Super Study God

Chapter 1820: Yin's son-in-law!

After hearing Yin Tianfeng's words, Yin Yu'er did not dare to say more, but was secretly worried about Su Hang.



"Brother Su, Brother Su..."

Su Hang didn't go far, Gu Danfeng chased up, with a cheap smile, Su Hang turned his head and looked at the expression of the goods, he knew there was nothing to hold.

"What advice does Brother Gu have?" Su Hang asked lightly.

Gu Danfeng smiled and said, "Brother Su's words were too heavy, but Brother Su seemed to be in a bad mood, so I came to comfort!"

"Huh!" Su Hang chuckled lightly. Can I still know what kindness you are in this room?

Gu Danfeng said, "I really want to thank Brother Su. This marriage of Gumou is complete. If Uncle Yin Shi is willing to marry his beloved daughter, then he will definitely ask Brother Su to drink a glass of wedding wine!"

This product is not only cheap, but also cheap? But do you think your words will stimulate me? I have nothing to do with Yin Yu'er, okay, and, after hundreds of millions of years, Yin Yu'er is still single and unmarried. You haven't said anything about it, so you are so blunt, are you afraid of being beaten afterwards?

Su Hang heard that she was so disdainful that she really looked down on this man. No wonder Yin Yuer would hate this guy. It was really annoying.

"Then, I have to congratulate Brother Gu in advance!" Su Hang smiled instead, and said to Gu Danfeng, "You will not only have to ask me to drink, but also have to seal me a big red envelope!"

Looking at the smile on Su Hang's face, Gu Danfeng could not tell whether he was smirking or really laughing, "Are you not angry?"

Su Hang shrugged, "Why should I be angry?"

This Nima is completely punched in the air, you think others will care very much, but others are not interested at all, and the sense of frustration among them may only be understood by the person concerned.

Gu Danfeng smiled immediately, "Brother Su doesn't want to make a strong smile, I know that you are bitter, but you can rest assured that the Yin family begs me to be my son-in-law. I will definitely take care of Yu'er. We will have many more children... "

Zhen Nima is a teasing match, originally running against Su Hang, talking and talking, even looking forward to him, looking at his appearance, I am afraid that even the name of the child in the future will be a good idea?

"You don't need me to help you with such a child?" Su Hang smiled. "But I really admire Brother Gu for forgetting this, and he has no skill at all. I don't know who told me yesterday, even if Yu'er kneels in front of you, and you definitely won't..."

"Cough!" Gu Danfeng immediately interrupted Su Hang's words, and his expression looked a bit embarrassing. "Why did I say this, Brother Su was afraid of hearing it wrong? I asked if I might dislike Yu'er? You know, I The ancient family is also famous in the heavens. My grandfather Guteng Laoxian is even more famous. It is absolutely a blessing to marry the Yin family. Today, the brother Su is completed. Gu is really grateful!"

In the discourse, he brought his distinguished family background, clearly despising Su Hang, I have such a family background, what do you have? You are a native, can you compare with me?

The sense of superiority is so full that people can't help but want to beat him!

"Then wish Brother Gu's beautiful dream come true!" Su Hang was too lazy to take care of him. After saying that, he turned away!

Gu Danfeng thought that Su Hang was angry, with an inexplicable heart in his heart, and a smile on his face, standing there for a moment before turning back to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Yin Yuer and Yin Tianfeng were talking, as if they were praying for something. It seemed to be related to Su Hang.

Gu Danfeng walked over and bowed to Yin Tianfeng. "Uncle Shi, my nephew has already scolded Su Hang's servant. This servant did not know the heights of the sky and annoyed Uncle Shi. It was really abominable!"

This guy is really bad water in the stomach. If Su Hang is here, I am afraid that he will be killed.

Yin Yu'er next to him also glared at him. If one person already had a bad impression of another person, this impression was basically difficult to reverse. The impression that Gu Danfeng gave Yin Yuer was so bad. Now again Looking at the face of this guy, that impression is getting worse.

But Gu Danfeng was unpredictable. He was such a confident person. Others gave him a white eye. I am afraid he thought the other side was glaring at him.

Yin Tianfeng looked up at Gu Danfeng with a bit of appreciation on his face, and it seemed to others that it should be called the same smell, "The boy didn't know what to do, and it took me a lot of pain. It's my appetite, my son-in-law of the Yin family, it's you, hum, let the boy go to hell..."

"Ah?" Gu Danfeng was overjoyed and immediately fell down. "My son-in-law sees my father-in-law!"

"Dad!" Yin Yu'er was anxious when he saw this, "I'm so upset, I don't want to marry him. Instead of marrying him, I might as well marry a cucumber!"

"Uh..." Gu Danfeng heard a stagnation, his face twitched slightly, it seemed that only then did he realize that he was not so attractive Shut up to me, no here Your share! Yin Tianfeng scolded angrily.

Yin Yu'er was crying anxiously. Under the majesty of her father, she had no room for rebuttal.

In a family like the Yin family, the word of the head of the family is entirely a decree. Apart from her old lady, no one in the family dared to violate Yin Tianfeng's decision.

This is a terrible time, all blame Su Hang this guy!

Gu Danfeng looked at Yin Yu'er, it seemed that the woman really disliked me, but what does it matter, your father has already agreed to marry you, and when we become relatives, can you still disgust me? Maybe those who are in good company will not know how intimate it is!

"My father-in-law, my son-in-law, I will go back and let my family prepare for the gift, and then go to the door again!" Gu Danfeng was impatient and afraid of Yin Tianfeng's regret.

After all, the Yin family's power is huge. If he can become the Yin's son-in-law, with the power of his own family, in the future, he can definitely walk sideways.

Moreover, if the Yin family marries his ancient family, the ancient family will definitely rise in power, which is why he has to be cheeky and come to Xuanhuang Realm with Yin Tianfeng, not his own wishes, and the family died. The order, this marriage, can't destroy a boy in the lower realm, it must be done to the best of its ability.

It's really hard work to live up to the painstaking people. Gu Danfeng was so moved that he wanted to cry. In the future, he will rely on the two forces of the Yin family and the Gu family. It is conceivable that the future will be open.

"The nephew quickly went, and I will return to Wuliang City tomorrow, so I will miss the hour!" Yin Tianfeng said, as if he was more anxious than Gu Danfeng.

Gu Danfeng was excited and inexplicable, where did he dare to stay more, he quickly responded, turned around, and turned into a light, disappeared instantly, fearing that he had left the Xuanhuang Realm.

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