Super Study God

Chapter 1816: Hongjun's deep meaning?

"Master, what kind of tricks did the wind devil Lin Qiu use? It was so terrifying that he opened up the two ceremonies!" Middle School asked.

At the beginning, they also looked at Hongjun and Fangcai's struggle inexplicably, but they had the upper hand. They never thought that they would be overturned by Lin Qiu. That kind of moves, they still feel terrified if they think about it now. Qiu made that move early in the morning, and they were really not sure if they could speak to Hongjun here now.

Hong Jun shook his head and said, "In Daozongzong, there is an extremely powerful technique called Tian Tian Bao Dian. The principle of this method is to practice falling stars in the body to form a space-time black hole, relying on the suction of the space-time black hole. , Devour everything, this practice goes deep, space, sound, light, even time, nothingness, will be devoured, it is terrifying..."

The two were surprised when they heard the words. They asked, "Is it Lin Qiu Xiu's practice?"

These two men, under the gate of Hongjun, know much about things outside the territory. Since Lin Qiu is under the gate of Lin Xuan, the master

The Daoist Sect practice does not seem to be an incredible thing.

Hong Jun listened, but shook his head, "That exercise is too powerful. At that time, the two Xuanhuang masters were killed under this exercise. Since the sky, no one can practice this exercise! "

"In Daozongzong, many masters have practiced this skill, but, without exception, either learn nothing, do nothing, or have little achievements, they are repulsed by the time and space black hole, and the bones are not saved, so this door The practice has been listed as a forbidden technique in Daozongzong!"

At the beginning and middle school, both looked at Hong Jun in confusion. If Lin Qiuxiu was not doing this kind of exercise, then Hong Jun would tell them what to do!

Hongjun said, "The Tiandian Baodian is too deep and profound. However, among the heavens and the world, there is never a shortage of people with great wisdom. There is an elder named Feng Jiujiang in the Daozongzong Sect, who has also studied bitterness. Tian Bao Dian, but without achievements and unwillingness to learn, he borrowed from Tian Tian Dian Dian to create a unique wind technique, the famous wind acupuncture point. He once won a great reputation in Tianjie, which is regarded as the most outstanding among the many cottage versions of Tian Tian Dian Dian One!"

Hearing this, both Taichu and Junior Middle School seem to understand what it looks like. What Lin Qiu learned should be this Fengxue Divine Skill!

"Unexpectedly, our realm master actually passed this magic trick to his disciples. However, although Lin Qiu was born to be the wind and cultivated this skill, but this technique imitated the autobiography of Tian Tiandian and overbearing domineering. There were also many disadvantages. He It’s still uncontrollable. I just want to use it at will. I’m afraid I’ll hurt the enemy by a thousand and damage myself by 800!” Hongjun said.

"It's a pity to let them run away!" said a pity in the beginning, then looked up at Xiang Hongjun, his eyes full of worry.

Hong Jun shook his head, "After the Qintai conference, these two people have become Taihuangshan abandoned sons, so you don't need to worry about being a teacher, that person will not be embarrassed for me by these two apprentices."

In the beginning, the two heard the words, and they were still worried. They both blamed the two of them for their carelessness. If they could kill the two in one fell swoop, then they would not need to be so passive.

At the beginning of the middle age, "Master, disciples will go to the demon world now and cut those two demons!"

Hong Jun waved his hand, "It's no longer necessary, the opportunity has been lost, let them jump for a few days, because the teacher is also afraid of the two men's anger, and do something violent..."

"The disciple went to inform Master Uncle, and Master Uncle's shot will surely calm the Devil Realm!" Taichu said.

Hong Jun couldn't help laughing, "Do you all think that your teacher is omnipotent? At this piano concert, your teacher and Taihuangshan have just reached an agreement. Do you let your teacher turn his face to destroy the agreement? Uncle Shi will not do such a thing!"

"But..." Both were stagnant.

"Go on, think for yourself in the teacher's heart!" Hong Jun waved his hand and pushed the two back.

The two were helpless and resigned, after all, in their hearts, Hong Jun also existed omnipotently.



"Brother, what do you mean, Master?" When he walked out of the Heavenly Hall, he asked the Taichu next to him.

Taichu looked back at the middle school and said, "I always feel that there is something in the Master's words. With Master's magical power, it should not be impossible to calculate the details of the Lin Qiu Devil's head!"

"Do not arbitrarily discuss Master!" said Tai Chu.

He shook his head at the beginning of the middle school. "It's not an arrogance, just a curiosity. Brother, your attainment on Tianyan's math is much stronger than mine. You should be able to get a glimpse of the door!"

It is no wonder that at the beginning of the middle school, he wondered, in his impression, Hong Jun knew everything and knew everything, and everything in the world was under his control. How could he make such a mistake this time?

Hongjun claims to be doing nothing. He never cared about the lower realm and never intervened. Why did he want to let the two lower realms get rid of the demon this time? The deep meaning is really worthy of scrutiny.

But I didn't dare to ask Hongjun face to face in the middle and early years. I could only ask the beginning of the After all, in the cultivation of the skill of Tian Yan, the middle and early middle school believed that it was not as good as the beginning.

At the beginning, after listening to the middle and early days, it took a while before I said, "You and I are here this time at the Qintai Conference. What do you think of the strength of the Mozu?"

I thought about it for the first time, and said, "The ancestor Lin Mo came back. If it wasn't for the rush to receive the brothers in time, I will probably be defeated under the uncle's door!"

Speaking of which, middle school turned to look at Taichu, "But, does it matter?"

I heard it too early and said, "The Demon Cultivation has been going on for thousands of years. Now the accumulated strength can no longer be underestimated. As the Master of Heavenly Dao, it is inconvenient to intervene in favor of which side. This time, you and I are in the lower bound. It's an exception..."

"After the battle of Qintai, Shibo and Taihuangshan have reached an agreement, and they will definitely be peaceful for a period of time. During this time, the Mozu will not act rashly, but they will accumulate strength, and this hidden danger cannot be eliminated... "

When we talked about it here at the beginning of the year, it seemed that the middle and early years had become a bit enlightened. "So, the Master gave us the lower realm. The intention is not to eliminate the demon, but to think..."

Speaking of which, at the beginning of the middle school, he kept silent, and no longer dared to continue!

Too nodded at the beginning, "Maybe so, Master Zhi, not what you and I can imagine, if the Devil can take the move this time, maybe he can take the opportunity to get rid of this big trouble and return to peace!"

I took a deep breath in the middle school and nodded solemnly, "If that's the case, maybe we really would have heard from the uncle, but I'm afraid I will blame him..."

"It seems that you still don't understand Master!" At the beginning, he shook his head and directly turned into a light of escape.

At the first junior high school, he went to the lower realm. After thinking it over carefully, the middle junior seemed to understand something.


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