Super Study God

Chapter 1821: Go to the appointment!

The father and daughter of the Yin family were left in the courtyard. Yin Yu'er was crying with tears in her face. Yin Tianfeng looked upset and said, "You girl, don't you slap you, cry?"

Yin Yu'er cried, "Dad, if you really marry your daughter to that old surname, it would be better to slap your daughter with thousands of dollars, the daughter just wants to serve her father and mother forever!"

Yin Tianfeng shook his head helplessly, "Don't cry, even if you are willing to marry, your father and I can't bear it!"

"Huh?" Yin Yuer heard the words and stopped crying at once, and looked up at Yin Tianfeng in doubt, "Daddy, did you just say..."

Yin Tianfeng waved his hand and sighed for a long time, "Among your seven sisters, you and the third one are the most worry-free for me, but this old sixth, hey, it makes me and your mother **** heartbroken... …"

"Daddy, what do you mean?" Yin Yu'er seemed to understand something when she heard this?

"I only said that I would marry my daughter, but I didn't say which one to marry, but I have seven daughters!" Yin Tianfeng gave Yin Yuer a glance. "Don't his ancient family want to marry my Yin family? 6. Although he is younger than you, but he is the strongest of your sisters. You can be too indulgent. I haven’t known how many girl-in-laws have been found for me in these years. Hey, I used to be with her. Now, I should find her. An honest man is married!"

"Uh..." Yin Yu'er was stagnant. It turned out that Yin Tianfeng said he wanted to marry his six sisters to Gu Tianfeng?

Is it too urgent to turn this corner? Yin Yu'er did not respond for a while.

"But, with Liumei's character, is she willing?" Yin Yu'er asked, her six sister, is not a good stubborn, is a celebrity in the realm of heaven, debauchery, life erosion, do not know how many people Had a relationship.

Such a slutty woman, it is incredible to ask her to stop and find an honest person to live with, and, compared with Gu Danfeng, he can really be regarded as an honest person. Willing to marry such a woman?

Yin Tianfeng shook his head, "This kid is not bad, his family background is also good, the sixth will be happy, and you are too underestimating your six younger sister, with her own ability, I want to get rid of this kid surnamed Gu, is not a side dish Disc? As for whether this kid can hold her in the future, it's not our business!"

"That means, I don't have to marry?" Yin Yu'er sweated and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Gu Danfeng, but at least he relieved himself!

Yin Tianfeng turned to look at Yin Yu'er, "Who says you don't need to marry?"

"Huh?" Yin Yu'er was shocked. Hearing Yin Tianfeng's words, the heart that just sank suddenly hung again!

Yin Tianfeng said, "You don't need to marry Gu Danfeng, because it's not worth it. This kid named Sur, watch me closely, and take the opportunity to show me the initiative and cook the raw rice, I don't believe him I can’t hold on to the boat of my Yin family!

"Ah?" Yin Yu'er was stunned. Was this his own dad? Actually let yourself take the initiative to dedicate yourself, how much is there no morality?

"This is an order. If you still recognize me as a dad, just follow what I said." Yin Tianfeng said very seriously, and then immediately got up and said, "Go back to the infinite city for your father, and discuss the old with your mother. Six marriages, you have to keep my words in mind. This matter is related to the future rise and fall of my Yin family.

After that, Yin Tianfeng's figure disappeared without warning, leaving Yin Yuer standing alone in a daze.

"Why? Why is this all?"

Yin Yu'er really couldn't figure it out. First, her elder brother Yin Wuheng, and now her father Yin Tianfeng, the Yin family is also a celestial clan. It is so low and painstaking, and it does not hesitate to let itself try to devote itself to it. An unknown kid?

One thing, Yin Yu'er is very clear that her father, although she usually loves these sisters, but he always puts family interests first.

He did not marry himself to Gu Danfeng, not because he loved himself, but because it was not worth doing that, and he did not exert the most value.

It’s not just their sisters, even her elder brother Yin Wucheng, it can be said that they exist for the prosperity of the family. Basically, things like marriage don’t want to be decided by oneself, and what the dad gave himself is only One explanation is that in the heart of my dad, this Suhang is far more valuable than that of Gudan Peak.

But what's so special about this Suhang? Isn't he a slightly stronger monk in Xuanhuang Realm? Can it be compared with the outstanding background of Gudan Peak?

Because of his ambiguous relationship with Xuanhuang Realm Lin Xuan? Or is it because he has a connection with the real master of the heaven? Is it true that there is a hidden identity behind Su Hang?

At this moment, Yin Yuer was very suspicious and interested in the background of Su Hang.

At the moment, Yin Yu'er wanted to ask Su Hang for a clear question, but when he thought of the sloppy things his father gave himself to but he couldn't walk at the foot, but his heart was a bit murky Jumping, never felt like this.




Among Su Hang’s courtyards, disciples such as Yao Meng, Di Jiang, and Huai Shou were among them.

"Master, I don't know how to summon disciples and so on at night. What's the matter?" Yao Meng asked.

The rest of the disciples also looked at Su Hang. So late at night, Su Hang called everyone together, fearing that there was something very important to be told.

Su Hang looked around and said, "Tomorrow morning, I will go to a date for the teacher, so I will stay in the palace, keep a good life, and be careful to pay attention to the movement of the Devil. This is a very special time, don't take it lightly..."


The disciples quickly ordered their orders, Dijiang said, "But I don't know where the master is going to go to the appointment, when will I be able to return?"

If at ordinary times, Suhang’s private affairs, these disciples dare not ask them, but as Suhang said, this is a very special time, they are really a little worried, Suhang is like before, after leaving this time, Nowhere to trace.

Su Hangdao, "Well rest assured that you will return after a few days!"

All said so, everyone knew the secret of the contract that Su Hang went to, and did not want to talk to them more, so they dared not ask more.

After a few words from Su Hang, all the disciples retreated and left.


With a long exhalation, Su Hang felt extremely tired and had too many things to do, giving him a feeling of nowhere to start.

"Tomorrow, I don't know what will happen?" Su Hang looked up at the night sky, the moon was dim, and the stars were in the sky. That day, the little guy named Zhu'er sent a message to himself and asked him to go to Wuyou Valley for an appointment in five days. It's time to go, it's time to go.

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