Super Study God

Chapter 1793: Try Heart Stone!

"Okay, you two don't whisper here. You can't fight this frame. If you want to fight, hurry up and let your disciples play." Yin Tianfeng interrupted impatiently next to him, he came to watch martial arts. The film is not based on Su Hang and Lin Xuan making romantic films here.

The two of them said no more, Lin Xuan said, "It's just too boring than fists and feet. It's too boring. If my brother doesn't object, I will decide this first game?"

Su Hang heard that, frowning gently, but then spread out, "As you wish, but if you ask for it, there will be no casualties!"

Lin Xuan nodded, "This is natural, I certainly dare not hurt my brother's baby apprentice! Brother and choose disciples to play!"

At this time, Yao Meng took a step forward, "Master, this first battle, disciples come first!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, not knowing what Lin Xuan wanted to play, but since Lin Xuan had a question, there was absolutely no reason for him to win.

"Be careful, don't force it!" Su Hang reminded.

"Yes!" Yao Meng responded, and went to the ring.

"Master, then let me come and talk to Brother Yao for a while!" A voice came from the Mozu camp, it was Fengmo Linqiu!

Lin Xuan only slightly nodded his answer, and saw Lin Qiuhua turned into a breeze, instantly appearing on the ring.

Lin Xuan turned to Su Hangdao, "Brother has a word first. If he loses today, will he stop intervening in this world?"

Su Hang nodded, "If you lose, you mustn't make the door people chaotic!"

Lin Xuan shook his head, "Brother's words are so bad, I am the leader of this world, and there is no reason for chaos in the world, this battle, if my door is lucky to win the next trick of the brother's door, there are not many younger brothers. I beg, my elder brother wants to intervene in this world. I don’t care, just promise me a request."

"Huh?" Su Hang looked sideways and looked at Lin Xuan in amazement. "Ask? You are the Lord of the whole world, standing high, what can I satisfy you?"

"Brother's words are bad. Only the elder brother can give me what I ask for." Lin Xuan said.

"Oh?" Su Hang heard, with a look of surprise on his face, "What do you want, tell me?"

Dangxuan Xuanhuang Realm Lord, what can't get, but actually ask for themselves? Su Hang is quite curious about what he wants.

"Talk about it, tell a fart." At this time, Yin Tianfeng couldn't hear it anymore, and he cursed directly, "Can you finish the game before you talk, and you can't stop talking, there's no end to it."

Yin Tianfeng is an extremely impatient person, where can I still listen? He came here today, but he had a purpose.

Both of them spoke up, and Yin Tianfeng spoke, but they couldn't say anything.

"Uncle Yin is here today. If they are better than fists and feet, I am afraid that both of my disciples will be defeated." Lin Xuan said a few words.

Yin Tianfeng shook his face slightly, and of course he could hear that Lin Xuan was extremely clever and surely knew that he wanted to do something in the contest.

Indeed, he was really deliberate. After a while, he secretly used his hands and feet in the contest to help the two disciples of Suhang win. In this way, it was also for his parents. He had his own overall plan. Air must win.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan will directly break the road, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Isn't it better than fists and feet?" Yin Tianfeng snorted. "Don't you say, are you going to make a question in this round? Say, let them compare?"

Lin Xuan smiled and looked over the ring. Yao Meng and Lin Qiuyi stood on the left and right, waiting for him to ask a question.

"My apprentice, who is good at wind control, is now cultivated. The ordinary realm of heaven is no longer his rival. Is this brother a disciple? To be honest, it is still far away. The brother said that I am bullying the small, let's change it. Compared with the law, I don't use force to win or lose. I have a heart-testing stone in my hand, but I can try a monk to Daoxin. Who can stick to the end and be the winner, what do your brothers think?" Lin Xuan said.

"Test heart stone?"

Su Hang looked at Lin Xuan, but he saw a piece of diamond-like stone appearing in Lin Xuan's hands, with the size of his fist and brilliance.

"This stone is within the sect gate, used to test the heart of the disciples of the entry, but, you use this thing to deal with the two Heavenly Taoist monks, you might be a little laughed?" Yin Tianfeng frowned gently. , I don't understand what mysterious Lin Xuan is doing.

Yin Tianfeng knew this stone, it was just an ordinary heart-testing stone. Not to mention Daozongzong, even other forces in the heaven realm also have this thing. It can be said that this thing is very common, it is not a rare thing, just for testing. The Dao heart and soul of the introductory disciples is only rooted.

But obviously, since Lin Xuan took this stone out, this stone must not be so simple, and it must have been so greasy.

Lin Xuan only looked at Su Hang. Although Su Hang knew that there was something stupid in it, the other party had already made a move and he couldn't help it.

Slightly nodded his head and agreed. Suhang also wanted to know what Lin Xuan wanted to play.

Lin Xuan smiled and threw the stone in his hand directly over the ring.


The test stone grew up in an crashed in the middle of the ring, and the ring shook with shaking. Both Yao Meng and Lin Qiu took a few steps back at the same time, which was evasive.

"You two sit in front of Shi Shi, whoever can sit to the end, whoever is the winner." Lin Xuanlang said with a voice.


Not only Yao Meng and Lin Qiu, but everyone else at the scene was stunned and a little bit unable to react. They thought they were going to fight fiercely, but they didn't want to be as simple as this, just sit still.

Some people are even crying and laughing. If Nima is also called a test, then I can play. It is not a problem to meditate, let me sit for ten years and a hundred years. Compared to this thing, when is that compared?

Can't help it, is there any greasiness in the stone?

Everyone looked at the stage and focused their eyes on the stone, all with a bit of doubt and curiosity, but unfortunately, there was a layer of shield blocking them, they could only see, but could not feel the stone Strange.

Above the ring.

Yao Meng and Lin Qiu glanced at each other, then the two arched their hands to each other, and when they saw a ceremony, they did not dare to be vague, and sat down cross-legged in front of the stone.

Each sighed in relief, closed his eyes and settled.

Yao Meng's disturbed heart quickly settled down. If you let yourself compete with the wind devil Lin Qiu, although you have inherited the Holy Word Stele and your strength is considered to be a big advance, your win rate may only be at most 20%.

But if you just meditate, then you can't be sure. Although you are not as good as Brother Jiang and other brothers in practicing mentality, it is definitely more than enough for this wind demon.

In the past practice, one sitting is a hundred years and a thousand years. In this respect, the cultivator must definitely surpass the demon cultivator. This uncle, would he deliberately release water? Actually there will be such a problem.

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