Super Study God

Chapter 1814: Palm black hole!


In the beginning it was drunk again, just like thunder, and the magic sword turned into a magnificent tall, falling from the sky, blooming a magnificent golden light, and pressed toward Lin Qiu.

The power that envelops the entire world of the two instruments, the endless coercion, is enough to turn everything under the sword into ashes, as if to divide the whole world into two halves.

The terrifying coercion turned Lin Qiudu into feeling dangerous. He seemed to be carrying a world on his body. Under the lock of the Qi machine, it was difficult to move even one point.


Lin Qiu roared loudly, and the long sword came out of his hand, stabbing the giant sword in the air.


The tip of the black sword collided with the Zhumo Demon Sword, and the electric flint and the layers of space shattered.

Lin Qiu's power is obviously not the opponent of Zhumo Sword. Although it slowed down the falling speed of Zhumo Sword, Zhumo Sword is still pressing Lin Qiu.

The tremendous force touched, so that Lin Qiu's black sword rattled, trembling, and seemed to collapse at any time.

Is this the real power of the magic sword?

Lin Qiu raised his head reluctantly, looking at the black magic sword that was getting closer and closer to him. At this moment, he realized that they seemed to underestimate Hongjun.

Hong Jun, although controlled by Heavenly Dao, also has the Ninth Grade Realm of Heavenly Dao Realm, which is only one grade higher than his Lin Qiulai. It can be said that it is not just Lin Qiu, not just under the Taihuang Mountain Gate, many old Tiandao Realms The strong, don’t look down on Hongjun very much, because they feel that everyone’s realm is similar, they are all heaven and earth, but they are only a few more. They bear the name of the master of heaven and the spokesperson of Dadao. The disciple is called the ancestor. Why?

Heaven is ineffective, but it is precisely because of this inaction that many people cannot appreciate the power of Hongjun. It can be said that Hongjun has always been very low-key, but it is also this low-key that is easy to be underestimated.

At this time, Lin Qiu learned that Hong Jun, who is the spokesperson of Dadao, and Hong Jun, who can talk to his own master, was far more terrifying than they thought.

Just two disciples, a few magic weapons, just toss us like this? Sure enough, there is a reason why the Master chose him as the spokesperson of the same day and talked more with others.

On the other side, Lin Yu was still stalemate with the middle-level demon refining tower. When he saw that Lin Qiu was made by the refining sword, he also panicked.


With a loud roar, Lin Yu yelled out, and a water demon giant rushed out of the karmic water tilted out of the Hundred Yuan Pot.


The giant can be towering, the water flowing around his body, holding a long bow in his left hand, and an arrow in his right hand. After a roar, the full moon of the long bow, an arrow formed by the industry's water, directly cut through the space, towards the magic sword Shot past.


Ye Shuijian was hitting the magic sword in the middle, and then Lin Qiu's magic sword was struck, and the towering Zhumo sword crashed open.

Lin Qiu only felt a little pressure on his body, and then quickly pulled back and flew back, and Lin Yu retreated to one place.

"I can't think of Hongjun's power and horror. These two ceremonies are afraid that he will be behind him. I hate that my skills have been weakened a lot. Otherwise, if you and I work together, how difficult is it to break this array. "Lin Yu gritted his teeth, and he was very angry in his chest.

With the strength of Taichu and Zhongchu, even with the powerful two-instrument power, they will not release such powerful power, so that they have reached the point of powerlessness, so they are more willing to believe that they control these two arrays at this moment. Frightened, I'm afraid there are others.


Lin Qiu snorted coldly. As the Devil Ancestor, how could he not be a bit arrogant, "Even if Hongjun is here, what can I do? Hongjun, if you have that ability, don't hide and hide, now Come out and fight with me for 300 rounds."

The sound rolled out, the momentum was seamless, however, it did not lead to Hongjun, but attracted Wanjun thunder.

The sky thundered, and lightning fell intensively, splitting towards Lin Qiu and other demons.

Under the rain, just for a moment, the demon priests are either black and black, or they are all covered with bruises.

In the thunder and lightning, it actually contained the power of Heavenly Tribulation, which made Lin Qiu and others sure. This real person who controls the array is afraid that it is Hongjun?

After all, who can provoke the power of Heavenly Tribulation, between this world and the world, apart from Hongjun, who controls the heavenly path, who else can there be?

"Head down the tortoise, have the ability to fight."

Lin Qiu's hair was radiated, and he was mad, and his eyes were **** and bloody, as if he was about to burst into bleeding.

Endless hatred, endless anger.

There was a monstrous flame in his chest, and there was no place to pour at all.

However, he was greeted by a more violent thunder and rain. The fragments of the broken magic sword quickly condensed and turned into an endless sword rain, killing everyone in the demon world.

The momentum was terrifying, so vast, not to mention those demon sages, even Lin Yu felt powerless and terrified.

Do you really want to die here today?

Lin Yu looked at Lin Qiu next to him.

Lin Qiudao, "It seems that only the trick is used."

Lin Yuji released the Hundred Yuan turned out a water cover to protect the deities in the demon world. Lin Yu's face changed greatly when he heard Lin Qiu's words, "Fourth, which trick do you want to use? Zun said, you still can't control your talents. If you can't control it, you might lose everything..."

Lin Qiu gritted his teeth, "Do you think we still have a choice?"

Lin Yu was speechless. At this time, in the two ceremonial arrays, there was nowhere to escape. Even she could not be sure how long she could support, and what choice did she have?

"Huh, Hong Jun, let you see what is the real power."

Lin Qiu coldly snorted, stretched out the palm of his left hand directly, and swiped the index finger of his right hand on the palm of his left hand.

Immediately, a gap was drawn in the palm of his left hand, and the instant blood flow was like a column.

Just when the deities of the demon world wondered what secret method Lin Qiu was going to use, he saw that the mouth in Lin Qiu's palm quickly cracked, forming a terrible crack, and then, a dark black hole formed in Lin Qiu's palm.

The black hole spins and looks unusually magical, and a huge suction suddenly spreads out of the black hole.

Lin Qiu grasped the left hand with his right hand and stretched forward.


Just as the same super vacuum cleaner was started, the space was rapidly twisted. Everything in front, lightning, sword gas, there was no suspense. Under that huge suction, it drifted with the waves and formed a huge swirling tornado. , Inhaled into the scary black hole in Lin Qiu's left palm.

Following the sound, the light, and even the space, everything is distorted. Lin Qiu's left hand is the extinction.

What a horrible means.

At this time, the first and middle juniors who were guarding the eyes of the two instruments were shocked by Lin Qiu. The huge suction made them feel that the formation of the two instruments was shaking.

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