Super Study God

Chapter 1715: Listen to ghost teeth!


Just holding the necklace in his hand, Wu Guihua's hand seemed to be corroded by sulfuric acid, and a large black smoke was raised. Wu Guihua was like an electric shock, screaming, and pulled back suddenly and took a few steps back. .

Duan Lin was also frightened, and did not seem to think that this necklace that had followed him for so long would have such great power.


Wu Guihua grasped the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and the palm of his right hand was bleeding with blood, breathing black air, and the trembling unceasingly was obviously injured.

His eyes fell on the necklace, and Wu Guihua's face was full of shock.

At this time, Su Hang walked over, gazing at the necklace for a moment, reaching for it and grabbing it.

"The emperor master is careful, that's ghost teeth." Wu Guihua screamed, seemingly wanting to stop Su Hang, but he saw that Su Hang had caught that fang in his hand.

Nothing happened, but the fangs were in the hands of Su Hang, but it was like a regular stone.

What ghost teeth, in front of the flesh of Dadao Realm, how can it be allowed to be arrogant?

Su Hang squeezed his fangs and looked carefully. The snow-white and snow-white, there is nothing special, but there is a great sense of vagueness, which does not match the name of this ghost tooth.

"This thing, you know the origin?" Su Hang turned to Wu Guihua.

Wu Guihua nodded slightly, coughing, "There are two holy beasts under the seat of the emperor, one is to listen to the truth, and the other two are hidden. This ghost tooth is the tooth that the holy beast listens to. The entire prefecture has only two. , Where all the ghosts in the land, see ghost teeth like seeing the emperor."

After talking, Wu Guihua leaned on his crutches and kneeled to the ground. "Old man Rongcheng Fucheng Wu Guihua saw his majesty..."

Listen to ghost teeth? Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. Seeing Wu Guihua like this, there must be no fake, then it indirectly proves that the aunt who changed his life for Duan Lin is the Emperor Xuanming.

Between this world and the world, except Hong Jun, who can be so proficient in Yin and Yang art, and can not change the fate of people without traces, I am afraid that only Xuan Ming as the Emperor of Hades?

Su Hang's hand loosened, and the meaning of listening to the ghost's teeth fell back to Duan Lin's hand. At this moment, Duan Lin's entire body was stunned.

Especially when he saw Wu Guihua kneeling tremblingly on the ground, he became even more dazed.

The old lady was so fierce to herself before, she took her from Xijiang to here, but at the moment she knelt in front of her and called her the emperor. Is this role change too great?

For a while, Duan Lin recovered, and realized that the necklace left by the poor aunt was an extraordinary thing, and even the terrifying old lady Wu Guihua was afraid when she saw it.

what is this? Does Feng Shui take turns?

Seeing that Wu Guihua was afraid of being like that, Duan Lin's heart was somewhat suffocated, and he immediately raised the meaning of the ghost teeth in his hand, "Here is the symbol of the emperor, your old woman is humiliated by me, and you can be guilty. ?"

He didn't know what the so-called Ming Emperor was like, but Duan Lin understood that it was an existence that could make this horrible old lady fear and look up.

And this existence should be the aunt who adopted him as a child.

Duan Lin is not stupid. At this moment, what he holds in his hand is a sword of the Fang Fang.

Wu Guihua was obviously very frightened by the meaning of listening to ghost teeth, and immediately tapped his head, "The old person knows the crime."

A trace of arc appeared on Duan Lin's face, and a necklace could scare such a great master down. This kind of feeling was really enjoyable.

Let's just say that my luck is very good from childhood to the end. How can I be lucky at this time?

In the middle of the smile, the smile on Duan Lin's face stiffened for a moment, because, he saw, Su Hang was still standing beside him.

At the moment, Duan Lin listened to the ghost teeth in his hand and waved to Suhang, "Aren't you kneeling?"

The voice was a little disturbed, apparently very lack of confidence.

Seeing this scene, Su Hang couldn't help laughing.

"Bold, don't be rude to Emperor Master." Wu Guihua was startled, and now stood up from the ground. This kid was just playing with fire. A true listen to ghost teeth made him expand like this.

"Huh?" Duan Lin froze for a moment, seeing Wu Guihua get up, and quickly turned his necklace to Wu Guihua.

Wu Guihua's face changed, but she knelt down helplessly.

This thing is really good, but how is it not good for Soviet Air Lines?

Duan Lin looked at Su Hang and Su Hangdao, "Did you hear what she called me?"

"Title?" Duan Lin froze for a moment, "Emperor, Emperor Master?"

Speaking of which, looking at Su Hang's lightly smiling expression, Duan Lin seemed to realize something and quickly shook his head, "No, impossible."

"Mo said that you have such a ghost tooth in your hand, even if Xuan Ming is here, only she kneels me, without me kneeling her."

Su Hang shook his head and stretched out his hand, then grabbed the ghost tooth again.

Duan Lin couldn't help but look pale and wanted to get back from the Su Air, but it seems unlikely that he is the opponent of Su Air.

Wu Guihua just got walked to Su Hang, "Emperor Master, His Majesty Emperor Hades appeared here, should the old body be reported to the local government?"

"You do it yourself." Su Hang shook her head. Although Xuan Ming had appeared here, she must have left now. She didn't show up on her own. Even Su Hang couldn't find her.

Although I didn't see Xuan Ming, it was very comforting to know that Xuan Ming was still alive. It was really not easy for one of my own disciples to live until now.

Su Hang's heart was even touched.

Wu Guihua listened, and just looked down next to it, but looked at the grassy section of Duan Lin, and whispered, "What should this person do?"

Wu Guihua has no idea about how to deal with Duan Lin, and she knows that even if it is reported to the prefecture, the ten palace Yan Jun will find it tricky. On the one hand, Duan Lin did change his destiny, but it was a sin against the sky But the person who changed his life was the Emperor Ming. The ten temples, Yan Jun, all worked under the seat of the Emperor, did they dare to treat the boss's crime?

Su Hang also looked back at Duan Lin, Duan Lin's head was buried, just after inflating, this time he again counseled and behaved.

"Xuan Ming did this, there must be a reason for her." Su Hang shook his head. "Forget it, tell King Qin Guang that they don't have to investigate this matter any more. All the public officials in the government who were criticized for this matter have everything. Forget it..."

Su Hang doesn't want to worry about this kind of thing. He believes that Xuan Ming can't change a mortal's life for no reason. He naturally won't do bad things.

Wu Guihua nodded slightly, and heard that there were many public officials in the prefecture involved. Since the emperor's teacher had spoken, it would no longer be investigated. The prefecture should be less turbulent.

"What about Chen San? Will it be sent back to Yang?" Wu Guihua asked.

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