Super Study God

Chapter 1796: Magic heart!

The Black Tiger King seems to be really terrified. This young man is so terrifying. Is this still a human? He even killed himself.

Looking at the corpses covered in the ground, the Black Tiger King thought he was a murderous man, but he had never seen such a scene.

Just now Lin Qiu was kneeling on the ground to call his grandfather, but in this short moment, it was reversed, not only the black tiger king, but even the group of younger brothers behind him all kneel on the ground, saying grandpa, facing Lin Qiu begs for mercy.

Just because of the strength Lin Xuan had just exhibited, he killed so many people in an instant, and the Black Tiger King recognized himself as not an opponent. If he put his hands together, he would be afraid of being killed in minutes.

One by one are all greedy for life and death, dare not to ask for mercy? Faced with such a killing god, without asking for mercy, I am afraid that my life will be gone.

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha..."

Lin Qiu suddenly laughed wildly in the sky, laughing so wildly and happily.

"Is the heart demon? Don't you know, is my Lin Qiu the demon ancestor? Are all the heart demon daring to be presumptuous in front of me?"

Lin Qiu shouted, directly pointed at the sky, countless wind blades flew out again, and instantly twisted the group of demon people together with the space into a crush.


Such scenes were all present in front of the audience of Qintai Mountain. Lin Qiu was so fierce that the six relatives did not recognize it, and everyone couldn't help but be afraid.

Although it was all delusions and false illusions, how cruel was it to start your own loved ones?

At this time, Lin Qiu also woke up from the illusion, glanced over, and everyone avoided it. It was a fierce god.

"Your disciple is also good." Su Hang said.

The spirit repairer's mind is very low, but Lin Qiu can defeat the heart demons in this way. Strictly speaking, this can also be regarded as a method of breaking the road by force, but only by taking part. .

Breaking the magic road with the magic path, breaking the heart with the powerful path, such a way? Su Hang turned to look at Lin Xuan, afraid that Lin Xuan taught.

If it really came prepared, Su Hang said that Lin Xuan decided not to deliberately waterproof, there must be something wrong.

For the existence of a demon in the devil, what use can the heart demon have? The heart demon is nothing but chaos, causing people to fall into the devil's path, and this one exists, but the ancestor of the devil.

"My elder brother has passed the reputation, and looking at the situation, my apprentice is afraid that he has lost a while." Lin Xuan said.

Su Hang shook his head. "It's not the end, the outcome is unknown."

After a pause, Su Hangdao said, "If there is any means for the younger brother, just let it out, so as not to waste time, it is not good for you and me."

Explain in advance, who can sit in the end in front of the test heart stone, who is the winner, Su Hang believes that the test heart stone is definitely not so simple, Lin Xuan is definitely still preparing for the next move.

However, with regard to Yaomeng, Su Hang is very confident. After all, although Yaomeng’s skills are not as deep as Lin Qiu’s skills, Su Hang believes that Yaomeng’s spiritual cultivation is definitely much more than Lin Qiu’s.

As long as Lin Xuan does not swindle, he should definitely win, but will Lin Xuan swindle? Su Hang is really not sure about him.

"Where did the elder brother say, and how dare the younger brother play in front of his elder brother?" Lin Xuan smiled, not acknowledging.

"This heart-testing stone can affect the soul of the monk of Heavenly Dao Realm. I am afraid it is not as simple as the ordinary heart-testing stone?" Yin Tianfeng said.

"Hehe." At this time, Lin Xuan said with a smile, "Uncle Shi is really wise. This heart test stone is indeed different from the ordinary heart test stone. This heart test stone was salvaged from the karma pool in my palace. Come up, this stone is soaked in the karma pool, and its ability is changed. It is really different from the ordinary test heart stone."


Su Hang and others listened, and they were all stunned, and they looked at the ring.

A test stone soaked in the karma pool? What is special?

Lin Xuan seemed to know Su Hang’s doubts, and smiled and said, “The heart-testing stone tests the Daoxin, and the heart-testing stone soaked in karma, but the magic heart.”

"Magic heart?"

Su Hang's pupils shrunk, and he felt awkward. Does this stone have such an effect?

Yao Meng was originally a cultivator of Taoism. He would never lose others if he was a Taoist heart, but how could this Devil's Heart compare to Lin Qiu's existence?

This is like comparing a Chinese with a Latino. It should have been better than the Chinese language. Chinese people must have a big advantage, but now you tell me that they are compared with Latin American. How does this Nima compare?

This Lin Xuan really has a backhand, and this backhand is really unpredictable.

Su Hang looked at Yao Meng on the field and was a little worried in his eyes. He was not afraid of Yao Meng losing. There was nothing to lose. Moreover, Lin Xuan said that this scene was when he was more demon-conscious. It is very clear that Yao Meng has lost.

Of course, if Yaomeng continues to compare, it is not impossible to win, but if you want to win, you have to be stronger than the heart of the devil, and stronger than the heart of Tao, and stronger than Lin Qiu.

Stronger than Lin Qiu? That means encroaching on And, that troll who didn't lose to Lin Qiu.

If Yao Meng wins this game, another troll is born. Basically, from the beginning, when Lin Xuan came out with this question, he already won.

This question has no solution at all. Unless Su Hang abandons the apprentice of Yao Meng and is willing to let him fall into devil, otherwise, wanting to win is just a joke.

"In this game, we admit defeat."

At this time, Su Hang suddenly spoke.

The voice came out abruptly and shocked all four. Everyone was stunned, including Yao Meng who was preparing to continue to compete with Lin Qiu on the ring.

Everyone turned back and looked at Suhang.

What did the ancestors say? Confess? Why admit defeat? This competition has just begun, and this one is quite good. The East Prince is easy to handle.

"Master?" Yao Meng looked suspiciously at Su Hang, thinking he had heard it wrong, but apparently looking at everyone's expressions, it was obviously more than him.

Su Hang sighed and said, "Meng'er, we admit defeat this time, we don't have to compare anymore, come back."

"But, Master?" Yao said violently, very reluctantly, because he could win, why should he admit defeat?

"The reason, I will talk about it later." Su Hang said directly.

Yao Meng struggled for a long time. Although he was very unwilling in his heart, the master had orders and had to be respected.

At the moment, Yao stood up sharply and bowed to Lin Qiu as a gift, "Brother Brother is supernatural, the younger brother is ashamed and willing to admit defeat."

Lin Qiu heard that a smile appeared on his face, and also got up and returned with a salute, "Brother Yao, let me."

Yao fiercely smiled, turned back to the ring, and returned to Suhang. This first scene came to an end, and it ended in such a way that attracted everyone on the mountain to sigh.

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