Super Study God

Chapter 1849: Penglai 1 fat man!

"Where is the Wang bomb?" Su Hang was a little surprised when he heard this!

Xue Qi nodded, "This guy has been miserable a few years ago. He is Yun'er's brother. Yuner wants to help him. I can't say anything. When Nuwa's withdrawal, I was in Nuwa In front of the empress, asked him for an errand, but this guy did not ask for advancement. If he is not qualified, I am afraid that Elder Hushan's seat will not be his turn!"

It can be seen that Xue Qi is really a prejudice to Wang Biao, and he seems to be very unwilling to see him!

"Well, it's him!" Su Hang said directly, interrupting Xue Qi's words.

Xue Qi closed his mouth, and when he heard Su Hang's words, he had already squeezed a sweat for Wang in his heart.

In my heart, I apologized to Wang Fang. Su Hang turned around and pointed his right hand with his sword, stab directly into the air, "Wang Fang! Killed!"


In the midair that only listened to a thunder and lightning, Su Hang's figure disappeared in front of Xue Qi and Yin Yu'er in an instant without warning.

Both of them looked at this scene in amazement, but for a while, they couldn't recover, this is not the same as imagined!

Shouldn't you know that the round buttocks appeared out of thin air, followed by another delicate daisy in full bloom?

"What about people?" Yin Yu'er couldn't help but look around, but it's a pity that Su Hang disappeared, and she just didn't notice how the Su Hang disappeared, even without any spatial fluctuations.

Xue Qihan was sweating, obviously he knew something, and sighed, "Brother Hang, Hang Brother, really made this loss trick fascinating!"...



It's a small world in the void, and I don't know which super powerful person opened it up. The space is vast, and the spirit sea fairy mountain and the spirit of fairy spirit are extremely abundant. It is simply a land of paradise.

The Nuwa family has come here to avoid the world since they left Zhonghuang Mountain. Although it is not as big as other world spaces, it is completely isolated from other worlds and is not subject to other world rules. Yong, even if the whole Xuanhuang Realm collapses, this Penglai Realm will not have any impact, and the Xuanhuang Realm Master can't control it here.

Here, Xianshan Fudi and Tiandi are full of strength. If they are placed in the ancient Taizhou, they can definitely be regarded as the absolute top!

The spirits of fairy spirits converge into a waterfall, which sprinkles directly from the towering Penglai Mountain. From a distance, it becomes a beautiful scenery, beautiful and beautiful.

The palaces on the hill are in groups, row by row, extremely brilliant, and the sound of fairy music is far away, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Master, shall we not go fishing today?" On the mountain road at the foot of the mountain, a big boy who looked like fifteen or sixteen, carrying a wooden bucket and carrying a few fishing rods, followed behind a fat man with a look. Tired, deep in the eye sockets, he looked reluctant.

The fat man turned around and glared at the big boy, "You master, I have such a hobby, let you accompany me to catch a fish, what's wrong?"

The big boy heard the words, but he was not afraid. He pouted, and said, "Master, don't I know you yet? You old man is a drunkard who doesn't mean to drink, but under the guise of fishing, but actually just wants to steal Just watch the sisters in the palace take a bath!"

"Boom!" The fat man walked in front, as if stepping on a stone on the side of the road, he almost didn't roll off the mountain road.

It seems to have been exposed, the fat man turned around to give the big boy a brainstorm, "Scunk boy, what nonsense?"

"How can I talk nonsense?" The big boy covered his head and looked at the fat man with a stubborn and grievous face. "Where is there to go fishing in the hot spring, I haven't seen Master you caught a fish!"

The fat man twitched, "You know what a fart, there is a kind of **** fish in the hot spring. It is not difficult to catch for the teacher, it is difficult to catch!"

The big boy stared at him stunnedly, "Master, can you persuade yourself with this remark? I only know that the sisters in the palace go to the hot springs to take a bath every day, and Master, you always go on time, every time Let me whistle for you, how could it be so coincident?"

"Fart!" The fat man took a sip and his face was green and red. "Laozi is really raising you in white! If you don't want to go, you will roll back on the mountain yourself. Laozi will expel you from the teacher!"

"Master!" Upon hearing this, the teenager cried and lost his face. "Master, the disciples really can't do it anymore. They are weak, and they don't eat well. They are malnourished. They are no stronger than Master. You are really strong. , Or let's go tomorrow, give me a vacation!"

"Let your mother's egg!" The fat man has a bad temper, and he will fight when he raises his hand. However, he stopped as soon as he lifted his hand halfway!

"Giggle..." In the distance, in the direction of the hot spring pool under the waterfall, there was a faint sound of laughter.

The anger on the fat man's face disappeared all at once, and he instantly changed into an obscene smile.

"Apprentice, guard here for the teacher, and go fishing for the teacher. I must catch the godfish today!" The fat man smiled took the fishing rod and bucket from the young man's shoulder Come over, "Keep on guard, and call someone as a teacher when someone comes, so as not to be alarmed by the fish in the pool!"

The young man's contempt, "Master, you laugh so obscenely!"

"Get out of here!" The fat man took a sip, then clipped the rod to his armpit, turned around and couldn't wait to run.

The young man stood on the spot and his face was speechless. Why did he follow such a master?



Under the waterfall, in a water pool not far away, the steam was steaming, there were some women vaguely, dressed in tulle, playing happily in the pool.

They are the maids in the Emperor's Palace, and they are naturally quite beautiful. They are placed on earth, which is definitely the beauty of a fairy.

"Hey, this white, Teren!"

"Unfortunately, why are all snake tails?"


The fat man hid behind a big stone, and drew a border around him, concealing his figure.

A pair of eyes looked directly at the hot spring in the distance, and the shadows were outlined, which is really fascinating and refreshing.

The fat man twitched his buttocks and lay on the stone, and his saliva almost came out. That expression was really a frivolous expression.

"Huh? How do you feel a scalp tingling?" Suddenly, the expression on the fat man's face was suddenly collected, and his heart suddenly jumped wildly. A hairy feeling spread from the scalp to the back.

This is an ominous premonition, is it possible that someone on the mountain is staring at it? There was a flash of thought in the fat man's mind. The feeling was as if an ordinary person had been stared at by a ferocious Tibetan Mastiff.

No, if it's really exposed, and I don't say that my old face is nowhere to rest, I'm afraid I will be heavily punished by Zongmen.

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