Super Study God

Chapter 1846: Worship the Flowing Cloud!

"My dad said, our Yin family will be on your side! If you want to find Nuwa's whereabouts, maybe, I can help you, with my father's ability, it is not difficult to find Nuwa's whereabouts." Yin Yu'er faced Su Hangdao.

Su Hang heard the words, pause, Yin family? Is it reliable? Not for profit?

"No need for the time being!" Su Hangdao said, directly refusing Yin Yu'er's proposal.

Indeed, with Yin Tianfeng's ability, it is natural to find Nuwa's whereabouts. However, Su Hang did not want to have too much involvement with the Yin family when he did not understand the real intention of Yin Tianfeng's person and the Yin family, especially Yin Tianfeng, Su Hang can feel that this person is very complicated.

"I don't know good people's hearts!" Yin Yu'er said, "I know that you are not only looking for Nuwa's family, but also, I can still feel that you are very urgent, but now there is no clue to Nuwa's family. Where to find it?"

"Who said there is no clue?" Su Hang asked back.

Yin Yu'er rolled his eyes, "It's impossible, you thought, that what Elder Xue is still waiting for you in Kunlun Mountain? It's been more than ten years, brother!"

After more than ten years, why are you still on Kunlun Mountain? That is the only person who knows where the Nuwa family is, and I am afraid that it is the only hope for Su Hang now.

Su Hang shook his head, "I'm not there, I have my own way to find him. This is simple for me."

"Simple?" Yin Yu'er smiled. "What else can you do? Do you think like those extraterrestrial creatures, with a cry, he can come?"

"If I had known that he had contact with Nuwa, I wouldn't have to bother asking about it so hard!" Su Hang smiled and looked at Yin Yu'er instead. "After a while, I will show it to you and you will understand. !"

"Huh?" Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang with a stunned expression. This guy, mysterious and secret, didn't know what to do!


Going all the way to the west, without any delay, he had already crossed the green grassland and came to Kunlun Mountain.

It used to be called Kunwu. Since Kunlun God Realm appeared, it has been changed to Kunlun. On the top of Kunlun Mountain, it is the gate of God Realm. Behind the gate of God Realm is Kunlun Realm.

Originally, the Kunlun Realm and the Promise Realm of the Heavenly Capital, the heaven and earth's creation space, are all different spaces, used to protect the last inheritance of the Protoss, and the safety factor is quite high, but just a few days ago, the extraterrestrial creatures played a slap , Attacking the Sun Palace on the bright side, in fact, took the Kunlun operation, the four beasts gathered in Kunlun, most of Kunlun’s forces went to the Sun Palace to help the battle, and even the Yin and Yang Mo were taken away by Yaoyue. , Kunlun naturally does not support.

The gate of the **** realm was broken, and the four beast lords led many extraterrestrial beasts into Kunlun God Realm. Divine Emperor Liuyun had no choice but to defend the Kunlun inheritance.

The day before Suhang came back, things happened so coincidentally, it seemed that they were completely arranged.

At this time, the gate of God Realm has been repaired, but you can still see the traces of destruction. You are still on the Kunlun Mountain, and you can’t see a few complete trees. There are many corpses and remains of humans and beasts everywhere. The smoke is like a purgatory. .

Above the verdant grasslands, I am afraid that the wolf, sheep, and rabbit family will also be extinct. Su Hang can’t help but sigh. Sometimes, life is so fragile, don’t look at yourself now, in front of the real strong, it is still worthless. .

Kunlun God Realm is in a depression. Kunlun Palace is filled with primitives everywhere. A huge **** statue is set in the middle of God Realm. Su Hang looked at it and it was Liuyun.

After seeing Yaoyue, several people came under the statue of Liuyun, and Su Hang heartily worshipped Liuyun.

The spirit of Liuyun defending his body, such a spirit, has made Su Hang very respected and great enough.

"Isn't it saved?" Yin Yu'er looked up at the statue in front of him.

After all, Liuyun is also regarded as a member of their Yin family. Her elder brother Yin Wucheng's accompanying child, anyway, also called her grandma, and now seeing the end of Liuyun, it is not a taste...

Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er, "Maybe I have to ask you..."

Yin Yuer turned to look at Su Hang, "If I have a way, do I have to ask you? Besides, if this is not to rescue the Sun Palace, why is he here?"

Beside, Yaoyue also stared at Su Hang, and in her view, Su Hang was omnipotent.

Wu Jun, the Sun Palace, is also under the Su Hang door. Yin Yuer said this, Su Hang is indeed a bit ashamed, but he is really helpless.

"Liuyun died in martyrdom, turning the flesh, soul, and true spirit into seals. How can I save him?" Su Hang shook his head, and Liuyun had completely turned into a seal. This **** was nothing more than an empty shell. .

Even if Liuyun leaves only a trace of true spirit, Su Hang can have a way to regenerate him. However, the current situation is that Liuyun basically no longer exists in this world.

This seal is the flow cloud, he can solve the extraterrestrial beasts suppressed by the But that will inevitably destroy the seal. Once the seal is broken, the flow cloud is equivalent to the disappearance of smoke.

Yin Yu'er and Yaoyue are quite disappointed. For Yaoyue, Liuyun is also half of her teacher. The gratitude to her is even heavier than that of Su Hang. When Su Hang shook her head, she couldn't help it. Two lines of tears shed.

After all, Su Hang has not yet reached the avenue level, without that ability! Perhaps the only person who can save Liuyun is the Yin family, and even the Yin family will not take action, so they can only do nothing!

Su Hang is very clear that, according to the development of history, the Yin family has not shot until the future generations. The ending of the flowing cloud can be said to be desolate and miserable!

Yin Yu'er didn't speak anymore. The thing about Liuyun obviously touched something that made her heart heavy.

After the worship of Liuyun, Su Hang asked Yaoyue about Xue Qi, but Yaoyue also shook his head. He only said that Xue Qi and Hongyun had been to Kunlun, but I didn’t know what they said to Liuyun. left.

After coming out of Kunlun God Realm, Yin Yu'er was somewhat gloating, "I'm right, right? It's almost impossible for you to find Nuwa's family to rest on your own, eh? Didn't you say you want to show me something?"

Fang Cai's weight seemed to be swept away!

Su Hang stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain and smiled back, "Ignorant mortals, I have the means to heaven, can you imagine?"

Yin Yu'er gave Su Hang a blank look, "Then ask the Pangu Great God to show his magical powers. I am just like going to the Nuwa Family's worship service. My father said that the Nuwa Family's ancestors have had friendship with him!"

"Oh, your father is really making friends all over the world!" Su Hang smiled lightly, and didn't care.

Yin Yuer pouted and said, "Don't cry and beg me, let me ask my father to do it!"

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