Super Study God

Chapter 1805: 1 Sword Dangmo!

"Huh?" Lin Mo looked black, and looked at Shou Shou seriously. "Sure enough, then please Sister Shou, let's move the real one. Good teacher younger brother, let's see what chance the uncle gave you!"

"I have learned tens of millions of years in the Burial Sword Valley, from scratch to scratch, from scratch to scratch. For 30 million years, I only learned one trick, and I asked Brother Lin to advise me on one or two!"

"Oh? Swordsmanship?" Lin Mo was surprised, but when he saw the axe in his hand, he couldn't help laughing. "Haha, I don't know what kind of delicate swordsmanship. I have a little bit of knowledge about kendo, but , Wouldn’t it be that Senior Brother Shuai was going to discuss the sword with me with an axe?"

"Who said that an axe can't be used as a sword?" Yi Shou said lightly.

"Humph, ridiculous." Lin Mo jokingly said, "Then let me teach you the senior skills."

"This swordsmanship is not yet complete. I'm afraid I won't be able to take it off, so I have to be careful."

Lin Mo smiled, "Brother, there's so much nonsense, just make it out."

At the moment, Lin Mo raised the four-nine **** sword in his hand, a layer of black karma blades rumbled from the blade body, and turned into a faint shield, covering himself in the middle.

Obviously, although Lin Mo spoke wildly, he didn't dare to relax in the real battle.

"Brother Brother, the Pangu sword is here..." Yao Meng shouted and took the Pangu sword out of the field, trying to throw it on the stage.

Since it is better than swordsmanship, it is natural to use a good sword.

"No need."

However, Liao Shou drank a low voice, stopped Yao Meng, and then loosened his right hand, and the sky axe slipped from his hand and chopped on the ring.


"what's the situation?"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned. What was this for? Device surrender? Or is he not going to use the sky axe?

Are you kidding me? Without opening the sky axe, how can he compete with the four-nine swords in Lin Mo's hands?

Lin Mo also shrank his pupils. What kind of ghost is he doing? Is he really arrogant enough to think he can match himself without weapons?

However, how do you feel a little bit bad? Lin Mo looked at the harvest in front of him, and suddenly felt a trembling feeling.

I saw that the golden light was shining on my body, and my body suddenly gasified, and the sound disappeared from Lin Mo.

Lin Mo suddenly felt a throbbing heart, and even took a step back subconsciously, and the consciousness found out that no trace of the harvest was found.

"Boss, be careful."

There was a shout of Lin Yu and others from the audience. Lin Merton was not feeling well, only to see a piece of golden light sweeping from all directions.

The extremely rich atmosphere of Gengjin is like the intersection of swordsmen and soldiers, and there seems to be an endless sound of swordsword in the dark.


Lin Mo snorted with a sigh, countless sword shadows turned into four or nine knives in his hand, and he went to the golden light.

However, the shadow of the sword was cut through, but it directly penetrated the past, as if the golden light was not a substance.

It was really just a layer of gold gas. Lin Mozheng was puzzled, and he saw the golden light coming to him from all directions.

Through the karma shield formed by the Four Nine Swords, the golden light shone on Lin Mo's body. Lin Mo's instinct felt bad, and he immediately evaded.

But soon, Lin Mo felt amazed, that the golden light rushing to himself was really just a pure atmosphere of Gengjin.

The energy of Gengjin, the origin of gold, is just one of many energy sources. What harm can it do?

It's like, during a fight, your opponent threw a bun over you. Is this afraid that you will be hungry to fight?

strange? Isn’t it swordsmanship? What about people? What about the sword? What about swordsmanship?


Suddenly, the expression on his face froze suddenly, and the spirits of the golden rushed into his body one after another, and Jin Guang quickly converged. However, soon, Lin Mo realized that something was wrong.

Those Gengjin qi exploded in his body, and instantly turned into countless sword qi, exploding from every piece of his flesh and every cell, and the endless sword qi was raging horizontally, which was uncontrollable.

"What swordsmanship is this?"

As soon as the thought began, everyone saw a golden light shot from Lin Mo's body. A spider-like crack appeared on Lin Mo's body. The cracks were more and more dense and dense. With the dazzling golden light, there was actually A bit dazzling.


Despite Lin Mo's repeated suppression, he still could not resist the impact of the huge sword gas in his body. After his body reached the limit, it finally burst and burst into instant powder.


Lin Yulinqiu exclaimed, the demons were horrified.

At the same time, the golden light of the sword gas quickly converged and quickly condensed, revealing a figure. Everyone looked at it, not who it was.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including all the disciples of the Pangu clan. At this time, they all stared blankly at the proud but standing figure on the stage.

Is this still a swordsmanship? Under the world, there is such a sword technique, and some people can practice the sword technique to such a Linmo, it is so gone?

Many people think that this is the highest state of swordsmanship, but many people think that it is the highest state of swordsmanship. However, just as everyone has seen with their own eyes, this trick of taking swords seems to be far beyond that level.

In the distance, Lin Xuan was quiet, and it seemed to have been expected that this would be the result, "Turn the flesh into pure gas of Gengjin, evolve sword gas with the gas of Gengjin, brother, you disciple, it is really capable People."

With Lin Xuan's level, it is natural to see at a glance the sudden sway of the sword technique just in hand.

The flesh body sword has been out, and just received it, but directly gasified the flesh body into the original source of gas.

In other words, it has become an energy body. At this level, it has basically stood in an invincible position, because energy is immortal, and the source energy is even more so. If you want to annihilate energy, unless you subvert the rules, And if you want to subvert the rules of a world, the ordinary Dadao is probably not easy to use.

Turning into an energy attack, it is almost permeable. It enters Lin Mo's body in the form of Gengjin's gas, and then turns into an endless sword gas. The impact from the inside out is beyond defense. How can Lin Mo resist it?

On the other hand, Lin Yu and Lin Qiu were already stupid. The two were still excited by Lin Mo's rebirth a second ago, but now they have been killed again?

The invincible boss was actually killed?

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "His swordsmanship has not yet been completed. It is inevitable that he can't stop gesturing. He negligently killed Master Lin Mo's nephew. He can only say sorry for his brother. After all, the sword has no eyes.

"In the competition in the ring, regardless of life and death, the elder brother is superior, the younger brother can only say admiration." Lin Xuan just smiled, and did not seem to have taken Lin Mo's death in his heart.

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