Super Study God

Chapter 1790: Heaven's mantle!

"They didn't say you, why do you want to be seated right?" Yin Yuer said next to him.

"You, you..." Gu Danfeng's trembling, really a good pair of dogs and men!

"Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you nonsense, surnamed Su, wait to see, see how you die tomorrow!" Gu Danfeng snorted and went straight away.

Just left? This psychological quality is too bad? Watching Gu Danfeng leave, Su Hang paused for a few seconds.

"I didn't really say him!" Su Hang looked at Yin Tianfeng innocently.

Yin Tianfeng glanced directly at his eyes, can you act more fake? That innocent look really made people want to beat him.

"Boy, you are crazy, I lived in such a great age in Yin Tianfeng, and he is also a figure in the heavens. If you dare not to give me face, you are still the first one. You really think that my second girl likes you, You can do whatever you want? I can't do anything with you?" Yin Tianfeng said with a black face.

"Dare!" Su Hang quickly shook his head and bowed his hands to bow, "How can seniors think so? The juniors have long respected the name of the seniors. See today, how dare they have a little disrespect?"

"Humph, don't dare to dare you!" Yin Tianfeng snorted coldly, but how did he feel so guilty when he said this?

"Boy, I can tell you, I haven't agreed to you and Yu'er. I've thought about my level. It's difficult!" The air died down, Yin Tianfeng said.

Su Hang heard this but didn't feel much. He seemed to be relieved. Originally, he was acting with Yin Yu'er. He naturally didn't care about it.

If you are satisfied with me, let the couple get married, catch the duck on the shelf, and cook the raw rice with rice.

Yin Yu'er stood next to him, seeming to be relieved.

He glanced at Su Hang, and Yin Tianfeng said, "Will tomorrow's battle want to lose or win?"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, never expecting Yin Tianfeng to ask this question suddenly.

Suddenly, Su Hang didn't understand Yin Tianfeng's intentions, and then said, "Returning to my predecessors, for me, winning or losing is not important. I just want to meet Lin Xuan. There are some things that are better discussed in person."

"Oh!" Yin Tianfeng chuckled and said, "I also probably know some of the cause and effect of you and Master Lin's nephew, so tell you, there must be a battle between the two of you, and this battle The result of this may even affect the future pattern of the entire celestial realm, so don’t make such an understatement in front of me. This time it’s just a battle that everyone knows, maybe it’s really not important for you, but, you To be clear, the two of you can't avoid that battle after all!"

Su Hang listened and looked at Yin Tianfeng with some surprise, "Senior, do you know the cause and effect between me and him? Can you solve me? What is the contradiction between me and Lin Xuan? Why will there be a battle after all, why? The predecessors said that the result of this war will affect the pattern of the entire heaven?"

Su Hang thought about it, but it seemed a little ridiculous. There is also a private contradiction with Lin Xuan. Why does a battle affect the future structure of Tianjie?

Is that heaven? Celestial Realm? What can he do, how can an ant shake the world of elephants?

Yin Yu'er was standing beside him, also confused, not knowing what her dad was talking about.

"Tomorrow's battle, we must win, and we must also win beautifully!" Yin Tianfeng avoided it.

"It's okay to win, but Senior, you first puzzle me!" Su Hangdao.

What is winning? Is it such an understatement? Do you think winning is a simple matter?

Yin Tianfeng said in his heart, "You should know Lin Xuan's identity. He is not only the owner of this Xuanhuang Realm, but also the grandson of the master teacher Cang Tianzhen, the master teacher Cangtian Zhenren, there are countless descendants under the knee, but only Lin Xuan is the most outstanding. The old patriarch always likes Xianyunyehe, and thinks that the matter of the Zongmen is completely cumbersome. Therefore, everyone thinks that Lin Xuan will be the heir of Dadao Zong. You know the heir of Daozong, how simple are these words? Weight?"

Of course there is weight. Although Su Hang does not understand the sky, he can think of it with his nose hair. That is definitely the strongest force in the sky, which controls the world and supreme existence.

"But what does this have to do with me?" Su Hang asked.

Yin Tianfeng was happy, "It doesn't matter? The relationship is bigger, because of your appearance, the position of Lin Xuan's original suzerain became a gambling game, do you say it does not matter?"

Su Hang heard his brows and said, "I'm just a native in the Xuanhuang Realm. How could it threaten his status? As for the Dao Patriarch Sect, I haven't thought about it, and I dare not even think about it!"

"You don't want to Naturally someone will help you think, didn't you want to know, what did Brother Zhu'er tell me before he left?" Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang, a mysterious look of God.

Su Hang looked at Yin Tianfeng and did not interrupt him, waiting for his following.

Yin Tianfeng said, "There is a person between you and Lin Xuan who can inherit the mantle of the master teacher Cangtian, and who the master teacher will ultimately choose depends on the performance of the two of you. The strong one is above the world, the weak one, ha ha ..."

"Ah?" Yin Yuer listened beside him, couldn't help covering her mouth, and looked at Su Hang next to her in surprise.

Inherit the mantle of real people? Isn't that right?

Su Hang was even more shocked at the same place. He hadn't been able to recover for a long time. "What? Inheriting the real mantle of the real world? Senior, are you wrong? What can I do? Why is it me?"

Yin Tianfeng glanced at Su Hang, "I also want to know what you are capable of, and I also want to know why you are. I can't answer this question for you. Ask your teacher Cang Tianren to go!"

When it comes to this, Yin Tianfeng is a little bit angry. Whatever the case, I am also a personal disciple. Why don't you consider me such a big thing? My point is worse than these two little butts?

Of course, Yin Tianfeng can only be sullied, but he dare not say it, "Anyway, between you and Lin Xuan, there is always a winner and loser. The trend is like this, and you cannot escape!"

Su Hang was unable to recover for a long time. What Yin Tianfeng told him really shocked him, and even subverted his cognition. In memory, he and the real person in the sky are only one side. Why did he choose him?

For this so-called mantle inheritance, there must be a battle between him and Lin Xuan? Have to draw the innocent beings of the whole Xuanhuang Realm to be buried together, does this make sense?

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