Super Study God

Chapter 1817: Suhang's uneasiness!

"What? This Hongjun, isn't it a blind chicken neck?" Tian Tianshan, Pangu Hall, Su Hang heard the words from the beginning, the whole person felt bad, and scolded directly.

The disciples of Su Hang next to them were all black now. This time, they had just passed the meeting of Qintai. They had agreed with the gentleman of Taihuang Mountain, and they had no problems with each other. They never thought Hongjun would come out and make trouble.

At the beginning, standing at the stage, watching Su Hang angry, he quickly said, "Uncle Shi is angry, and his disciples say clearly, the power of the Demon Race is more prosperous, so it is always a hidden danger to continue in this way. There will be a battle, it is better to take advantage of it now and wipe it out to get rid of this big trouble!"

Su Hang heard the words and looked at the beginning, "Is these words taught by Hong Jun?"

At the beginning of the day, he shook his head quickly, "Master has not taught disciples, these are the words of the disciple's heart. Master Uncle and Taihuangshan have words first, and the people of Taihuangshan Gate can no longer be a disaster, otherwise they will be expelled from Taihuangshan Gate and let Uncle Shi kill , This time..."

"Well, don't say it!" Su Hang waved his hand and interrupted the beginning of the story. Where could he not understand Hong Jun's intention?

In addition to doing all the evil, Suhang also knew that the demon could not stay. Previously, he and Lin Xuan had already agreed that if after the Qintai conference, if the Taihuangshanmen were in trouble, they would be expelled from the Taihuangshanmen and let Suhang kill them. .

This is the Chen Nuo sentence of Lin Xuan's vacancy. In other words, as long as the Emperor Shanmen is no longer in trouble, Su Hang will not kill them, and Lin Xuan wants to cause trouble for the human race, just to go down the mountain one by one. Too.

What they want to do has nothing to do with me, and I can't control it. This is what Lin Xuan means.

Su Hang also knew very well that he didn't spend much time in this field. Once he left, the Demon once again made a comeback, and he was helpless.

That agreement can only be regarded as a gentleman’s agreement, and it doesn’t have much substantive significance at all. Hongjun obviously understands this too, so let the first and middle juniors pick things up, stir up the wrath of the demons, and let the demons take the initiative to do things. , Is to give Su Hang a reason to take the opportunity to destroy the demon.

It can be said that Hong Jun is very thoughtful. It is not you but the demon who tear up the agreement. You have a good reason to destroy the demon, and you can make Taihuangshan shut up.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Qiu and Lin Yu will accept the move.

But, will they take the trick? Although Hong Jun is expecting things like God, Lin Qiu and Lin Yu are not fools. They are standing behind them, but Taihuang Mountain.

"Hongjun, Hongjun, you make me very passive." Su Hang really didn't know what to do at the moment.

Too early, "Uncle, why do you say passively?"

Su Hang glared at him, "You know what a fart, go back and tell you Master, he can miserable me this time, be prepared to wipe the ass."

"Huh?" Taichu heard the words for a while, and he was stunned. "What kind of tricks can the devil in that area see in the eyes of Master Uncle?"

"Tricks?" Su Hang chuckled, "Go back quickly, don't run to me here after all."


In the early days, he thought that he would get the approval of Suhang Airlines this time, and he would be commended by Suhang Airlines. He never thought that it would be a face-break.

Seeing that Su Hang was really angry, he didn't dare to stay too much at the beginning, and quickly retreated.

In the beginning, I was wondering. How good is my master's deck of cards? The three of you are fighting for the landlord. My master has fed you the cards. Haven't you taken the chance to win the landlord?

"Master, is this a tricky issue?" Dijiang asked after his disciples were at the beginning.

Su Hang shook his head, not only was it tricky, it was just a pain in the egg, how could this guy, Hongjun, be so troublesome?

I just negotiated with others on your side, and you ran to pick things up with others. I was easy to destroy the demon clan, but Taihuang Mountain stood behind the demon clan.

Although it is said that if the Demon Race was calculated by Hongjun and provoked a war, Suhang had enough reasons to destroy them while shutting Taihuangshan, but what if they endured it? What if it's too late? After all, there is not much time that I can stay in this world. If the Devil Realm does not move within half a month, then I will take them helplessly, and all the scourges will be left to the human race, and Yao Meng and others will cope with it. By then, it will be a disaster.

This was caused by Hong Jun, and Hong Jun must be wiped, otherwise it would be difficult to end.

Moreover, Su Hang also has a very, very worried thing, I am afraid that even Hong Jun has missed it.

All the disciples looked at Su Hang with a worried expression.

Su Hang turned to look at Yaoyue, "Yueer."

Yaoyue stood up and looked suspiciously at Su Hang, "Master?"

Su Hang frowned gently, and said, "You will go back to Kunlun immediately and give me a message for Liuyun Divine Emperor."

"With words?" Yaoyue heard the words with a look of consternation, "Shen Emperor has been retreating for years..."

"If you close the gate, just knock him Su Hang directly said.

Yaoyue heard that it is known to be of great importance, and he did not dare to neglect it immediately. He respectfully said, "I don't know what to say, please ask the master to tell me."

Seeing the posture of Suhang, there must be something terrible, but I don't know what to bring to the Divine Emperor.

"The horror is coming, is Yin and Yang grinding?" Su Hangdao.


Catastrophe? Yin and Yang grinding? Yaoyue was taken aback.

"Go quickly, don't be sloppy." Su Hangdao.

"Yes, the disciple quits." Yaoyue hurriedly bowed to retreat, turned into a light, disappeared invisible.

"Master, is this?"

After Yaoyue left, Yaomeng and others looked at Su Hang as if the situation was still serious.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Come back, I want to be quiet."

The disciples looked at each other and bowed back with all kinds of doubts.


Su Hang was sitting alone on the throne of Panhuang, rubbing his head, not only feeling a headache, but also an egg.

Hongjun, this guy is really going to happen.

How should I deal with the Demon Race? There is not much time left for yourself. If you take the initiative to attack now, you can certainly remove the Demon Race completely. However, it is undoubtedly a direct offense against Taihuang Mountain, and the consequences may be more serious.

But if you wait for the Demon Race to come out and talk about it yourself, there is reason and evidence to make Taihuangshan speechless, but I don’t know when to wait, then Lin Yulinqiu will be hated by Hongjun, so he must be bitter, Hong Jun was clean and alone. Lin Yulin and Qiu could not solve him, and he would surely anger all living beings, and Su Hang was afraid that they would be so angry that he would use any special means.

According to Su Hang’s calculations, it’s almost time for extraterrestrial creatures to invade the Xuanhuang Realm. He is very worried that this incident will become an introduction.

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