Super Study God

Chapter 1848: 1 wave and 3 fold!

"You try nonsense again?" Su Hang stared at him.

"Xing Xing Xing, I'm afraid of you! Obviously begging for people, so arrogant!" Xue Qi stood up, clutching his **** in one hand, limping, looking at Su Hang with blame, "all How old is it, and still playing this trick, it's too much, follow me!"

Having said that, he wanted to take off, but when he moved somewhere, he grinned and almost didn’t cry.


Su Hang had no choice but to grab him, and the three turned into escapes, and went straight westward.

West Kunlun further west is the West Sea. In a chat with Xue Qi, Su Hang knew that after Nuwa left Zhonghuangshan, he did go to a small world, and that small world was deep in the West Sea.

World space and enchantment space are completely different. World space is completely another world. The toughness of its space barriers is much higher than that of enchantment space. Moreover, it has no rules to graft with this world. It is no wonder that Su Hang cannot find its trail.

Just like the enchantment space, the world space can be independent, or two world spaces can be connected in series, like two sets of adjacent houses. The enchantment space is the room in the house. It's yours, you open the door on the wall and it's the same.

The small world where the Nu Wa is located, and the small door connected to the Xuanhuang Realm, is in the West Sea.

Hearing Xue Qi said that the world's name is Penglai. After Suhang heard this name, he couldn't help but wonder. Afterlife legend, shouldn't Penglai be in the East China Sea? Why did Xihai come?

Is it that Penglai is not Penglai? I remember when the Soviet Union first arrived, it claimed to be from the East China Sea Penglai! Yin Yu'er also had a palace named Penglai, what other cause and effect is there?

Su Hang turned to Yin Yu'er and looked at it, but she also shook her head and expressed puzzlement.

The endless sea, the waves are sometimes turbulent, and sometimes calm like a mirror, do not know where is the corner, compared to the future fairyland, this ancient China really does not know how many times bigger.

In the future battle against the Dao, this ancient Chinese continent will collapse, leaving only a large piece of land fairy land, and the remaining corners will be turned into the sky and dust.

Therefore, there is nothing that is eternal. Even this continent has a day when it will be terminated.

I don't know how far into the West Sea. In the hazy, a small island appeared in the field of vision. Xue Qi led the Su Hang and the two lowered their heads into the vast sea of ​​mist.

The peaks are green, the peaks are stacked, the birds and beasts are in groups, and the island is peaceful. I am afraid that only this deep sea corner has not been damaged by those extraterritorial creatures!

Xue Qi fell on top of one of the peaks, only to see a huge stone standing on the peak, with the word carved on the stone.


It is a magic word. Although it is an ancient script of dragons and phoenixes, Su Hang can still recognize it.

The word is like it was formed naturally, and I don’t know how long it has been here, let alone what it means.

Without saying anything, Xue Qi took a round blue-green token from his waist and walked over to the stone.

"Thanks to you, you met me. I have a pass to and from Penglai. In Penglai, few people have more privileges!" Xue Qi said, very proud, "This stone is the entrance to Penglai, Only Penglai Ling in my hand can open the door of the two realms!"

Speaking of which, Xue Qi has placed the token in his hand on the stone. The illusion is just enough to accommodate the token in Xue Qi's hand. Same as keyhole.

After the token was put on, Xue Qi took a step back and stood beside Su Hang. All three looked at the stone as if they were expecting something.

One second, two seconds...

The stone was still the same stone, the lines were not moving, and the expectations on the faces of the three people slowly faded away, and the black face of Su Hang was replaced.

"Boy, are you teasing me?" Su Hang looked at Xue Qi.

When Xue Qi said the name Penglai, Su Hang felt unreliable, and it turned out to be unreliable.

Xue Qi was also stunned at this time, and did not know whether it was really pretend.

"How could this be?" Xue Qi quickly went up to grab the token, looked at it carefully, and confirmed that it was correct, and put it up again.

However, after waiting for a long time, still did not wait for the so-called Penglai portal to open.

"It's weird, why doesn't it work?" Xue Qi tried several times repeatedly, but didn't see the door open.

Yin Yu'er said next to him, "In this case, there are three possibilities. Either you have taken the wrong door, you have moved, or someone has changed the door!"

After a pause, Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang. "Did you say that you have a good relationship with Nuwa? It seems that Nuwa didn't welcome you very much!"

Su Hang's face twitched and asked Xue Qi, "Are you sure you are here?"

Xue Qi nodded, "I've lived for such a large number of years anyway, it's impossible to even know the way? I see, girl Yin is right, Bacheng is the Nuwa ancestor who doesn't want to see you. Okay, how do I go back? Hongyun is still waiting for me in Penglai!"

Su Hang was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and punched directly into the void with a punch. If the fist wind was violent, the violence was boundless, and the space shook violently, and then it shattered instantly, and Su Hangsheng hit a black hole in space.

It's dark, the space power is scattered, the terror is very terrible, but unfortunately, I didn't see Penglai, nor did I see the space passage to Penglai.

Soon, the black hole was quickly healed again, and there was no trace of it.

At this time, Yin Yu'er said, "It's useless, and that space is not attached to this world's enchantment, nor brute force can make it visible!"

Zhennima has many twists and turns. Is it so difficult for him to only find Nuwa?

"Who else is Nuwa, I know?" Su Hang thought about it and asked Xue Qi directly.

Xue Qi thought for a while, "Do you know? That's more, Nuwa Niangniang, Taishang Nuwa Niangniang, and Yun'er, don't you all know?"

"I said, man!" Su Hang's black line all over his face!

"Man?" Xue Qi froze for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something. The back door was faintly cold and looked at Su Hang with an ugly expression. "Aren't you going to use that trick again?"

Su Hang shrugged, "Relax!"

Xue Qi shook his skin a little, and believe you are the ghost!

After a pause, Xue Qi said, "Wang Zha Nao is also there, that guy is now the elder Penglai Hushan!"

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