Super Study God

Chapter 1792: Lin Xuan is here!

The mountains and rivers are still there, and people still have difficulties. Every time we travel between time and space, Suhang will have an inexplicable feeling. The familiar people will leave one by one. It will be difficult to meet each other in the future. This feeling really makes people collapse.

On the top of Qintai Mountain, the ring has already been set up. The seats around the circle, all the disciples were seated, Su Hang and Yin Tianfeng and others sat down in the position, and several people bowed their heads to talk about something.

In addition to Pangu's veins, the entire Archaic Divine Land, many hermits also heard the news, all of a sudden, gathered on the top of Qintai Mountain, there are many people who witnessed the event together.

Su Hang also wanted to see Xue Qi, Hong Yun, Wang Zuo and others, but unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, they didn't see them appearing, they couldn't help feeling emotion, but they didn't know them...

"Master, they are here!" Di Jiang said next to Su Hang, suddenly said.

The people looked up and saw a cloud of white suddenly appearing in the void, and then came, and Xu Yi reached the front of Qintai Mountain.

Slowly falling, the clouds disappeared, and a figure appeared, as the first three people, Lin Qiulin Yu left and right, the rear are all demons, and in the middle of Lin Qiulin Yu, it was the figure that made Su Hang think for a long time. .

Lin Xuan, you really came!

Seeing Lin Xuan, Su Hang's eyes tightened slightly. Although there are countless avatars on the avenue, Su Hang cannot determine whether the person in front of him is an avatar or a deity, but at least he is here!

The demon gods on the mountain, seeing this group of people appeared, all straightened their backbones, clearly a little afraid, and they were all in a posture to avoid.

At this time, Lin Xuan gently raised his hand, next to Lin Qiu and Lin Yu, immediately respectfully led the disciples of the demons back to the ring, found the seat of the demons and sat down, one by one. The color-changing demon head is now well behaved, which makes people wonder.

Lin Xuan was walking alone towards Su Hang. Everyone who passed by looked at him sideways, and no one dared to stare at him.

This imposing attitude is really invincible! Is this the ancestor of Taihuang Mountain? That legendary horror existed with Pangu God?

It seems so young, it seems a bit younger than the Pangu Great God, but the existence of this door has brought a lot of catastrophe to the entire mainland of China.

Some people in the audience felt very regretful. It seems that they should not come here today to join in the excitement. What conflicts have happened in a while, and these people have not been affected by the pond fish?

However, if you can see that level of battle, it seems to be worth it!

Amidst the anxiety and expectation of everyone, Lin Xuan walked slowly to Su Hang. He stood and stared at Su Hang for a moment. Then he arched his hand at Su Hang and smiled, "Long time no see, brother. Come unharmed?"

With a smiley face, Su Hang didn't know what kind of mood he was in his heart at this time. This kid, who was called Brother Su at the back of himself, has now become a avenue Lin Xuan, and inexplicably changed his identity. Became the grandson of a real person.

Looking at Lin Xuan now, Su Hang didn't know how to call him. Was he still Lin Xiaoxuan? This brother, but sincerely?

For a long time, Su Hang nodded slightly, "I thought you wouldn't come!"

Lin Xuan smiled, "How can we not come to such an event? And, if Uncle Yin is here, how can I not come to see you?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan turned to Yin Tianfeng, who looked at it and bowed to him. "Disciple Lin Xuan, see Uncle Yin, who is visiting Master, how can he not inform the disciple first? Let the disciples have good hospitality!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words, but he made a full frame, raised his hand and gently swayed, said, "Teacher and nephew are more courtesy, I came here in low-key, don't engage in those vain ceremonies, since it's here, sit next!"

Lin Xuan nodded, but sat down on the right side of Yin Tianfeng. He left and right with Su Hang. He seemed to have avoided him intentionally. Su Hang wanted to sit down and talk.

Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang next to him, "It's not too early, let's get started!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, waved his sleeves directly, sacrificed his battle space, and between Xu Yu, the entire battle space was perfectly integrated with Qintai Mountain space, including the entire Qintai Mountain. The sign disappeared, leaving nothing in place.

The people on the mountain did not change the surrounding scenes, but they felt that there was a layer of invisible things outside the mountain, and the ring in front was covered by a transparent cover. The hidden energy flowed, although it could be seen Clear everything in it, but it seems to be separated by a world.

The battle of masters, especially the battle of masters in the heavenly realm, is absolutely destroying the world. If you don't use some means, where can Xiaoxiaoqintai Mountain stand the devastation?

"How do you want to compare?" At this time, Lin Xuan said.

The tone is faint, and it seems to have a sense of And it seems that it is the same as Su Hang, and it does not value the victory or defeat of this competition.

"What do you think?" Su Hang asked back.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I heard that my elder brother borrowed the Sundae monument from my grandfather a few days ago. Presumably, your disciples have made great progress, but I wonder if you want to send those two to play?"

At this time, Yao Meng and Yao Yue stood up and walked to the stage to pay their respects to Lin Xuan. Yao Meng said, "See Uncle Lin, in today's battle, the disciple and the sister will fight the two brothers and sisters!"

Lin Xuan heard the words and turned to look at Su Hang. "Brother is really a good apprentice. This man is very talented and female, but it is much better than the crooked melons under my door!"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Let you see the joke. My two disciples, both of whom are still junior, are far worse than those of your disciples in terms of skill cultivation!"

Su Hang said that there was something in it. My disciple was a disciple who was not yours last time. However, in terms of character, your disciple in Taihuangshan, however, failed to beat the horse.

Where Lin Xuan could not hear what Su Hang wanted to say, these years, under the door of his Taihuang Mountain, but tormented the sentient beings in the Xuanhuang Realm.

"It's my younger brother, I'm not disciplined enough, I'm too conniving at the door, and I will strictly discipline it in the future so that they won't cause trouble again!" Lin Xuan just smiled.

Hearing these words in the ears of Su Hang, I just felt perfunctory and quite perfunctory, and I was not convinced at all.

"However!" Lin Xuan said sharply, "Since they are already under the command of the elder brother, there is an elder brother who cleans the portal for me. Should the anger in the elder brother's heart disappear?"

This is even more of a saying. It is to blame Su Hang for destroying his doormen. Su Hang appeared several times, but he killed many of the high-ranking students in Taihuangshan. Soviet Air Force.

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