Super Study God

Chapter 1822: Forget the Valley!

"Hey, where are you going?" In the early morning, Su Hang was called as soon as he walked out of the mountain gate. When he looked up, it was Yin Yu'er. The girl twisted and pinched, but I wondered how long she had been waiting here!

Su Hang walked over and looked up and down. He only felt that today's Yin Yu'er seemed a little different, but he couldn't tell the difference.

"Your father is gone?" Su Hang asked.

"I left yesterday and went back to heaven to prepare for marriage with the ancient family!" Yin Yu'er said.

Su Hang froze for a moment, "Your father promised to marry the ancient family? Are you really going to marry you with that surnamed Gu?"

Is this unscientific? Su Hang was puzzled. You must know that Yin Yu'er, who is still alive with her hundreds of millions of years later, should not be able to become a relative of the ancient family!

Is it because of Yin Tianfeng? Yin Tianfeng is a veteran of Dadao Realm, it can be said to be Dadao Realm in Dadao Realm. Such an existence, disturbing the history of Xuanhuang Realm, shouldn’t it be difficult?

"If I said yes, what would you do?" Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang.

"Huh?" Su Hang also looked at her. At this moment, he felt that there was something more in Yin Yu'er's eyes.

This question made Su Hang a little difficult to answer. It seemed that Yin Yuer was hurt because he was angry with Yin Tianfeng.

After thinking for a long time, Su Hangdao said, "The Gudan Peak is really not a good match. If you really don't want to marry, I will go to your father and say that he should be angry with me before I get angry with you. I will give him Apologizing is..."

"He has already returned to heaven, where are you looking for him!" Yin Yu'er said.

Su Hang froze and said, "That's impossible. I'll kill the old man with the surname of Gu, so that this family matter can't be done!"

"He has also returned to heaven, where did you go to find him?" Yin Yu'er threw a glance at Su Hang. "Although I don't know how a little sincere you are, but if you can say this, I listen Comfortable!"

Su Hangdao, "This thing is broken by me, I will naturally be responsible in the end."

Su Hang is not a person without responsibility. Although he and Yin Yu'er don't have that marriage, it is impossible to watch Yin Yu'er marry a person she doesn't like. In layman's terms, he doesn't want to be the one who pushed Yin Yuer into the fire pit. .

"How do you want to be responsible?" Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang.

Su Hang felt a little scalp numb, with a laugh, said, "Don't you want to be skewed, I mean, it's a big deal, you stay in this world. What kind of marriage, marriage, don't pay attention to it, what trouble, Let them come to me!"

Yin Yu'er listened and said, "If the family sends someone to catch me, you can't kill them all. With your current skills, it's not necessarily who kills them. Moreover, I can never be a lifetime. Follow you like this in hiding, rely on you to take shelter?"

Su Hang smiled, "Don't underestimate people, stay by my side, nobody can take you away!"

This is a bit maddening. As soon as Su Hang said this, he felt a little bad. He seemed to be getting stuck!

Yin Yu'er smiled suddenly, and seemed to be waiting for Su Hang's words. Immediately, "This is what you said. The gentleman said, the horse is hard to follow!"

Without waiting for Su Hang to answer, Yin Yu'er started to talk about the topic, "I just asked you, you wore such a good dress early in the morning, where are you in a hurry to go?"

Su Hang reluctantly said, "There is an appointment."

"Go to the appointment?" Yin Yu'er froze for a moment, "I'm going too!"

Su Hang was sweating, "You don't even ask me what appointment I'm going to, I must follow the way?"

Yin Yu'er lifted his chin, "I will go no matter what appointment I go to. Didn't you just say that it's safe to follow you by your side? Do you forget it in a blink of an eye?"

Su Hang was terribly cold and knew that she was given the routine by this girl, and she blamed her simplicity. How could she think that this ancient Yin Yuer would be naive than the future Yin Yuer?

"I'm going to a very important appointment this time. You should stay on the mountain. Rest assured, I will be back soon!" Su Hang said with a wry smile.

Yin Yu'er didn't follow, and immediately said, "Sure enough, you just talk about it, my life and death, how can you care? I think, I still admit my fortune-telling!"

Su Hang was helpless, "Well, if you want to follow along, follow me, or someone to follow, give me some courage, so that I won't be able to lift my head and keep my waist straight when I get it!"

"Well?" Yin Yu'er was puzzled for a while, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Su Hang. "Who can still make you raise your head and keep your waist straight?"

This guy who does not know the heights and heights, even in front of his father, did not say anything that could not lift his head and straighten his waist. Listening to his tone, I am afraid that the date to go this time is not easy!

Now, Yin Yu'er is even more curious!

Su Hang shook his head, but did not answer, but just took off and headed to the south to go to the imperial palace.

Yin Yuer was very suspicious and followed the Valley, located in the southern part of the ancient Chinese mainland, because it is the ancient times, many places are barren, vast territory, not every one There will be someone in the corner.

In some places, except those who are high above and who are in a blink of an eye, many places are desolate and no one cares.

This is Taikoo, this is the Great Desolation, and now the human race and demon race are divided into two parts, but this world is still only a small part compared to the vast Taiko Divine State.

In many places, even the name of mountains and rivers cannot be called. This Valley of Worry can already be considered famous.

Legend has it that there is a spring of forgetfulness in the valley. The water in the spring makes people drink, can forget the troubles, and feel relaxed and happy. It is a magic medicine that blindly expels the devil. Many monks have come here to take water. Gradually, the name of the valley of forgetfulness It is also known to the world.

It is a pity that even if you know where to go, many low-level monks are difficult to reach even if they are afraid of their lives. Therefore, it is not an easy task for many people to want to enter the valley to get water.

But this distance, for Su Hang, is only instantaneous. The two came out of the valley, surrounded by high mountains on both sides, a gorge alone, green mountains and clear water, beautiful mountains and clear water, a white mist from Gushing in the valley, the aura is pressing.

Looking at this scene, if this place is not a blessed land, it is a place to hide spirits.

"Da Lao Yuan, who ran to this place, who would you like to see?" Yin Yu'er looked at the valley in front of him and asked Su Hang suspiciously.

Su Hang looked back and smiled, "I hope that no one has been released!"

Shenshen looked into the valley and was completely empty. He didn't find anything at all. Su Hang was really worried about whether he would be released with pigeons or not.

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