Super Study God

Chapter 1732: What are the credentials?

"Buddhists only ask for one heart, others don't care what they think!" At this time, Rulai opened his mouth and shook his head. "The ancient Buddha burning lanterns is very old, and has not stepped into this big palace for many years. Contaminated with these common things, so please also ask God to not want to be strong!"

"Haha!" Su Hang smiled and only looked up at Mi Tuo, "Master, I'm giving you face, so I'm so good at saying things, it's impossible, really want me to ask him to come out?"

"This..." Mido froze, he could feel that Su Hang was a little angry.

"If I did it, there wouldn't be such good words now. It's not my arrogance. Don't say it's you, even if all the Buddhas in this temple are added together, I'm afraid it's not enough for me to take a slap! "Su Sudao.

The threat of Hongguo, Mituo couldn't help but shudder slightly when he heard Su Hang's words, and inexplicably felt a trace of fear.

It seems that now he realizes that this Su Hang is no longer the furry kid they met at the Fairy Academy, and the tall emperor, even these old antiques, had to look up.

In Su Hang’s words, he did not dare to doubt the true and false. Su Hang definitely had the ability to slap the entire Lingshan, and, as Su Hang, no one in the entire monastery world would stand up and even blame the Buddha. There will be a lot of people clapping their hands!

This is identity, this is status, this is power!

Although the Buddhist door is strong, it is still in a corner and can dominate the nearby star fields. The pattern represented by Su Hang is much larger than the Buddhist door.

Don’t say anything else, don’t let Su Hang do it yourself, just shake your arms, I don’t know how many forces will kill Lingshan in the first time, this is not a level of existence at all!

The temple was silent, because of Su Hang's words, the faces of the Buddhas in the temple were all a little bit of fear, and even Maitreya Buddha couldn't laugh anymore.

If he came to sit on the lotus platform, pretending to be calm, he was very clear in his heart, since Su Hang said this, then today, if the lamp is not visible, I am afraid that the consequences will be unpredictable.

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

Mi Tu also wanted to use his old face to expose this matter in front of Su Hang. However, at this moment, a voice came, and then, an old figure flew away.

An old cassock, dressed like an ascetic monk, who is not a burning lamp.

The expression on Su Hang's face did not change, and the appearance of the burning lamp did not seem to cause any waves in his heart.

Everyone in the temple saw it and couldn't help but be surprised. They didn't expect the appearance of the burning lamp. If the burning lamp came up, they would have been out long ago. Why did you wait until then?

"The old monk burns the lamp and meets the deity!" The burning lamp approached, and Mituo gave it aside, but he was sighing in his heart. It's okay for the old man to hide. Why should he come out? Isn't this a mess?

Su Hang glanced up and down at the burning lamp and said, "I thought I was so unattractive, and the ancient Buddha avoided me!"

"The old monk doesn't dare!" Ran Deng shook his head quickly. "Don't the old monk dare to neglect when the **** is approaching, it's just that it's time to cultivate to a critical moment, there is no time to do so!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at the burning lamp, and it turned out that his strength has not been small. He already has the realm of Tianzun Realm Six Grades, which is one grade higher than that of Mi Tuo and Rulai.

"That's congratulations to the ancient Buddha!" ​​Su Hang said.

"The old monk is apprehensive!" Burning the lamp said, "How can the old monk's light of fireflies contend with the **** revered Haoyue? The **** venerable is really looking at the old monk!"

"Less tout me!" Su Hang shook his head. "Hao Tian said you stole his seal of Heavenly Emperor. I came here this time just to ask, is there any such thing?"

Landeng heard the words and looked up at Haotian. He saw Haotian holding his arms and standing behind Su Hang. He was completely supported by an old man, and then he looked at your expression.

"God respects injustice!" Ran Deng quickly shook his head to deny, "Tiandi is a blood-spitting person, and the old monk is unjustly wronged. There is nowhere to complain. The Buddhas in this temple can testify with me. The old monk is definitely not a thief, nor Will do the theft."

The Buddhas in the temple nodded again and again, and several of them were ready to speak for the burning lamp.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "I also believe that the ancient Buddha burning lamp is a monk who won the Tao, and will not do such things. Just now Master Mita also said that if the ancient Buddha burning lamp is a person, even if he grabs it, he will not go. steal……"

When Landeng heard this, his forehead was covered with black lines. He could not help turning his head and glared at Mi Tuo. Is this intentionally damaging me?

"There may be some misunderstandings, maybe the ancient Buddha drank too much wine that day, and mistakenly put the seal of the seal in his pocket. I might as well look it up. If I find it, I will give it back to Haotian. I will take the lead today. This is how things are revealed." Su Hangdao.

This is a step for burning is a good-looking person. Naturally, burning lamps are no exception. Su Hang does not want to make this too big. Everyone can't hold their faces. Like the enemies of life and death, the Buddhist gates and local government are the most important to maintain stability in the region.

Haotian only stood beside him. Although he was angry, he did not dare to speak.

If you are a wise man, you should drop your donkey down at this time and pretend to look for a trouser pocket. It turns out that there was really too much wine here. I accidentally brought it back. Sorry, sorry, and then I don’t tear it. Shameless, little things become small, nothing becomes small.

However, the Lantern did not seem to buy it, and said immediately, "God respects the Mingjian, the old monk is guaranteed by his personality, he has not taken the seal of the heavenly emperor. The old monk has not been to heaven for thousands of years. At that time, Heavenly Court was still in the world of the earth, and what is the use of the old monk to take the seal of the emperor's seal that day? It is an injustice to be slandered today for no reason!"

Su Hang frowned, hearing his words sincerely, it didn't seem to be a fake. If it were done, the acting would be too good.

However, in Su Hang's impression, Buddhist monks seemed to have good acting skills, but they didn't believe him.

"You, bullshit!" Haotian couldn't help it. Why did he make a loud noise, and almost scolded at the burning lamp's nose, "Well, you burning lamp, I really admire your ability to talk nonsense with your eyes open, then When you come to my heavenly court, I am entertained with good wine and meat, but you can steal my emperor's seal, but at this moment I turned over and did not recognize..."

The burning lamp frowned. If Su Hang was not supporting Haotian, he was afraid that he would have slapped the burning lamp for a long time.

"Your Majesty Emperor, please be careful!" Ran Deng looked at Haotian with a cold face, and said, "Your Majesty Emperor, you said that I have been to Heavenly Court, what proof do you have?"

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