Super Study God

Chapter 1842: Too tragic!

"Oh?" Wu Jun heard that, reaching for the messenger from the old man's hand, and quickly sinking into it.

"Huh? This..." Soon, Wu Jun's face showed ecstasy and opened his eyes violently, "Master is back!"

Breathing is a little short, so it turns out, no wonder these extraterrestrial creatures will suddenly retreat, it turns out that the master is back.

Is this the end of the disasters that have lasted for thousands of years? For a while, Wu Jun couldn't believe it was true, fearing it was just an illusion.



The same scene happened at the same time almost at all the main refusal stations in Shenzhou. Numerous extraterrestrial beasts were still attacking the station daringly in the first second. After a second, they seemed to hear something and suddenly stopped. He listened to something with his ears, and then he quickly retreated like a tide, causing everyone to be agitated.


Endless storms rolled up in the desert, covering the sky and sun, and countless black shadows came from all directions towards the desert. The black pressure, such as the thunder violent volume, I do not know that there are hundreds of millions of trillions, the earthquake is trembling, terrifying.

Even Su Hang had to fly to Jiuxiao to avoid being drawn into the herd. That momentum really covered the sky.

Looking down from the air, it was just black, and quickly surrounded the middle, and the yellow sand-colored layout was no longer visible.

What a huge force this is, absolutely obey the orders of the beast, absolutely fearless, orderly, and strict in rank, Suhang has to sigh that he can persist until now under such a powerful force. It is hard to imagine what all the races in this domain have experienced!

Yin Yu'er hadn't returned yet, and Su Hang was too lazy to wait for him. He waved his sleeves directly, his cuffs pointed down, and something flew out.

The black is the Sima cylinder!

This tank is terrible. It has been following Su Hang for a long time. It has been broken several times. Once broken, Su Hang will repair it once. The last time I went to pick up the Tianhe water, it has already collapsed. Sima cylinder was upgraded between this bad and repaired. It can be regarded as inspirational, of course, it is indispensable to Su Hang's efforts.

Today, Sima cylinder has already joined the Taoist club, and it is not an ordinary Taoqi. It has entered the ranks of Zhongpin Taoqi, and it has become a space inside.

Although it is said that the space strength of Zhongpin's space devices is unlikely to trap the strong people of the Heavenly Dao Realm, but it is more than enough to trap the living bodies below the Heavenly Dao Realm.

These monsters in front of them are piles of energy points and huge energy pools for Su Hang. For the existence of such urgently needed energy points, it is really rare and not to be wasted.

The Sima cylinder hung upside down in the air and became extremely huge. It almost covered the whole world. The huge cylinder mouth was facing down, just like a super vacuum cleaner.

Countless fierce beasts rose up together with Huangsha, and had no ability to resist at all. They were directly taken into the tank.

Seeing this scene, Chiju naturally understood Su Hang’s intentions, but what else could it do, could not bear the heart of rebellion, and could only roar all the way, gathering the same kind of people in the four quarters, these lowly lives in themselves and under his hands In front of it, of course, it will choose to save their lives.

Even at the expense of everything! Human nature is still selfish, not to mention animal nature? As long as you can survive, no matter how serious, no matter how great the sacrifice, it is worth it! In the face of life, what is dignity?

The red squid roared insanely, and countless strangely shaped extraterrestrial creatures gathered from all directions. Even if they knew that the front was dangerous, they would plunge into the terrible vortex.

Such a scene is simply tragic.

"It's too tragic!" Su Hang was watching from afar. He didn't have any mercy for these extraterrestrial beasts. After a while, a voice came from Su Hang.

You don't need to look back to know that Yin Yu'er is back!

"What's miserable? I am afraid that they will be even more miserable when they destroy my race!" Su Hang shook his head.

Yin Yu'er looked away. "You have a way to clean them up. Why did you let me get the Yin and Yang mills? Isn't this just plain tossing people?"

Su Hang turned to look at her, "Let you borrow a yin and yang mill, and rub for a long time, can't I find a way myself? Can the yin and yang mill be brought in?"

Su Hang just put away these monsters temporarily. If there is no Yin and Yang Mo, how can these monsters be transformed into energy? This is still a problem.

"Dao Laoyuan's trip didn't have a good word!" Yin Yuer pouted, took an object from the cuff, and passed it directly to Suhang. "It's easy to borrow and repay, because it's because of yin and yang Grinding, Liuyun has already died of destiny, Kunlun has lost the treasure of Zhenshan, if he is robbed in the future, I am afraid..."

Su Hang reached out to take over the Yin and Yang mills, and he really couldn't get away with this thing afterwards. After hearing Yin Yu'er's words, he thought about it and said, "Well, I will leave the sky axe to Kunlun to suppress How do you feel when you return the Yin and Yang mills after the day returns?"

Su Hang is not the kind of person who is cheaper than a man. He exchanges the sky axe for the yin and yang mills. Kunlun is already a good value for money. After all, the sky axe is at least in the ranks of the best Taoist instruments.

What about Yin Yang? Yin Wucheng's magic weapon for enlightenment is probably only among the highest-grade Taoist instruments.

Yin Yuer listened to Su Hang's words, and then smiled with satisfaction. "That's the best. Only then did I meet Yue'er. After the martyrdom of Liu Yun, Kunlun's affairs were put on her shoulders, and she handled everything in her hands properly. , Come to see you!"

Su Hang listened and shook his head, "No, wait for me to deal with these monsters, go to Kunlun in person, or to worship the flowing clouds, and give the sky axe to Yue'er!"

Yin Yu'er didn't say much, just smiled bitterly, "This is good, the East Prince, West Queen, pitiful brother has been working so hard for many years, but now he has made a wedding dress for you, even Kunlun, and later your name Pangu !"

Su Hang heard this and sighed, "It's all sentient beings in this domain, why should you, me, and me be so clearly separated?"

Yin Yuer listened and hesitated for a moment. Su Hang was serious, but she had nothing to say.


Countless extraterrestrial creatures are converging non-stop, vigorous and dynamic, but they don't know where the end is.

The ancient China is so big, the territory is vast, and there are many creatures outside the territory, but it is not possible to gather completely in a while.

Su Hang didn't dare to walk away, even if the squirrel beast ran away with a slippery head. Then he would have to spend a lot of effort to clean up these extraterrestrial creatures.

This is just a full five days. After five days, the extraterrestrial creatures appearing on the desert territory have been much less, basically all are scattered.

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