Super Study God

Chapter 1731: Xingshi asks guilt!

Rulai came to sit on the upper lotus platform, revealing a golden body, a few feet tall, and a gleaming golden light, as if to see everyone who worshiped him.

"Hum, if you come, you have a big face!" Just after entering the hall, Haotian shouted like a Hong Zhong, and the entire Daxiong Hall shook and shook, attracting the attention of the Buddhas in the hall.

"Come here, show your seat to Goddess!" Rulai didn't pay attention to Haotian.

The two Sha Mi came up with a chair and placed behind Su Hang. Su Hang didn't mind and sat straight up.

Where Haotian has been so despised, he jumped upright, almost exploded!

"You are the emperor of heaven, the lord of heaven, how can you be so calm?"

Su Hang's eyes made Haotian endure this breath.

Turning to Ruru, I looked at the past, "It seems that I did not come at the right time, and bothered the Buddha to speak, or else, you continue?"

Rulai heard it and laughed, "God is here. Would you dare to get an axe if you come here? It's a little monk who is far away and welcome. Please also ask God to forgive sin!"

Su Hang heard the words and did not laugh at them, "God Palace has been renamed for a long time, what other gods are there?"

Uh... As we heard, the expression on his face was slightly sluggish, and he could naturally hear the deep meaning contained in the Su Hang words, that is to say that he did not take his **** emperor in his eyes!

"God respects words seriously!" Rulai said.

In front of him, although he was once called the weakest emperor in history, no one dared to underestimate, and he did not dare. After all, this one who even conquered the existence of the heavenly maiden Liu Rusu was absolutely unfathomable. .

"When I saw you at the beginning of the year, you were so tall, full of Lai Zi!" Su Hang extended his right hand and made a gesture. "Who can think that after so many years, the little guy of that year has become the leader of the Buddhist door. Buddha, time is really awesome!"

In the face of so many people, Su Hang turned over the old account, which was completely the tone of an old predecessor, which seemed to give no face at all. After listening to the Buddhas in the temple, the atmosphere felt almost solidified. You know, in Lingshan, the majesty of the Buddha is not dared to provoke anyone.

However, Rulai didn't feel angry, but instead said, "If you weren't a god, you wouldn't be afraid of a monk today!"

After a pause, as if coming, "But I don't know what happened when God Vener suddenly visited Lingshan today?"

After the greeting, it is time to get to the point!

Su Hang looked at Haotian and said indifferently, "In fact, it's not a big deal. Today, the Emperor came to my door and wept, saying that he was bullied by the Buddha and asked me to take the lead for him. You also know my relationship with his master. He Master is still invisible now. If he is really bullied and spread, he is still humiliating my face, so he has no choice but to come to your Lingshan and ask about the situation."

As soon as Su Hang's words came out, the entire hall was extremely tense at once, but this was the emperor who came home and invited his parents.

"Shen Zun may be misunderstood!" At this time, Rulai spoke!

"Nonsense, what misunderstanding?" Hao Weather shouted, "The day before yesterday, you waited for me to go down the mountain, so that my emperor's face was lost, so I am sorry to say a misunderstanding?"

"Hao Tian!" Su Hang snorted.

Hao Tian is really suffocating, but in the face of the majesty of Suhang, he can only retract his neck again.

"Huh!" Su Hang glared at Hao Tian. You can see how calm the other Buddha is, and then look at you, so impatient, that kind of emperor's appearance, let you go on like this, and it will become unreasonable for a while. Yes.

Turning to look like this, Su Hangdao said, "Buddha doesn't have to think about it. I came today, not against the Buddha Gate. Since the Emperor Tian came to me, then we still have to walk through the field and call out the ancient Lantern Buddha, let him The two confronted each other, who was right and who was wrong, and when asked, if Haotian blamed a good person, I would let him apologize!

The voice fell, the palace was silent, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Everyone couldn't help but come to see it. This is clearly the Buddha's army.

Is it possible for the Buddha to endure the uniqueness of being up and down that day?

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Why, is it that the ancient Buddha burning the lamp is not in Lingshan? Or, should I ask him to come out personally?"

After hearing this, his face twitched slightly.

At this time, the Maitreya Buddha standing next to him came up and said, "Oh, God Sovereign is coming, may wish to rest in Lingshan for a while, the Buddha who burns the lamp is indeed not on the mountain today..."

Su Hang listened to this and looked at it at once. "They all say that their family members don't slang. What if I pull him out?"

"This..." Maitreya sighed for a while, and laughed dryly, so he dared not say anything.

Su Hang looked around, three thousand Buddhas, no one dared to stare at them.

For a while, Rulai felt like a big head, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Shenzun came from afar, why didn't you tell the monk me?" At this time, a laugh came from outside the Then the Buddha stepped across the door and entered.

Su Hang looked up, it was really Mito.

"Amitabha." When the Buddhas met, they all proclaimed their Buddha numbers.

Seeing this monk, Su Hang couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I thought you were still immersed in Li Huang's gentle township, but I didn't think you were on the mountain too, Concubine."

After listening to this, Mituo shook his face violently. This Nima couldn't hold it a little. This kid talked so badly.

With a pedestal stick, Mi Tuo approached and said, "I heard that God is about to educate my apprentice. I can't be calm as a master. I don't know what mistake my apprentice made?"

"The master is afraid of misunderstanding. I dare to educate your apprentice." Su Hang shook his head lightly and said to Mido, "It's too early to say who is right and who is wrong. Hao Tian sued the lamp and stole him. Seal of Heaven Emperor, am I not here to ask about the situation?"

"This is absolutely impossible!" Su Hang's voice fell just now, and Mi Tuo immediately waved his sleeves and denied, "If I said that my mistakes were made, it would be fine, and Uncle Lantern would never be able to steal treasures. "

The ancient Buddha of Landeng is the younger brother of the Buddha who came from the east, and his seniority is higher than that of Mita. Therefore, Mita should call Uncle Shi that should be.

"Master, are you so sure?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

Mi Tuo said, "I dare not say to others, but Uncle Lantern, I dare to assure my Mi Tuo's personality, and with the uncle Shi's character, even if you really look at any treasure, even if you grab it, you will never steal it... …"

sweat! Su Hang heard that the forehead was covered with black lines. Are you burning black? We will only grab, not steal, can we still be a bit of a morale?

"Master, this matter is very important. Since you think you are innocent, you should call out people. It is doubtful that you avoid it like this." Su Hangdao.

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