Super Study God

Chapter 1813: Sleepy beast!

If you don't have the real skills, how can you be so arrogant?

Lin Qiu and Yu Yu didn't dare to carelessly, put away their previous contempt, and a small white jade pot appeared in Lin Yu's hands.

The small pot is similar to the ordinary old-style teapot. The jade pot without neck and big belly and short spout, but the volume is much smaller than the general teapot, which is the size of a slap, more like a handicraft in the hand.

Than magic weapon? Who doesn't have a few magic weapons to sit by? Lin Yu chuckled, anyway, he also came from Taihuang Mountain, how could he not point the baby at the bottom of the box.

Although it is said that Mozu doesn't like to use those magic weapons, and prefers to use hard magic, but occasionally using magic weapons, it really saves a lot of trouble.

"I'd like to see if these two instruments are as magical as the legend." Lin Yu snorted and tilted the kettle in his hand.


A stream of water poured out of the spout, fell to the feet, and instantly turned into a torrential flood, rushing towards the four directions, the sound was terrifying.

Just when the beginning and the middle of the year wondered what Lin Yu was doing, suddenly, a terrifying roar came from the monstrous flood.

The space trembled, and I saw the horror demon soldiers armed with swords and axe weapons, rushing out of the water, and violently killed towards the position where the junior and middle school juniors were.

The demon soldiers were all condensed by the water in Lin Yu's pot. They were several feet tall, almost transparent in appearance, and had shawls and armor. They looked scary and strange.

The sound of fighting shouts made people feel terrified. At a glance, the countenance was countless, and the counts were innumerable. I don’t know that there were thousands or tens of thousands, and as the water in Lin Yu’s pot poured out constantly, the devil The number of soldiers continues to increase.

Every demon soldier has a power comparable to the realm of Heavenly Venerable. At this time, tens of thousands of demon soldiers are afraid that they can tear this world.


In the beginning, he snorted coldly, and the magic sword in his hand turned into countless sword shadows. The sword shadows came down from the sky, just like the pouring rain, and they killed the magic soldiers one after another.

Horrible, terrifying.

It's just harvesting, just like harvesting straw. Sword shadows pass by, and countless water warriors are defeated.

However, it was soon discovered that something was wrong. The magic soldiers were all made of water. Although the water was invisible and phaseless, it could change any image. The crushed water magic soldiers recovered their water form. , And soon condensed into a new Water Demon Soldier, and once again besieged the two.

The Water Demon Soldiers were beheaded one after another, and the new Water Demon Soldiers rose again. No matter how they used the Demon Sword to kill them in the beginning, they were inexhaustible and seemed to be of no avail. Moreover, these Water Demon Soldiers were two kilometers away. The positions of this array are getting closer and closer.

Obviously, Lin Yu wanted to use this method of nibbling to make the water demon soldiers gradually approach the array eyes and destroy the array eyes, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying the two instruments.

It has to be said that after all, it is a character who has been famous for a long time, and these two demons are not so good to deal with.


At this time, there was a cold hum in the air, but it was the middle-early sacrifice of the Alchemy Tower.

The huge magic refining tower hung in the air, the tower door opened again, and the huge suction force was sucking against the water demon soldiers below.

Countless water demon soldiers were quickly swept away by the magic tower.

Lin Yu frowned, and the baby in this kid's hand was not a mortal thing. It seemed that he was just restraining his mixing pot.

Her kettle is named Hunyuan Kettle, which was given by Master Lin Xuan. She brought it down from Taihuang Mountain at that time. This kettle is a high-grade Taoist vessel. With inexhaustible use, all of the so-called water demon soldiers are immortal. This kettle, when the gods and demon battle, was also brilliant.

However, Wan Wan did not expect that the tower-shaped treasure in the middle and middle schools seemed to restrain the Hunyuan pot in his hand.

He was sucked by the karma demon soldiers transformed into the pot. This Nima's got a feather?

But riding a tiger is difficult, Lin Yu can't stop at this time, thinking that if you want to suck, then let you **** enough, see how much your magic weapon can suck, you know, what you **** in is karma, ordinary Not to mention touching, even a touch of steam will be corroded and destroyed in minutes, leaving no bones left.

Lin Yu was expecting that the broken tower would only be melted down by the terrible karma after a while, and he looked forward to what the two big and small pairs would look like when the time came.

This is a cup of sulfuric acid. My glass can hold it. Do you dare to **** in a broken wood cup?

Lin Yu thus stalemate with the middle and early stages, letting it go and closing the other, depending on who can stick to the end.

On the other side, Lin Qiu fought against the beginning of the war. Lin Qiu held the magic sword, and countless black sword shadows, accompanied by dense wind blades, seemed to cut the world into pieces.

In the early days, he was not at all indifferent. As a defender of these two instrumental worlds, he was able to arbitrarily mobilize the rules in these two instrumental worlds. man of.

While mobilizing the rules, crazy suppression of Lin Qiu's strength, while mobilizing the rules, wipe out the source of the wind.

By the time the magic sword was killed, the enveloping wind blade had been wiped out, and even those magical sword shadows quickly dissipated, and the momentum was greatly reduced.

In the eyes of the anode array where Jianying killed Ru Taichu, he saw that Tai's figure suddenly disappeared. The two instruments' arrays changed a lot and changed rapidly. The Yin and Yang fish twisted gently. The sword Ying killed into the void, but the shadow of Taichu was already Appeared on the other side.

These two ritual formations contain all kinds of changes. The Taoist master Dao Cheng Dao, Tao Zu Hongjun personally refined it. With the realm and vision of Hongjun, what kind of pediatrics can be refined?

Lin Qiu Lin Yu is a man who repairs demons. Where can I know the mystery of Taoism? In this formation, it is completely headless flies. They may feel that they only need to attack the array eyes to destroy the first and middle juniors, and they can break the law and destroy the two instruments.

But is it really that simple? The two arrays change a lot, and the array of eyes changes at any time, and it is difficult to capture at all. Even if the two of Taizhong are willing, they can hide the array of eyes. If they want to break these two arrays, if there is no absolute power, don’t think To break the law, if you don't have certain practices in the Tao of Enlightenment, don't even try to break the law by skill.

After being stuck in the battle for a few hours, gradually, Lin Yu and Lin Qiu seem to realize this, the skills are being suppressed little by little, and they are still being worn away little by little. The Realm Demon God has basically been seriously injured by the initial magic sword, and neither of them feels well. However, they have no choice but to take the two guys hiding in the array of eyes.

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