Super Study God

Chapter 1841: Borrow Yin and Yang again!

Su Hang nodded, then flew away with Yin Yu'er, and fled far away.

Since he left without any worries, he was not afraid to escape.

When Su Hang and Yin Yu'er flew away, the red squid was shocked, and the body was growing up against the wind, quickly pulling up, and within a moment, it became a huge squid monster.


There was a long kiss to the sky, and a horrifying suffocating roar.


The space was trembling, and the sound waves were like many hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time. They quickly hit the four directions, and the whole desert instantly ignited a fierce sandstorm.

The majesty of the heavenly realm, the violent momentum, just made the world change color, and the sun and moon were dark.

The yellow sand covers the sky like the end of the world.

"It is calling those extraterrestrial creatures." In the midair, Yin Yuer said to Su Hang.

"I know, you don't need to translate this." Su Hang replied.

Yin Yu'er turned his head and glared at Su Hang with annoyance. "I want to see it. After a while, it calls out the extraterrestrial beasts in the Xuanhuang domain. How do you clean it up?"

"This is really a problem." Su Hang pinched his chin.

Yin Yuer pouted his lips and said, "Unless you can open the space channel and send them to erode the world."

Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er, "This is a way, but, do you know the coordinates of the erosion boundary?"

Yin Yu'er shrugged. "Of course I know, but if you want to break the space barriers with brute force, forget it. If something goes wrong, you might open another world's channel and release monsters."

What this said makes sense. Breaking the space barriers, Su Hang's current capabilities can be easily achieved, but if you want to bridge with other worlds, then it is a technical life.

You don’t have to have the power, you have to rely on the realm. When the realm arrives, you can accurately grasp and accurately locate it. Just like decorating a house, you know which walls can be knocked on, and those you can’t knock on. Open a door and go to another room. If you knock on the wrong wall and go to the next door, it will be troublesome.

"And." Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang as if it had that meaning, and quickly said, "It is an act of forbidden to engage in privately with other worlds, unless, you can find the Underworld Lord to open a back door for you, but, I think, you There is no such opportunity."

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Relax, I don't ask for help. I have free solutions to them. As for the eroded realm master, I will meet him later and ask him to calculate the general ledger."

"Oh, the tone is not small, you still want to find Cuiyun scattered trouble?" Yin Yuer listened, pouting.

"What's the matter?" Su Hang said lightly. "These extraterrestrial creatures are from his erosive realm, and there are eight beast lords leading the team. As a master of the realm, how can he not realize that since there are Perceived, but did nothing, I think this Cuiyun scattered people are not good people."

Yin Yu'er looked at Su Hang helplessly, "Are you trying to offend the celestial beings of the whole realm? You haven't seen a real person, it's better not to judge yourself. This time, everything happened because of Taihuang Mountain. , Cuiyun scattered people are weak even if they are conscious."

Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er strangely and smiled, "You maintain him like this, do you have a leg?"

Yin Yuer heard the words and jumped directly. "Women, do you know what a woman is? Cuiyun Sanren is a woman, her hair is white, I will give you a leg."

"Oh?" Su Hang was a little funny, and looked at her weirdly, "That's either her son, grandson, or some descendant? Or why do you maintain her like this?"

"I'm going to be angry." Yin Yu'er listened, his face flushed red, his hands clasped to his chest, and he looked bulging.

"Okay, don't joke with you." Su Hang quickly waved her hand, the woman is stingy, "Wait here, I will leave for a while."

"Where are you going?" Yin Yu'er was still angry, and he quickly turned around and asked after hearing Su Hang's words.

"Borrow something, come back immediately." Su Hang said directly.

"Borrow something? What kind of thing?" Yin Yuer asked.

Su Hang shrugged, "Of course it is to pack up these extraterrestrial creatures."

Yin Yuer paused, then turned back to the huge red squid still roaring under the call, "What if this red squid ran away? I can't control it."

"It dare not run, if it dares to run, it will die miserably." Su Hangdao.

Yin Yu'er suddenly patted her head, "I know, are you going to borrow Yin and Yang?"

Su Hang nodded.

Yin Yuer heard the words, but there was a smile on her face, "Yin and Yang Mo is my brother's treasure of enlightenment, it is our Yin family's things, is it said to borrow and borrow? Certainly not lend you unless you take me all the way."

Su Hang sweated, "Why don't you go to Kunlun and take the Yin and Yang mill back? I'm here to watch this red squid. You're right, be careful and run away."

Yin Yuer stomped on his Why is this guy always making me angry?

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Su Hang said directly.

"Nasty guy."

Yin Yu'er gave Su Hang a blank look, and his figure disappeared from mid-air quickly.


The red squid is still roaring, the sound and majesty are enough to spread throughout the mainland of China.

Around the desert, many strangely shaped beasts outside the region heard the red squid's call, and they soon gathered in the desert.

It didn't take a moment before the Soviet Air, the sky and the ground were already black, and they were all extraterrestrial creatures. Moreover, the number of these extraterrestrial creatures is still increasing at a terrifying rate.

At this time, Su Hang looked at her eyes, and there was a little faint light in her eyes. If Yin Yuer could borrow the Yin and Yang mills, these could be real energy points, energy points for walking and flying.


At the same time, many places on the mainland of China were being attacked by extraterrestrial beasts. Suddenly, these beasts seemed to have received some summons and quickly retreated like a tide.

Heaven Sun Palace, the demon race, both Kunlun Mountain and Tiandu Mountain attracted more than half of the firepower. Therefore, although the current Sun Palace is still under siege from outside fierce beasts, it is nothing, and all the demon kings in the palace can handle it. .

"How come these monsters suddenly retreated?"

Emperor Jun stood in front of the Sun Palace and looked at the black-pressed extraterrestrial herd that receded like a tide, and was quite surprised. These things have always been intrepid and fearless. Why did he suddenly retreat this time?

It's a bit weird to retreat, is it planning something?

"Your Majesty, only the Tiandu Mountain spread the news." At this time, a white-bearded old man walked to Di Jun's side and handed a piece of communication jade symbol.

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