Super Study God

Chapter 1797: Asked the stele!

"Brother loves the disciples, it's admirable, and I'm so sorry for my little brother." At this time, Lin Xuan said.

Su Hang shook his head, "According to his own ability, what's wrong with it?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Then in this second game, it's up to you, brother."

Su Hang looked at Yaoyue, and then faced Lin Xuandao, "I have lost a while, even if this second game is won, it is at most tied, I think, this second game is meaningless."

"Hehe." Lin Xuan smiled and said, "If the elder brother wins, I will have another disciple, and one more match. There are many disciples under the elder brother's door, and there are many disciples under my Taihuangshan gate."

"Not at all."

Su Hang nodded his head and looked at Yaoyue and Lin Yu. The two women had already been on the ring. They could not wait to compete.

In the last game, Lin Xuan had a lore problem, which made Suhang have to choose to concede defeat. In this game, it seems that it would be a bit of a brain for Suhang to have a question.

Compared with the force, Yaoyue Bacheng is not Lin Yu's opponent. Lin Yu is known as the water demon ancestor, and he should have the strength of the eight grades of Heavenly Daojing, but Yaoyue only has the fourth grade of Heavenly Daojing. Rules can make up a big gap, but it is not easy to win.

Moreover, if Su Hang can borrow the Taoist monument, can't Lin Xuan? As can be seen from the test heart stone, Lin Xuan also spent a lot of thought for this competition.

If you want to win this question, you have to kill it like Lin Xuan.

At the moment, Su Hang closed his eyes and called up the Xueshen system.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Su Hang. Everyone was waiting for a question. How did this ancestor close his eyes?

Even Yin Tianfeng was a little stunned at the moment. The two boys didn't really know what plane to engage in. They thought they could see a **** fight, but they didn't want to be so boring, so boring.

But at this time, Su Hang's mouth suddenly curved a little arc, and next to Lin Xuan saw it, his brow furrowed lightly, could it be that this elder brother also had a winning ticket?

At this time, Su Hang opened his eyes, and his eyebrows were already full of confidence.

Looking around, Su Hang said to Lin Xuan Road, "Since the last match was a retreat, then let's compare and hear it?"

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, then relieved, "It's all up to the elder brother."

Biwen said? Is it possible that you are going to open an altar on this mountain and preach? Lin Xuan believed that he still knew Su Hang very well. He practiced the method of breaking the Dao by force. Where can he understand the Dao Fang of the enlightened Taoist under Hongjun? Let Su Hang open the forum and preach, it was a joke.

However, at this time, Su Hang's right hand turned over, learning Lin Xuan's appearance, and a small stone tablet appeared in his palm.

When everyone was puzzled, Su Hangdao said, "This is the question of the Taoist monument. Although it can’t be compared with the Holy Taoist monument, it contains the true meaning of thousands of avenues, and there are no rules of Taoism and magical powers. However, there are endless Taoist machines. , Don’t talk about magical powers, just talk about reason."

After finishing the talk, Su Hang directly said that the stone tablet was thrown out. The stone tablet rotated in the air for a while, and it became bigger and fell with a loud bang, and landed steadily in the ring stadium.

"You two, whoever can sit to the end, whoever is the winner." Su Hangdao.

These words seem to repeat Lin Xuan's words just now, and everyone has a sense of time that has turned back in time.

If it weren’t for the test heart stone instead of the questioning stone, everyone probably thought it was another copy competition.

It was the same in the last game. Pangu's self-confessed defeat. In this game, it was still like this. Is it possible to change the individual and change the stele?

Yaoyue bowed to Lin Yu for a while, and then sat down in the seat where Yao Meng had previously sat. Although the last game was lost, this one was caused by the Master. She was not afraid, and also Not upset.

On the contrary, Lin Yu was a little bit upset because she saw the change in the expression of her master Lin Xuan's face. Obviously, this time Master's question was not easy to solve.

Just listening to the name of the stele, and asking the stele, Lin Yu already felt bad.

With a bit of anxiety, Lin Yu also sat down cross-legged in the seat where Lin Qiu had sat before.

Looking up at the stele in front of it, it is as smooth as a mirror, and there is nothing special about it. Can this stele automatically preach?

If this is the case, you only need to close the six senses and do not listen to the lectures. Naturally, you can resist the past, which is not a problem.

But this teacher, will there be such a question? The existence of that level is definitely not understandable to younger generations like yourself.

With anxiety, Lin Yu also closed his eyes and closed his mind. For the sake of safety, he directly closed the six consciousnesses, and all the minds were retracted into the sea of ​​consciousness. In this way, regardless of the wind and grass outside, the landslides, and even the destruction of the world , Can't affect yourself.

"Yu Xiulian's endless years, from a little stubborn stone, has been cultivated to now But there are still many puzzles in the way, and now I am lucky to have someone who is destined, I hope to release my confusion..."

Suddenly, Lin Yu felt an old voice that exploded directly in the sea of ​​her consciousness.


Lin Yu was shocked, but here is his own consciousness, he closed all six consciousnesses, how could he be broken into.

At this time, Lin Yu was shocked to find that in her consciousness, a little old man with white hair and white hair was lying on his side, pillowed on a blanket, and did not wake up.

"Who are you?" Lin Yu suddenly turned black. How did this man break into her sea of ​​consciousness? She didn't even notice it.

The little old man yawned, sat up, floated in the air, looked at Lin Yu below, "Hey, don't be nervous, I just asked the monument!"

"Are you asking about the stele?" Lin Yu froze in heart, and inexplicably felt a little frightened.

"Yeah." The old man nodded. "However, I prefer others to call me a fairy. In my life, I have been confused from a stubborn stone, and I have been confused. I really don't know why?"

Lin Yu swallowed and immediately turned black, "I don't care who you are, I broke into my consciousness, **** it."

Lin Yu snorted coldly, gently lifted his right hand, instantly summoned countless water swords, and killed towards the little old man.

The momentum is quite strong, and there is a tendency to destroy the world.

However, when those water swords were killed in front of the little old man, the little old man just lifted his eyelids and opened a mouth, even sucking the countless water swords directly into it.


When he was done, he burped and looked up at Lin Yu, "Little girl, it's impolite!"

After speaking, a spit of water spit out and turned into a water rope, instantly binding Lin Yu's consciousness.

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