Super Study God

Chapter 1806: Older gingers are more spicy!

Beside, Yin Tianfeng's face also changed a bit. I could not imagine that the Xuanhuang Realm was really a shining younger generation. The sword was received, and his eyes lit up.

"However, this scene..." Lin Xuan said, seeming to have something to say.

"Master Nephew Lin, it seems that in this scene, the kid with the surname Su won!" At this time, Yin Tianfeng suddenly interrupted Lin Xuan's words, and his right hand pointed to the field, and a breath of fresh air flew into the field, " Since it is a competition, it is inevitable that the sword will be blind, but it is unlucky to make a life out of such an occasion."

Everyone immediately saw that the air was turned into a whirlwind, as if absorbing something, and soon a figure was revealed, it was Lin Mo who had just been stirred up by a sword.

It was Yin Tianfeng who made Lin Mo reborn again!

As far as Yin Tianfeng of Dapin Realm is concerned, a monk who wants to regenerate a Tian Dao Realm can be said that it is not difficult.

Lin Qiu Lin Yu and others saw it and couldn't help but rejoice. The mood changed from big to big, and then from big to big, it really made people pee.

However, at this time, Lin Xuan's expression on his face was not good-looking, and quite unsightly.

The apprentice was born again. How could he, a master, seem unhappy? Moreover, it seems that it is not just unhappy, and even a bit resentful, as if some things are not the same as he expected.

At this time, Lin Mo, who was born again, was not surprised, and the expression on his face was almost the same as Lin Xuan.

Looking at the harvest in front of him, Lin Mo called a fierce fire, and had to admit that the sword just harvested was really powerful, and indeed hurt him.

Note that it was only hurt. At the critical moment, he used the demon disintegration technique. When the sword gas broke through his body, he first broke the body and soul into the energy state.

In other words, this competition is not over yet. It is just an emergency move he used. If Yin Tianfeng does not take action, he can quickly condense his body immediately and continue to fight.

Even though the strongest move is strong, it is not enough to kill him. If he continues to fight, he still has a certain chance of winning this game.

However, at a critical moment, Yin Tianfeng shot and helped him to consolidate his body and soul under the eyes of everyone!

what is this? Originally, he was just the disintegration of the devil, avoiding the killing trick, but now it has become a real killing, and the killing is still under the common witness of everyone present. The most important thing is that he has no explanation.

It’s called dumb eating Huanglian. I can’t tell what I’m bitter about. Lin Mo was so angry that he didn’t know how to deal with himself, and he decided to compete with him, but his current identity, because Yin Tianfeng crossed the bar , Has become a complete loser.

All of a sudden, Lin Mo now has a feeling of collapsed world view on the ring, and turned to Lin Xuan to look at it. At this time, perhaps only his master stood up and said something.

Lin Xuan smiled at this time, "Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy, wicked, don't you thank Master Uncle Zu's life-saving grace?"

He couldn't see it. Yin Tianfeng did it on purpose and deliberately helped Su Hang win this battle. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he never expected that Yin Tianfeng would shoot in this way at this time.

Lin Xuan was obviously forbearing, but Yin Tianfeng surpassed him no matter his seniority or strength. It was impossible to see the situation just on the ring, and Yin Tianfeng’s choice of fools had proved his position.

What can he do? I can only say that **** is still old and spicy. This loss can only be swallowed up. Do you dare to dry it with Yin Tianfeng?

On the other side, to be honest, Su Hang didn't react very much at first, but now she is awake and Yin Tianfeng is giving Lin Xuan a shadow.

Sure enough, these people have lived for countless years, and the existence of a mature person, this mind, is not comparable to them.

The time was sharply captured, and the shot was just right. The goal was reached quietly, and you were overwhelmed. You still have to thank him. This kind of person is too scary.

Su Hang could not help but re-recognize Yin Tianfeng, can have such a realm, can have today's status, this Yin Tianfeng, how can it be a mediocre generation, I really underestimated him before.

On the ring, Lin Mo's face changed, rising like a pig's liver, resentful, unwilling, just want to kill him again, and divide the high and low, but what can be unwilling, the master has ordered, This time, whether he was willing to admit it or not, he lost.

"Thank you, Master Shizu's life-saving grace!" Finally, even though there were so many unwillingness, Lin Mo still had to succumb and turned to kneel to Yin Tianfeng.

When have you been aggrieved? The key is that after being wronged, you have to accompany your smile, is this still a magic?

The rest of the people are sorry at this time. It's really good people don't live long, and the scourge is endless. They actually let the devil come to life again. It's really a good life.

Lin Mo must have known what everyone thought at the moment. The mother's one move was wrong and she lost all of them. This feeling of being counted is not as good as killing him directly.

"No need to thank you!" Yin Tianfeng was not blushing, and he waved his heart without beating, but he accepted it cheeky and turned to Lin Xuandao. "The first two games were embarrassing. It's a good match, two wins in three innings, Master Lin's nephew, it seems that you have to work hard, it doesn't matter if you lose this time, go back and teach the disciples well, and you will come again later!"

"Hahaha..." Lin Xuan laughed, "Uncle Master's lesson is that Xuan'er must bear in mind!"

If there is any indication in the discourse, he immediately turned to Su Hang, "Brother, today's battle, the little brother lost his heart and convinced!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Winning or losing is not important, Xiandai does not have to worry about..."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Lose is to lose. According to the previous agreement, after going back, the younger brother will restrain the disciples and stop them from making trouble in the lower realm. If they do not know how to repent, the younger brother will expel them from the door wall. If the elder brother meets, Despite the killing, the younger brother will never say anything!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Su Hang's face was stiff, and Lin Xuan's avoidance was light.

At first glance, Lin Xuan did follow the promise and no longer let the gatekeepers make trouble, but, think about it carefully, his words are deep in my mind, I only control them, but if they are in trouble, I will expel them from the door wall.

In other words, as long as they are no longer disciples of Taihuang Mountain, what they want to do, I can’t control it, and I have never intervened in this world. Everything before and after is their personal behavior.

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