Super Study God

Chapter 1714: Is it Xuan Ming?

A few houses turned around, Wu Guihua said, "Emperor Master, the old speculation, after changing his life to Duan Lin, this innocent self-knowingly ordered him to expel Duan Lin, and soon after, he was condemned to die... …"

Su Hang listened, but shook his head and smiled, "This is a master, will that die because of the condemnation?"

Changing destiny, covering the sky, and keeping the water dripping, it took so much effort to find here. Such an existence, Su Hang does not believe that she will die because of the condemnation.

The Xueshen system has not detected the information of this aunt, at least in the realm of heaven and earth, which is definitely not simple.

Wu Guihua listened and said, "If this is the case, the local government has to re-evaluate this incompetent's ability. First, it replaces Duan Lin's life, then swindles to death, and clears all traces of existence. What's the point of changing her life for a mortal?"

Su Hang nodded slightly, this is indeed a master.

The eyes swept through the house, and there was really no useful information. Time had already erased the traces of the man's existence.

"Emperor Master, look."

Just as Su Hang was about to withdraw and take a look at the aunt's grave, Wu Guihua walked to the front of the hall and picked up something from a broken case under the wall.

A wooden sign, Wu Guihua ripped off the spider web above, breathed, and the dust instantly rose.

Su Hang walked over and Wu Guihua handed the cleaned wooden sign to Su Hang.

Su Hang looked at it, it was a spirit card, that is, the kind of ancestors worshipped in the ancestral hall, and some handwriting was faintly engraved on it.

Su Hang shuddered at the first glance, and the whole person instantly stopped.

Wu Guihua stood beside him, stunned for a while, leaned over to Su Hang, and looked at the Ling card.

"Xianshi Pangu, the great deity of heaven."

From top to bottom, Wu Guihua turned her attention to Su Hang. The identity of Su Hang has been revealed to her by the local government.

Su Hang held onto that piece of **** tightly, and the whole person was ignorant.

Here, why would you have your own **** position?

First teacher? Is this aunt a certain disciple of his own? who is it?

This handwriting, familiar familiar!

Suddenly, a thought emerged from Su Hang's mind.

"Xuan Ming?"

Su Hang trembles in his heart, shaking the hand of God, trembling slightly. Up to now, the disciples he has received are not many, and most of the writing he knows.

Su Hang quickly thought of Xuan Ming's handwriting in this **** position. If it wasn't for his mistake, this was Xuan Ming's handwriting.

Xuan Ming? Aunt?

Beside, Wu Guihua heard Su Hang say this, and the whole person was shocked, Emperor Ming? Here is the owner, His Majesty the King?

There is a secret in the prefecture. The Emperor Ming has been missing for many years. I don’t know where to go. Is it possible that he appeared here?

Su Hang recovered and suddenly turned to Duan Lin and looked over. "Where is her grave?"

Unconsciously, the momentum slightly revealed, Duan Lin was trembling with shock, and quickly replied, "On Phoenix Mountain, do you want me to take you?"

He didn't know what was happening at all, and he didn't know that Su Hang would have such a big reaction when he saw that god.



Phoenix Mountain, with a towering peak in the middle, spread like **** wings on both sides, like a phoenix about to take off.

Among the local legends of Fenghuang Mountain, there are many stories about Fenghuang's habitation in the mountains. Locals regard Fenghuang Mountain as a **** mountain, and even regard Fenghuang Mountain as a lucky land. After death, they are basically buried in the mountains.

And the tomb of the nun is also in this Phoenix Mountain. Hearing Duan Lin said that after the death of the nun, the villagers helped to bury it because of no relatives and no reason.

At that time, the conditions in the village were worse than they are now, so don't think about how beautiful the graveyard is.

In other words, a small earth bag passed through a woodland and came to the grave. The surrounding grass was three feet tall. If no one was leading, who would know that it was a grave head.

As soon as he reached the grave, Duan Lin pulled out his long sword and began to clear the surrounding grass.

At the end of life, there is no one to take care of behind him, letting the grass grow on the ground, and during the festival every year, there is not even a person to worship. This is so sad.

Standing in front of the tomb, Su Hang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The consciousness swept into the tomb. It was true that there was no bone in the tomb.

Duan Lin quickly cleaned up his surroundings, walked to the front of the tomb, knelt down, and bowed his head to worship. Su Hang ignored him, fearing that his heart would be uncomfortable at the moment.

Su Hang was standing next to him, and his heart was more uncomfortable. Has Xuan Ming really appeared here? Why did she leave the capital and come to earth?

Simple is just traveling? Shouldn't it be? Is it to find yourself?

It should not be difficult to find yourself with her ability, but why haven’t you for so many years?

In addition, why did she come to Phoenix Mountain and stayed here for a while and why did she change her life for Duan Lin?

What is the reason?

Su Hang dismissed the consciousness. Although he knew the result, he still hoped that Xuan Ming might still be there.

The result was disappointing. Su Hang’s consciousness almost wrapped the entire earth, but he did not find any living body stronger than Venerable Realm.

I am afraid that he is no longer on the earth. Even if he is, Su Hangguang can’t find it by his consciousness. After all, Xuan Ming was already in the realm of heaven when he was too ancient. Now, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and I don’t know what the realm is.

Wu Guihua stood beside him, looking at Duan Lin kneeling in front of the grave, but her heart was messy and terrible. She was thinking about how to report this to the local government.

This matter, if it is related to the Emperor Ming, then it is a bit big, completely beyond her authority, and even beyond the scope of the ten palace Yan Jun.

Who dares to take care of Emperor Ming's head? With that ability, I am afraid that only the next one exists.

Wu Guihua turned to look at Suhang, waiting for Suhang to speak.

Su Hang didn't say much. After the section of Lin Lin's worship was finished, Su Hang asked, "Have she left you anything?"

Duan Lin paused, hesitated, and shook his head.

This person doesn't lie at all, others can tell the truth at a glance.

At this time, Wu Guihua said, "Young people, the Emperor Master asked you something and honestly answered."

Duan Lin listened and remained silent for a long time. He reached into his clothes and pulled out a black rope from under his neck. The rope hung under it seemed to be a sharp fang.

"This was given to me when the poor aunt adopted me." Duan Lindao.

Wu Guihua's figure flashed, and came to Duan Lin, reaching for the necklace in Duan Lin's hand and grabbing it.

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