Super Study God

Chapter 1798: Confused fairy!

Lin Yu struggled violently, but he was shocked to find that he couldn't move at all.

In my own sea of ​​consciousness, I am actually bound, what kind of ability is this?

Lin Yu looked at the little old man who claimed to be a confused fairy in front of him in horror, but he was a real deity.

"Don't do unnecessary struggles, little girl, as long as you obediently answer my questions, I will naturally let you go." The old man said.

Lin Yu stopped struggling and looked up at the tall old man, "Answer questions?"

"The old man's name is the confused fairy. This life has been confused. There are many puzzles on the way of cultivation. Can the girl help me to solve my doubts?" said Lao Yan, a humbly looking for advice.

Lin Yu didn't dare to say no, but hesitated and said, "If it's not too difficult, you can."

Khan, when he said this, Lin Yu felt shame all by himself. Fortunately, he was in the sea of ​​his own consciousness. Otherwise, if he was heard, wouldn’t he laugh?

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, and you can stop at any time." The old man shook his head quickly, as if afraid of Lin Yu's repentance.

"Then, then ask." Lin Yu said anxiously.

It turned out that it was such a thing. It was not you who asked him, but he asked you, and he really asked the monument.

As soon as the picture changed, Lin Yu found out that there was one more person beside him and turned his head to look at it, but it was Yaoyue.

Yaoyue was also stunned at this time. The old man also appeared in her consciousness. When she agreed to the old man's request, Lin Yu suddenly appeared beside her.

Obviously, her and Lin Yu's consciousness was merged. This old man has such terrifying power?

Is this going to call them together for an exam together?

The old man was very happy, and after getting upright, he straightened his body straight, facing the second female, "Two girls, may I ask, what is the Tao?"

"Aha?" Lin Yu froze for a moment, what is it?

Do you ask such steep questions as soon as you come up? Lin Yu is totally ignorant. She is a demon repairer. Where do you know what Tao is? She is not good at these enlightened things?

Is such a difficult question simple?

Turning his face to look at Yaoyue, Yaoyue looked like a man with confidence, and said, "If I go back to my predecessor, I will be."

Are you the way? Lin Yu heard the words and was amazed. Looking at Yaoyue, was this sentence too crazy?

Such a simple answer? Is it too perfunctory? Lin Yu already had a sense of anticipation to watch Yaoyue's jokes.

"Well." At this time, the confused fairy twisted his beard and said, "I am both the Tao and the Tao is me, and the practice is the self-cultivation. It's not bad, the girl said well, and I am puzzled. This award."

A look of sudden enlightenment, the confused right hand gently pointed to Yaoyue's right hand, and a breath of breath penetrated directly into Yaoyue's forehead.

It was only an instant that Yaoyue felt that her cultivation practice had skyrocketed, and she inadvertently rose from the fourth grade of heavenly realm to the fifth grade of heavenly realm.

"Ah?" Yaoyue couldn't help but be surprised and happy. This was simply amazing. I just answered a question and got such a benefit?

To directly promote a realm, this is the realm of heaven, not a small realm, but only a realm of realm, which can be tens of millions of years of hard work.

One question, was it improved? Yaoyue feels like she is dreaming, no, should this be just dreaming?

Beside, Lin Yu was dumbfounded. Is this okay? What does this one exist in front of me? Actually arrogant.

At this scene, everyone on Qintai Mountain, through the projection of Yin Tianfeng's magical power, could really see it, all with a shocked expression.

Lin Xuan frowned, turned to look at Su Hang, how could he have such a god?

The picture turned back to the sea of ​​consciousness of the second woman. The confused fairy listened to Yao Yue's answer and was very satisfied. After a while, she turned to Lin Yu again, "Little girl, what do you think?"

"Ah?" Lin Yu recovered, and he was stunned for a while.

The confused immortal was not impatient. He said directly, "What do you think is Tao?"

"What is the Tao?" Lin Yu's eyes rolled, wasn't this the same problem? Still ask?

Thinking of Yao Yue's answer in exchange for upgrading the first-grade realm, Lin Yu secretly thought, if he also got it right, wouldn't it also be able to promote a realm.

You should know that you are already the eighth grade of Heavenly Dao Realm. If you raise one realm again, it will be the quality of Heavenly Dao Realm. If you work harder and answer a few more questions, don’t you want to go directly to Dadao Realm?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu is inexplicably excited and looking forward. The most important thing is that this question, the confused fairy has just asked, and Yao Yue also gave the correct answer in front of her.

That is to say, the answer is already in front of her. As long as she repeats it, the reward for the confused fairy is at your fingertips. This operation is too simple.

This confused fairy, UU reading www.uukanshu. Is com really confused? The question I just asked was forgotten in a blink of an eye.

At the moment, Lin Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, learning Yaoyue's words, and said loudly, "If I go back to my predecessors, I am the Tao."

In front of Yaoyue, stealing Yaoyue's answer. What is the difference between this and plagiarism? If you change someone else, you will just feel ashamed?

It is conceivable that the expressions of those people on Qintai Mountain at this moment are also imaginable to her master Lin Xuan. At this time, I am afraid I would like to find a ground seam to get in.

However, Lin Yu doesn't think so. I copy by my own ability, what's so embarrassing.

If you can get another level of skill, what a shame? It is worth even being humiliated.

Excited and looking forward, Lin Yu looked up at the confused fairy, which was simply to put the answer in front of her and let her copy it.

However, what surprised Lin Yu was that the face of the confused fairy suddenly turned black.

"Why is this expression? Did you say you didn't answer it right? There is no reason, just what Yaoyue said just now?"

Lin Yu was quite stunned and wondered why the confused fairy had such an expression. It felt a little uncomfortable.

"Wrong answer, fine."

At this time, the confused fairy's face was black, and he pointed his right hand directly to Lin Yu, and another breath flew out into Lin Yu's body.

Lin Yu’s spirit was bound, unable to move at all, and he could not hide even if he wanted to hide. In a moment, he was horrified to find that his realm was actually falling down.

Originally, the realm of the Eighth Grade of Heavenly Dao Realm fell to the Seventh Grade because of this confused fairy word.

This this……

There was a feeling of powerlessness all over him, Lin Yu was ashamed.

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