Super Study God

Chapter 1818: Conditions of Yin Tianfeng!

With the power of Taihuang Mountain, the two demons attracted the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures, which is not impossible.

If that's the case, this matter will evolve into a point where it can't end, because according to historical records, the invasion of extraterritorial creatures will bring endless disasters to the human world, and the human race and Kunlun are almost irreversible.

In other words, in the history of the Soviet Union, the airline failed to prevent that disaster.

"Hongjun, Hongjun, you gave me a problem." Su Hang's helpless smile.

Perhaps, she should be explained!

Su Hang thought about it, wasn't Yin Yuer on the mountain? The key was Yin Tianfeng. If the catastrophe came, not only the human race and the demon race, but also her Kunlun God Realm.

Kunlun God Realm was founded by her eldest brother Yin Wushen. It was because of limited time, perhaps it was too late to cope, and was powerless, and it was related to the interests of her Yin family.

At the moment, Su Hang left the hall and went to the inner palace to find the Yin and his daughters!



"Young people, all heavens and all realms, have their own rules. Xuanhuang Realm has already forbidden the outsiders to join in the matter here. You can tell me these things, and I can't do anything!" See Su Hang, please come to the door, Yin Tianfeng Sitting in the yard, while drinking tea, he took a stand with Su Hang.

Su Hang sat down opposite him, "But you have already intervened! The ban also said that the masters outside the realm are not allowed to enter the Xuanhuang Realm, but you are still here, and the rules are already broken!"

"Oh! Is that our army?" Yin Tianfeng smiled and glanced at Su Hang. "With the identity of my old man, all the worlds come and go, who dares to say nothing? The rules are set by the strong , Also for the strong!"

This remark is extremely arrogant and wild, but I have to say that all he said is reality.

Su Hangdao, "Predecessors are right, since predecessors can ignore the rules, then helping the juniors to deal with the robbery outside the territory should also be a relief!"

Yin Tianfeng paused when he heard the words, and this kid turned his corner and asked himself to fight for himself.

Slowly picked up the hot tea on the table and took a sip. Yin Tianfeng said, "It makes sense, I can help you, but boy, why should I help you!"

After finishing the speech, Yin Tianfeng stared at Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang's answer.

"The difference between the seniors' remarks and this great disaster will bring disaster to Kunlun God Realm, and Kunlun God Realm is to make Lang without injury. Is it that seniors have the heart to see it destroyed once?" Su Hangdao.

Yin Tianfeng smiled, "This is the Kunlun God Realm, it is gone, and it is gone. It was created by my son and what to do with me. Moreover, I have an obligation to protect the Kunlun God Realm, but I have no obligation to protect your Xuanhuang Realm. All races."

It makes a lot of sense, I can keep Kunlun God Realm, but, you, the human race demon race, I can't do anything!

Su Hangdao, "I don't know what conditions seniors want?"

Seeing the appearance of Yin Tianfeng, where does Su Hang do not know, he wants to discuss the conditions with himself.

"Young people, you have to talk about art. You are so straightforward, it's easy to talk to the dead!" Yin Tianfeng gave Su Hang a glance.

Su Hang shook his head, "Is the predecessor deep in his heart, isn't that the case?"

Su Hang doesn't want to turn around with him, tired!

"Oh, I appreciate you more and more!" Yin Tianfeng smiled, then said, "Well, since you are so straightforward, I don't have to go around with you, you want me to break the rules and stop the disaster for you. , As soon as possible with my second girl to get married, everything is easy to say!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Tianfeng stared at Su Hang and waited for Su Hang to respond, and beside him, Yin Yuer had already blushed. Why did he feel so clever as to be mistaken and cocooned?

I just found this guy as a shielder, and it was expected that my dad would push the boat down the water, as if he was more anxious than himself.

To say how Yin Yuer feels about Su Hang, it can be said that at least so far, she has no feelings. She was born noble and treated Su Hang as an ordinary friend. It is already very rare. The two themselves have not seen a few. Secondly, how is it possible to have **** between men and women?

Now that Yin Tianfeng is doing this, it feels more or less like catching a duck on the shelf, but it's just something she's looking for herself, and I can't tell.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Senior, you should know clearly, between me and the girl Yuer, just ordinary friends..."

Su Hang didn't think that Yin Yu'er's so-called hiding in the sky could hide the one in front of him. In Yin Tianfeng's heart, he was afraid that he and Yin Yuer would perform these small actions like the mirror, he was afraid of being clear and clear.

"I don't know!" Yin Tianfeng directly interrupted Su Hang's words, "I only know that my daughter has identified you, and also said that you are her man in the presence of the heavenly tycoon Gu Teng Lao Xian. Abandon, there is no way, it seems that I can only marry him to the nephew of Gu Danfeng!"

"Dad!" Yin Yu'er was Gu Danfeng was so funny that he could not be looked at by all means. If he married her to Gu Danfeng, it would be better to kill her Good point.

At this time, Yin Tianfeng raised his hand and stopped Yin Yuer, his eyes fell on Su Hang, just waiting for Su Hang to take the move.

Su Hang smiled. "Girl Yu'er can rest assured. Brother Gu had told me yesterday. Even if girl Yuer cries to ask him, he will never marry you."


After hearing Su Hang's words, Yin Yuer opened his mouth wide and stared at Su Hang with big round eyes. He hadn't been able to recover for a long time. "You, what are you talking about?"

Yin Tianfeng beside him also had a black face. What did Nima say? It’s too special, right? Really...


Outside the courtyard, there was a loud curse, and when one of them broke into the door, the three of them looked at it and it was Gu Danfeng.

Gu Danfeng looked at Su Hang angrily, "When the surname is Su, when did I say such a thing, you can say it clearly to me!"

The momentum was decisive and aggressive, as if to put Su Hang in his mouth and chew a few bites, then swallowed in one bite.

Su Hang did not expect the Gudan Summit to appear suddenly at this time. This guy was really in a haunt. Su Hang really doubted whether he had just listened to the corner outside the courtyard.

However, what happened when we heard that we are talking about the facts, and we have a clear conscience, so why not be afraid of him?

"Is Brother Gu suffering from selective amnesia?" Su Hang looked at Gu Danfeng in surprise. "Yesterday, on the back of the mountain, you told me personally!"

"Me, when did I say such a thing! It's nonsense. The dark arrow hurts behind. What a hero? Surnamed Su, I'm going to duel with you!" Gu Danfeng was anxious. How could he be in front of Yin Tianfeng? Admit that he said this?

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