Super Study God

Chapter 1851: Nu Wa blocked the way!

Mingyu looked directly at Su Hang, "treating into Penglai without permission, and doing the wicked thing, the crime is blameable. Do you want to restrain yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

Suhang Khan, this king of Nima exploded, wouldn't it stab you, would it be necessary to pit me like this?

Su Hang smiled, "I am Su Hang's bright and defiant person, I will never do that wicked thing, the girl can take me to see the Nuwa Niangniang, the Nuwa Niangniang through the investigation, naturally can know the cause and effect inside!"

"Huh, the prodigal prodigal son, is also eligible to see the Nuwa lady?"

Su Hang's words just fell, and Wang Zui jumped up from the pool with his **** covered, "Elder Jade, hurry this man out of Penglai."


Su Hang's face was blue when he heard this, and he glared at Wang Biao. "Do you think I'm too light?"

Suddenly frightened by Su Hang, Wang Fang took a step back subconsciously, but unexpectedly stepped on the air, and fell into the pool again, raising a large splash of water, but it was really an embarrassment.

"You, look, he actually threatened me!" Wang Zuizhuo faced Ming Yudao.

Mingyu's forehead was covered with black lines. This king's bombing was indeed too low-end. Fortunately, he didn't promise his love.

With a cold face, Ming Yu shouted sharply, "Get it for me."

The words just fell, and the maids stood up one after another, holding a long sword, and surrounded Su Hang in the middle.

The posture is quite sufficient, but in the eyes of Su Hang, it seems a bit ridiculous.

"Surely, Elder Mingyu thought that these girls would be able to catch me?" Su Hang smiled, but did not want to clash with the Nuwa clan, "I'm afraid you don't know who I am. ?"

"Huh, how dare you look down upon Nuwa's family?" At this time, Wang Bian became the master of rhythm.

Mingyu obviously took the rhythm by the Wang bombing, and directly faced Su Hangdao, "No matter what kind of person you are, trespassing on Penglai, peeping into the maid’s bath in the palace, everything is a felony. , It’s not good for you to get started."

Su Hang smiled, "It's not that I'm talking big, the entire Nuwa family, I'm afraid few people can stand me."


Hearing Su Hang’s words, Ming Yu and the group of maids were stunned. Is this Nima a human word? Is it so crazy? It is ridiculous to dare to put this feud on Nuwa's site. It is the biggest joke since the beginning of the world.

But next to him, Wang shrunk his neck, but he dared not speak anymore, because he knew that Su Hang really had that ability. At that time, he was a figure in the world. Now that more than 30 million years have passed, it is more difficult for him to imagine Su Hang. What level has been reached.

He takes the rhythm with it. If he really fights, I'm afraid he is the fastest.

"Take me..." Mingyu was furious and directly issued the order to get people.

However, a sentence has not yet been exported, Su Hang's body flashed, and had disappeared from them.

Mingyu was shocked, she could feel that Su Hang had used the space ability to go up the mountain.

Even the figure quickly flashed, and took the maids to chase up the mountain.

In front of the main hall, above the square, the statue of the granddaughter Wa Niangniang soared into the clouds, majestic and majestic.

"Stop me." Mingyu shouted.

Dozens of figures floated out, holding a sword, and quickly surrounded Su Hang in the middle, forming a formation.

Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly, just these women, in this situation, how could he be trapped by him, for fear that a slap would see the king.

"Wu Nu Niang, your old friend visited, why did you refuse to go out?" Su Hang raised his chest, his strong voice spread out.

Now that the Nuwa family has been found, how can Su Hang stop here, and can't they be seen?

"Who should I be, it turns out that Pangu is coming, and Nu Wa has lost her way, please forgive me."

At this time, a gentle voice came from Nuwa Palace. Su Hang then saw a woman in white walk out of the hall.

It is the third generation of Nu Wa.

When she stepped out of the threshold, dozens of women came out from both sides of her and came to the square. Together with the previous guards, the Soviet air regiment was in the middle.

Nu Wa stands on top of the high ranks, with several elderly women in the rear, all of them are contemporary Nuwa elders.

Su Hang first bowed to the ceremony, then said, "It's really difficult to see the lady, but Su Mou came here today, there is no malice, why the lady is so posture, as if Su Mou is a thief."

Nu Wa heard the words, gently raised her hand, and all the women around the meeting would immediately put away the long sword in her hand, but she did not lift her guard.

"Sister Niang, are you going to take Su Mou as an enemy?" Su Hang was not too happy.

Nüwa smiled and slowly walked down from the high order, politely facing the Su Channel, "Nuwa's relationship with the real person of Pangu is very deep, it is naturally impossible to be an enemy, but whether it is an enemy or a friend, It depends on the real person's intention today."

After talking, Nu Wa looked straight at Su Hang.

Su Hang frowned lightly, "You should know my At this time, Mingyu spoke next to her," His Majesty the Empress Wa, this person trespassed on Penglai, peeping into the maid's bath, but A wicked...

The black line on Suhang's forehead is heavy, which is really yellow muddy crotch, not just Xiang, but Xiang.

"I can't bear this pot..." Su Hang directly interrupted Mingyu's accusation. He believed that Nu Wa must know the cause and effect, and if she knew nothing about what happened under her eyelids, she would not be qualified to be respected. Wa Wa.

Nu Wa waved her hand and interrupted Su Hang's words. Of course she knew Su Hang's character, she wouldn't do that kind of thing naturally, she would be peeping into the maid's bath, which was a big joke.

"What's the meaning of a real person, how would Nu Wa know?" Nu Wa asked Su Hang instead.

Su Hang shook his head, "I just want to see her, enough."

Everyone around looked at this scene doubtfully, but they didn't know what su Hang, a lewd man, had any mystery with the Nuwa girl here.

Nu Wa paused for a long time before she said, "She won't see you. Really, please come back."

"Oh, how is it possible?" Su Hang shook his head. "I don't have much to ask. I just want to see her. I don't have much time. For three or five days, I asked the Nuwa girl to do it for her convenience."

Nu Wa said, "This is really embarrassing me. I don't hide it from the real person. She did clean up in my mountain, but she really won't see you. The real person should never be persistent."

"Does this matter seriously?" Su Hang's face suddenly darkened.

"Really." Nu Wa nodded.

Su Hang sneered. "Regarding my friendship with Nuwa, I have a good talk with you. I will hand over the people today. If I block my heart, I can't guarantee what I can do."

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