Super Study God

Chapter 1807: Involuntarily!

Besides, if they are in trouble in the lower realm, you will kill them, but if you are not there?

Su Hang cannot always be in this world, see one kill one? Therefore, Lin Xuan took a loophole, and the promise to Su Hang did not seem to be a promise. It was simply an empty talk.

Although Su Hang knows this, what can it say? Repeatedly, I was afraid that Lin Xuan would go straight away. This time, he would have won the disgrace. Others did not know, but he knew that if it were not for Yin Tianfeng to intervene, he would win with Lin Mo. Negative, it is not yet known, since it is not glorious, how can you be so kind as to make people keep their promises?

Moreover, if Su Hang lost today, Su Hang did not really intend to keep its promises. He and Lin Xuan actually played the same abacus.

"Well, let's stop here today!" Su Hang shook his head and said to Lin Xuan, "You and my brother rarely meet each other. There are many words in my brother's heart that I want to share with you. Disgusted, let's go to the sky as a brother!"

When he said this, Su Hang was a little worried. He was afraid that Lin Xuan would turn around and leave. If he wanted to see him again in the future, it would be difficult.

"Where the elder brother said, it is better to obey the younger brother than respect." Lin Xuan said lightly.

Su Hang heard that the rock was settled.


The comparison between Pangu's and Taihuangshan came to an end. I am afraid that everyone will have no idea of ​​the ending.

It was originally thought that it would be a battle of life and death, including Su Hang, and before that all thought so, so much so that it took every effort to borrow the Holy Word monument.

But now this result is what Su Hang is most happy to see. At least there is no thorough tearing of the face between the two. Even if I am not happy, I am still kind.

The Lin Xuan in front of me, still in Su Hang’s mind, was still the little fart boy who followed his **** and called himself Brother Su. Su Hang wanted to find out why he had hatred for himself, and he was secretly and secretly. There is an endless trend.

Is it really just for the inheritance of the heavens, for the sake of the patriarchal patriarch?

Today, Lin Xuan is here, and Su Hang must ask clearly. At least, Su Hang still has a hint of illusion that between the two, whether they will be enemies or friends in the future, there must be an answer today.

On the Tiandu Mountain, the Qintai Mountain would marry, and the Pangu Family won a great victory. The news came back, and naturally it was greatly encouraged. Then there was the return of the Sheng Family, and it was also a super hero. At this time, the atmosphere in the Panhuang Palace was harmonious.

The meeting between Lushou and Dijiang and other teachers and brothers is naturally indispensable, and Su Hang, together with Lin Xuan, escaped from Yin Tianfeng and others, and came to the cliff of Houshan cliff.

Under the mountain, the clouds are rolling, just like the waves of the thousands of miles, rolling around, the fairy bird spirit bird shuttles in the cloud, and the ten spirits are compelling.

This palace is a blessed place, where the ancestors of the human race are located. Naturally, the scenery is pleasant and beautiful.

"Previously, you said that if you won, let me promise you a condition, I don't know what the condition is?" Standing by the cliff for a moment, Su Hang looked at Lin Xuan standing beside him.

Lin Xuan listened and looked away from far away, and turned to look at Su Hang. "Aren't I defeated? Since it failed, what's the point of saying this?"

Su Hang shook his head and turned his eyes to the distance, "I want to hear, maybe, I can promise you."

Lin Xuan listened and bowed his head without saying a word. After a while, he shook his head and smiled, "Still wait for me to win you.

Su Hangdao, "I said, winning or losing is not important between you and me. If I really want to compete with you, I won't stand here with you today to see the sea of ​​clouds."

Lin Xuan smiled, "You are always like this, you don't seem to care about anything, but you are more interested than anyone else. Between you and me, there is a destiny to win or lose. However, since you can’t hide, it’s better to go all out."

"For you, defeat me, is it really so important?" Su Hang heard the words, frowning slightly. "I know, at the next World Assembly, you want to be the master of the avenue and accept the real people. Inheritance, if I tell you, I have never thought about what conference to participate in, and I don’t even want to be a lord of the avenue, nor do I want to accept any inheritance. Can you and my brother return to the past?"

Speaking of which, Su Hang turned to Lin Xuan and looked over.

"Where did the elder brother say?" Lin Xuan smiled, and then he became serious again. He looked at Su Hang seriously with his eyes. "Something is not going to happen if you don't want it. To be honest, I don’t care about these things, but there are some things, I can’t help myself, destiny pushes you and me to the opposite, and you and I are inevitable."

"What can you do not help yourself?" Su Hang smiled bitterly. Xuanhuang Realm Master, grandson of Dadao Sect Master, whose status is extremely respected, what else can he do not help himself?

"Do you think that what I am representing is myself?" Lin Xuan chuckled a said, "Behind me are the veterans who are more than half of Daozong, they will not allow me lose."

As he said, Lin Xuan looked at Su Hang, "And, compared to these, I look forward to fighting you. On top of the World Conference, I want to share a victory with you, no matter what, this battle, You can't avoid it."

Speaking of this, Su Hang clearly can feel that Lin Xuan's eyes burst into infinite fighting intentions.

The two eyes collided and looked at each other for a long time. Su Hangdao said, "I can't see the cause and effect between you and me."

Lin Xuan heard that the corner of his mouth bent a little arc, "You will understand later."

Su Hang looked back, looked again into the distance, and sighed, "Well, since that's the case, I will accompany you, leaving me little time, only three years, there are countless masters in the world, I am afraid that when the time comes , I haven't faced you yet, I have already lost to the hands of others, and I was successfully eliminated."

Although the time of the Wanjie Conference is hundreds of millions of years later, for Su Hang, although he can travel through time and space, in the final analysis, the time left for him is only three years, no more than one minute and one second.

"That elder brother has to work hard." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Su Hang sighed and said, "I'm afraid that the fight between you and me will ruin all living beings..."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, "What are you doing with me? But what about ants? There are days in life and death. Why should brothers care? The value of their existence just makes you and my life more fun?"

Lin Xuan's remarks, Su Hang really did not agree, but he knew that Lin Xuanxiu was a ruthless karma. If he insisted on these truths with him, it would be a dispute of tradition.

Each has its own way, and each has its own way. The Soviet Union will not forcefully say that his way is wrong. The road is panic, maybe he still thinks you are wrong.

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