Super Study God

Chapter 1847: Xue Qi's pain!

"Open your eyes and take a good look!" Su Hang said, walking directly to the cliff!

Yin Yu'er turned around and looked at Suhang. This guy, could he really have that skill, could not find the way to Nuwa?

Su Hang stood on the edge of the cliff, looked up at the sky, and stood up against the wind.

The expression is solemn and solemn, as if carrying a holy glory.

"Child Xue Qi, come and be killed!"

Along with Su Hang's cold drink, Su Hang's right hand was stretched out slowly, his **** skyward.


There was a thunder in the air, and the sky seemed to be poked by a finger of Su Hang.

I saw that Su Hang's fingertips showed a dark space gap, just like a curtain was torn apart, and a round thing was squeezed out of the gap.

Su Hang's finger just stuck in the middle of the round thing and was deeply stuck in it.


With a screaming scream, a figure emerged from the gap.

A fascinating daisy burst into the air.

Yin Yu'er looked at the scene in front of her, his face twitched slightly, and was almost not fainted by thunder, can there be such an operation? what's going on?

As a woman, Yin Yuer still felt a chill in the back door.

With a thud, the man fell to the ground and rolled around, screaming wailingly, calling him miserable.

At a glance, Yin Yu'er saw that it was a young man. Although his facial features were folded because of pain, he could still be seen vaguely. This person is not bad, at least much better than Soviet Airways.

Su Hang looked at Xue Qi, who was wailing and rolling on the ground, and flicked the finger of his right hand, and said, "Don't howl, I didn't even make a contribution, how can it be?"

"Why don't you try it yourself?" Xue Qi clutched the back door, turned around easily, and looked at Su Hang with a cry. "You want to see me, can't you change another way?"

Su Hang wiped the sweat on his forehead. "Don't care about these details. If I have other ways, I won't do anything."

Looking up and down at Xue Qi, although more than 30 million years have passed, this kid doesn't seem to have changed at all. It's still the same. Well, Su Hang can't say it.

"Fart, you are clearly intentional." Ping Bai was stabbed for no reason. That was a pain. At this moment, Xue Qi just wanted to swear, and there is still a little bit of joy to reunite with Su Hang for a long time.

"Okay, I did it on purpose." Su Hang grinned. "You are beeping, I can give you two more."

"do not."

Xue Qi was startled and quickly sat cross-legged on the ground. He looked up at Su Hang with tears on his face and asked angrily, "What are you doing with me?"

Su Hang turned to look at Yin Yu'er and smiled, "This Yin girl doesn't believe that I can find you out. Isn't this a proof for her?"


Xue Qi swears directly, why do you just treat the girl, what is it to play with me?

Yin Yu'er gave Su Hang a blank look and pointed directly at Xue Qidao. "He wanted to find Nuwa's whereabouts. I heard that you and Nuwa are close. Should you know where Nuwa is now?"

Su Hang really got Xue Qi out. To be honest, Yin Yu'er was really surprised. Although this move was not very elegant, she still refreshed her three views.

"I don't know." Xue Qi was already angry, but his **** hadn't hurt yet, and he was also expected to answer your questions?

Su Hang didn't say much. He put his finger directly on the front of the noodle and detailed, "Boy, your account, I haven't settled it with you yet. Or, I'll settle it now for you?"

"What account?" Xue Qi froze for a moment, looked up at Su Hang, and unconsciously took a step back, fearing that Su Hang would poke him again.

"What account?" Su Hang snorted coldly. "How did I tell you when I left? Let you stay in Tiandu to guard the inheritance of the human race. You can do it well. As soon as I leave my front foot, you will have a red cloud and a snowy moon on your back foot. Go? The human race suffered such a big disaster, but you found a place for me to hide and do nothing, you said, should I talk to you and say."

Xue Qi listened to Su Hang's words, and the expression on his face looked a little unnatural, and apparently he knew that he was justified.

"I..." Xue Qi was stagnant. "This can't blame me. When we left, the world was peaceful. Who knows that there will be so many things in the future. Besides, I am not doing nothing. If it were not for me, I went back to Nuwa "Why would the mother-in-law send a successor to appear to save the world? If it weren't for me to go to Zixiao Palace, would Daozu appear to save the heavens?"

Su Hang heard that he couldn't help but feel euphoric, "You'd rather put gold on your face."

"What is gold? I said all the facts." Xue Qidao said, "Although I have been in Nuwa's all these years, I am always concerned about Pangu's..."

"Listen, why don't I feel credible?" Yin Yuer said abruptly.

Xue Qi heard that his face was covered with black lines. If Yin Yu'er was not a woman, he might have started to scold.

"What I said is true." Xue Qi looked at Su Hang seriously. "Although I have made mistakes, you can't deny my credit, right?"

Su Hang waved his hand, "I will not liquidate these with you for the time being. You, now, take me to the Nuwa family to find the Nuwa lady."

"Uh..." Xue Qi froze.

Su Hang frowned, "What's the difficulty?"

Looking at Su Hang's expression alone, Xue Qi knew that his back door was in danger again, and quickly laughed loudly, saying, "It's not difficult, but the Nuwa's gate is closed, and no outsiders are allowed to enter."

Su Hang's face was black. "Due to my friendship with Nuwa, am I an outsider? You can enter, but I cannot enter?"

"What you said, it seems to be like the lady of Nuwa." Xue Qi嘁 said, "I was originally from Nuwa's door, and now Hongyun has worshipped Taishang Nuwa as a teacher, I naturally don't count Outsider, can you hang..."

"Less talk to me." Su Hang directly interrupted Xue Qi. "Take me to Nuwa's family. If Nuwa's blame is on her own, I will take care of it."

Xue Qi stood up hard and looked at Su Hang suspiciously. "Just ask, Brother Hang, what are you doing looking for Nuwa Niangniang?"

Su Hang paused, "borrow something."

"Rely." Xue Qi heard the words and immediately took a sip, "Is it still so horizontal to borrow something?"

"Huh?" Su Hang stared at him directly. Was this kid really getting more courageous?

Xue Qi narrowed his neck quickly. "Come on, I'll take you, but no matter what happens, you're alone, it's not my business."

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