Super Study God

Chapter 1823: Guzhu forgets!

This place was told by the boy named Zhu'er, and he shouldn't tease himself. I'm afraid I'm just afraid of coming to the wrong place. After all, Taikoo Shenzhou is so big, I'm afraid more than this place is called Wangyougu.

"Otherwise, you still have to wait outside. I will come out in a moment." Su Hang said to Yin Yu'er. After all, he wasn't just seeing ordinary people. He also brought a person in a hurry, which was somewhat wrong.

"Come all here, do you still let me blow the hair outside this valley?" Yin Yuer thought, don't this guy be an old lover when he came from afar, and don't avoid suspicion at the moment. Arms, without saying a word, dragged to the valley.

I want to see, where is the sacred in this valley!

Yin Yu'er thought so, she had just tried to probe the valley with her consciousness. She didn't find anything special. It seemed that this was a valley that was so ordinary.

However, when they walked through the fog and entered the valley, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The valley is quiet and peaceful. A waterfall falls from the clouds. The grass and trees are beautiful. There are several ancient buildings and pavilions in the distance. The flying birds startled by the invasion of the two Su Hang constituted a beautiful picture.

Both of them were completely dumbfounded, not to say that they were attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them. After all, the ancient China, with its vast land and rich resources, hasn’t seen any wonders? However, it was shocking that what the naked eye saw in this valley was completely different from that outside the valley.

I just checked it out of the valley with my consciousness. The valley is completely an ordinary valley. This step into the valley seems to step into another world.

The air is filled with a strong aura, breathe, and feel the power in the body is about to move, Yin Yu'er can even be sure that the aura here is thicker than any place she has seen, even stronger than some blessed places in the heaven. .

She had the honour to go to Chuangjie Mountain several times. I am afraid that the spirit of Chuangjie Mountain might not be so.

"What a blessed land, what is this place?" Yin Yuer let go of Su Hang's hand and took two steps forward. He couldn't help closing his eyes, spreading his arms and breathing deeply, completely intoxicated.

I didn't see Su Hang responding for a long time. Yin Yuer opened his eyes and looked back. There was someone behind him. Looking up, Su Hang had already gone.

"Hello, wait for me." Yin Yu'er stomped his feet, and hurried up again.



Not far from the waterfall, a bamboo corridor winding around leads to the edge of the cliff, which has a stone stairway to the few pavilions built by the cliff, like a hidden place in the world.

"Stop, who is ahead, dare to break into the valley of forgetfulness?"

As soon as Su Hang came to the cliff, he heard a cry, and then, a plain-clothed old man with yellow whiskers walked down the stone steps, blocking the way of Su Hang and the two of them.

Su Hang met the person who came and hurriedly said, "At the next Su Hang, invited by the owner of Forget Worry, I came to the appointment."

"Oh?" The old man with yellow beards looked at Su Hang up and down, and then he chuckled, "Young people, if they want to forget about worrying water, just say so, why should they talk nonsense and disturb the audience? If they want to forget about worrying. If you are in Zhishui, I would like to persuade you, where did it come from, and where do you go back?"

After that, the old man with a yellow beard waved his hand with great annoyance.

Su Hang heard that he was in a state of consternation. Was he not expressing himself clearly enough? How can I beg to forget the worries?

"Daoyou is afraid that I didn't understand what I meant. I came to the appointment, not to ask for water..." Su Hang said again.

"Humph." The old man with a yellow beep snorted coldly, interrupting Su Hang's words, "The old man is the sorrowful lord of the valley, why don't you remember your appointment?"

"You are the Lord of Forgetting Worries?" Su Hang froze for a moment, looked at the person in front of him in amazement, and immediately pulled out the Xueshen system, scanning the old man in front of him.


Name: Forget Worry.

Demon Age: June.

Level: Level 11.

Grade: 3 grades.

Personal brief introduction: Forget about worry, Forget about worry about the valley and forget about the spring.


6 months?

Su Hang was shocked. This old man's age is only six months? A six-month master of the third grade of heaven and earth?

In just six months, reaching the third grade of Heaven and Dao Realm, it is obviously unscientific, and it is also shocking to spread it. It is no wonder that Su Hang will be so surprised.

However, when he saw this person's message and said that it was influenced by an expert, Su Hang felt a little bit better. Undoubtedly, this forgetfulness was originally the valley of forgetfulness in the valley, but the opportunity came , Was out of order by a master, Fang has such a fortune.

It's just that this expert who has forgotten his worries can easily turn out a strong man of heaven and earth, and his strength is absolutely terrifying.

Of course, the power of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the current Su Hang, can also be achieved by virtue of the divine initiation capability of the Xueshen, but it requires a lot of energy and requires a certain amount of risk. The risk, after all, the Xueshen system will not serve him in vain, and directly create a master of heaven and earth, that is a matter of rebellion, and there will definitely be heaven punishment.

It seems that I have come to the right place. Who can have such a master at hand, besides him?

At the moment, Su Hangdao said, "It turned out to be a grief-stricken lord.

Next to it, Yin Yuer was about to find a ground seam and drilled in. This is too embarrassing, is this guy sure to come for an appointment?

The old man with a yellow beard said, "This is a quiet place, go quickly, don't disturb the tranquility here."

Su Hang smiled and said, "I was invited by the real people of heaven to come here to meet each other, and bother the Taoist friends to give notice for me."

"A real person?"

When Yin Yuer heard this, she was shocked in an instant. She looked subconsciously at the mountain. Is the patriarch Sect Master Tiantian here?

This guy really has a connection with the real people in the sky. No wonder Dad is so unruly, he wants to give himself close to him.

All of a sudden, Yin Yu'er felt a surge of emotions. Although the real person in the sky was her ancestor, she had never seen the ancestor since she remembered it. It was just heard from the mouth of her parents and elders. A legendary existence.

Today, have you been lucky enough to meet you?

At this time, the old man with yellow bees looked at Su Hang for a few minutes, but shook his head and yelled, "What a real person, you are afraid that you have found the wrong place, go quickly, otherwise, don't blame the old man for rushing."

"Huh? Cangtian is not in the Valley of Worry?"

Su Hang was puzzled. What happened? It is clear that the pig is telling himself and letting himself come. Is it true that he is being teased?

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