghost, and almost didn't scare Su Hang.


The flesh that was already dead is now withered, like a long-dead tree, placed in the sun for many days and nights, one face, only the skin is covered with bones, pale hair, non-stop Falling down, it's almost going to lose light.


  Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Why are you this?"


   He could feel that Mo Daoxuan's consciousness was still there.


   Sure enough, the long-dead flesh moved. Although the flesh was dead and the work was exhausted, he still had this powerful will, which completely supported the spirit of the soul with a strong will.


   This is really a great match, it can be called the pinnacle of the character.


   "Old and deceased, only this body can be worth a little money." Mo Daoxuan slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was as small as the residual candle in the wind, which would be extinguished at any time.


   Su Hang did not interrupt him, knowing that his current time is precious, he can hold on to the present, there must be something to explain.


  Mo Daoxuan has decided to reincarnate, so before entering the reincarnation, his physical skill must be dispersed. Instead of wasting it, it is better to give it to Su Hang directly.


   It's just that he can be a bit strong in buying and selling, regardless of whether or not Su Hang is willing to accept it, he will pass it directly.


  The inheritance of more than 30 million years of skill, at least the spiritual cultivation of the Second Grade Avenue, such inheritance can definitely be considered a generous effort.


  Whether it is willing or not, can Su Hang get this gift, can he find a reason to refuse Mo Daoxuan?


   At this Mo Dao Xuan Dao, "The old and decayed soul is about to go away, and only three souls and seven souls will be left attached to the true spirit. I hope that the real people will not forget the entrustment before the old decay."


   Su Hang only nodded, and he could not refuse Mo Daoxuan's request.


Mo Daoxuan continued, "The underworld was hidden in the void by a great supernatural power. After my soul dissipated, it would affect the book of life and death of the meditation book, and then there would be an **** to lead, in this sea valley, The envoy can’t enter, so we still need a real person to help one or two. Following the envoy, the real person can naturally find the nether world...


   Su Hang nodded, is there still a ghost in the underworld to take the soul? Why haven't I seen it before? Or, hasn’t you been concerned before?


   "The child outside is not bad in nature. The old man owes him a bit of cause and effect, and he still takes care of him..."


Su Hang still had some doubts in his mind. He wanted to find Mo Daoxuan to confuse himself, but he didn't want to raise his head. After Mo Daoxuan left a sentence, the soul of the gods had dissipated, sitting in the same place, no more words, Su Hang was not aware of any of his breath. ) Download the free reader!!

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