Super Study God

Chapter 1791: Qintai attends the meeting!

No matter whether Yin Tianfeng said it was true or not, Su Hangdao said, "Senior, if this is the case, I think I can withdraw from this battle. I am not interested in the inheritance of the Sovereign of the Heavenly Sect, I just want to be a common one. Monk, so I confess directly!"

"Hahaha!" Yin Tianfeng listened, and couldn't help laughing. "Shouldn't this say to me, do you think you can do it without fighting? You don't fight, others will fight. With the character of my teacher-nephew, certainly not Because you did not dispute and let you go, he wanted to defeat you in an upright manner, even if you want to inherit the mantle of the master, you must also be upright, he will not accept your alms!"

"Alms?" Su Hang didn't understand. "How can this be alms?"

Why don’t I fight? Wouldn't it just give you the opportunity?

Yin Tianfeng smiled, "No matter what, you have to fight, this is not only about yourself, but also about the honor of my Yin family, you can't argue!"

"What does this have to do with your Yin family?" Su Hang said helplessly, did Nima's pull too far?

"Yu'er is marrying you, you are my son-in-law of the Yin family, do you think it's okay?" Yin Tianfeng's eyes glared.

"Who said Yu'er is going to marry me? How can I be your son-in-law of the Yin family?" Su Hang couldn't help crying. When it came to this, Su Hang was still in the mood to accompany Yin Yu'er to act. I don’t want to marry the old surname, so I came to my top tank. Yuer and I are just ordinary friends!"

Yin Yu'er was next to him, still amazed by the news he had just heard. Suhang hadn't recovered, and Suhang had already pierced the matter. When she reacted, she couldn't get it back.

God, this guy, really want to kill me? Yin Yuer was anxious and just about to explain. At this time, Yin Tianfeng took a deep look at Su Hang, "Boy, your acting is really good!"

"Hmm?" Su Hang looked at Yin Tianfeng in amazement.

Yin Yu'er is also anxious and inexplicable, dad wouldn't believe it, would you like to explain it? Will the consequences be serious?

While Yin Yu'er was in a state of confusion, Yin Tianfeng said, "Boy, don't think that you can eat mad and sell silly, you can eat and wipe the net, and you can't admit it. With your three words, it's like clearing the relationship with my two girls? Believe it or not, I interrupted your three legs ?"

Su Hang felt a cold in his crotch. What's so special about it? Are you acting now? I really have nothing to do with your daughter.

Su Hang wanted to explain, but when he looked at Yin Tianfeng's eyes, he instantly recalled it. With Yin Tianfeng's realm and eyesight, how could he not see when he was acting and when he was real?

He clearly already knew the inside story, now he is just pretending to be crazy and selling silly, and pretending to be ignorant?

Su Hang glanced at Yin Yu'er next to her, saying, "Is it so popular?" It was your brother first, and now your father again. This is a changeable way of trying to put me and you together.

At this moment, Suhang has a feeling of being given routines by this family.

Yin Yu'er was standing beside her, and she was also stunned. She never thought her dad would say this.

Can't help, Yin Yuer felt very lucky, naively thought that his father did not see that they were acting.

There is an old saying that you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Su Hang knows that he will explain it anyway. Yin Tianfeng will definitely pretend to be crazy and stupid. While holding the old man’s shelf, he desperately sends Su Hang and his daughter to Together, the more explanation, the more counterproductive it may be, it will be meaningless.

This time, it was really special. Su Hang couldn't help crying.

"Relax, kid, there will be me in tomorrow's battle, than I won't let you lose." Yin Tianfeng said.

"do not."

Su Hang hurriedly said, "Since it is my bet with him, I will naturally not let other people intervene. In this battle, under my door, even if I lose, I have to lose decently. If I win, I have to win.

"It's a bit of a guts." Yin Tianfeng shook his head. "Unfortunately, your guts are not worth much, let's just wait and see tomorrow."

After speaking, Yin Tianfeng got up and took Yin Yuer away.

Su Hang stood in the hall, unable to calm down for a long time. The grievance between himself and Lin Xuan actually involved so much?

But why?

At this point, Su Hang couldn't understand it at all. He and Dadao Sect Master had only one side of the relationship. Moreover, before that, he and Lin Xuan's grievances had already been settled. What exactly did Dao Sect Master Cang Tianzhen really like?

Su Hang couldn't help but think of it. Later generations, the Wanjie Conference, Mrs. Yin Chen Chen signed herself up, saying that above the Wanjie Conference, who can stand out from the crowd and take the lead, who is the new Dao Patriarch.

What is the connection between them? What does Yin Tianfeng say about inheriting the mantle of the real people from the heavens, is this the Ten Thousand World Conference?

However, there are so many masters of the world in the world Why do you say that the inheritors are only among themselves and Lin Xuan, do you regard other heroes as nothing?

There are too many questions entangled in Su Hang's heart. These questions may only be answered by the real person who is above him?

Su Hang seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes became a little distracted.


The next day, the seven-day deadline has come. Su Hang has long waited. As soon as early in the morning, he took Yao Meng and other second-generation disciples, together with his father and daughter Yin, Fu Yaozi and others, to the front of Qintai Mountain.

Qintai Mountain is still the same Qintai Mountain. It seems that it has not changed at all after ten million years. That piece of Qintai stone is still erected on the top of the mountain. Everyone injects skills into it, and the Qintai stone will play a magical sound. Music.

I thought about it tens of millions of years ago, it was on this Qintai Mountain that Su Hang ordered the world to complete the unification of the human race and set the crown for the world. It was also on this Qintai Mountain that Hongjun gave a sermon to preach and spread the law.

Time has passed so quickly, the victory scene of the year is no longer there. Most of those people have turned into dead bones. The old guys, including the old five families, may have been reincarnated for many years, right?

Even Elder Wasp has fallen in the battle between gods and demons more than ten million years ago. Nowadays, there are almost no old faces in the five races.

When he came back this time, Su Hang didn’t even see Xue Qi and Hong Yun. He heard Jumang say that the two of them left Tiandu after the last war between the gods and demons, and Sifang Yunyou went there. No one knew they went. Wherever it may be, it may be the traces of the world, and maybe it may have found a place to live in seclusion, and went to be a fairy lover.

Every time I think of this, Su Hang is inexplicably sentimental. What is so special about time is a pig-killing knife that kills Laozi.

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