Super Study God

Chapter 1852: Old man!

It's been so long, so much tossing, I just wanted to see her, but you are all in the way, is this not a lack of heart?

Su Hang’s time is very precious, and you don’t want to talk nonsense. If you surrender people, you will be very happy. If you don’t, don’t blame me for not being affectionate.

Sometimes, even a friend needs to light up his fist appropriately.

"Is the real person threatening Nu Wa?" Nu Wa said.

"Don't dare." Su Hang shook his head. "Don't I dare to threaten the lady, just ask the lady to understand the urgency in my heart at this moment. If the lady is blocking her, and I must see her, then I have to offend."

Nu Wa's face got cold, "She doesn't want to see you, why should a real person be persistent?"

"Huh." Su Hang smiled. "Even if she didn't want to see her, she had to come out and tell me personally, instead of the maiden, you tell the story. How do I know that the maiden is pretending to be her heart?" "

Nu Wa said, "It's impossible for her to meet you. If a real person wants to see you, let's go beyond Nu Wa."

Su Hang heard the words and chuckled, "I don't mean to underestimate the Nuwa family, let alone you, and add everyone on this Penglai mountain together, I'm afraid it's not enough for me to see, the lady is sure to stop me? "

After saying this, Su Hang clenched his fists tightly, and the air in his palm burst into bursts under his strong power, and burst into a large spark.

Seeing this from all the women around, they raised the sword in their hands in a hurry, all looked like a big enemy. As for the king to blow up this fellow, as the elder of Shoushan, he was hiding far away from the line at this time. I dare not get close at all.

At this time, Su Hang was not angry. However, he did not make jokes with Nu Wa. If the other party obstructed him, he would definitely do so without hesitation.

When Nu Wa heard this, she was instantly suffocated and unable to speak. She was also very clear. Su Hang’s words were not big words. How strong was the ancestor of Pangu’s ancestor. The teacher of the second generation, Nüwa Fenglixi, also considers herself not to be an opponent. If you really start today, Nüwa would be afraid that she would not get any benefits.

Suddenly, Nu Wa got entangled, and she didn't know what to do.

"Ah, take him to see me."

At this moment, a voice sounded in Nvwa's mind, old and distant, exactly the voice of her master Feng Lixi.

Nu Wa's face changed slightly, and she unexpectedly disturbed her old man.

At the moment, Nu Wa pointed to Su Hangdao, "Follow me to see Master, can you see the person that the real person wants to see, she still has the approval of her old man."

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang was relieved. He really didn't want to clash with Nuwa, but he had to do so in order to see Ao Xue.

Although he didn't know why Nu Wa's trying to obstruct himself, he didn't care. No matter what Wa Wa's purpose or concerns, he just wanted to see her and could not wait for a moment.

"Thank you for your consideration." Su Hang hurriedly arched his hands and put away his momentum.

Sometimes this is the case. You don’t show a bit of strength, others only take care of you.

Immediately, Su Hang and Nu Wa went to the deep palace.

Nüwa was afraid that she didn't know what kind of mood she was at this moment, so she would be here in the morning, and she used her magical power to remove the portal of Penglai and Xuanhuang Realm, but she didn't want it. Su Hang still found it. Perseverance.

There is a very secluded mansion in the depths of the Wa Palace. It is a forbidden place in the palace. Usually there are disciples on duty. Today it is ordered to be on duty here, but it is the old acquaintance of Suhang, Red Cloud.


When Hongyun saw Su Hang, it was quite an accident, and it had not been seen for more than 30 million years. When she suddenly saw Su Hang, she did not dare to recognize it.

Su Hang smiled slightly, but at this time, when he was not reminiscent of old times, "Xiaoqi was trapped on the island outside the boundary, please go and see."


Hong Yun froze for a moment, and she had only seen Xue Qi before. Why did Su Hang say he was trapped outside the realm?

Just about to inquire, Su Hang had followed Nu Wa into the courtyard.

The courtyard is very secluded. The small courtyard is planted with two banana trees. There are no half figures in the courtyard. It is surprisingly quiet.

"Master, real person from Pangu arrives." Nu Wa walked to the closed door, bowed down, and said.

"Well, you go back."

The old voice came from the door of the room. Su Hang knew that it was Feng Lixi's voice.


Nu Wa responded, turned around and gestured to Su Hang, then bowed and retreated.

After Nu Wa retreated, she closed the door of the house, and only Su Hang was left in the courtyard, which was even quieter and a bit more mysterious.


Suddenly, the friction of the front teeth sounded, and then Su Hang saw the front door open.

"Let's come in and talk about Feng Lixi's voice sounded, Su Hang paused, and immediately walked up and walked in.

The so-called art masters are bold, and with Suhang’s current strength, they do not have to worry about Nuwa’s site.

Feng Lixi's strength, although once claimed to be the first master, is unfathomable, but Su Hang does not think she is really strong.

After all, Feng Lixi's first was Tianji Zi. After Tianjizi was dried by Taihuang Mountain, she became the first in the order. For all these years, Fenglixi has been concentrating on cultivation, strong, and it must be very Strong, but surely no match for a destiny like Hongjun.

Even Hongjun failed to reach the avenue, let alone Feng Lixi? There are countless powerhouses in the field, and the current Feng Lixi can at most be the first under heaven.

And Su Hang, who believes that he has been able to compete with the powerful Dadao Realm for a while, nowadays Hong Jun is not necessarily better than him in front of him, so Su Hang comes and goes without fear.

On the entire Penglai Mountain, the only thing that Su Hang can worry about is probably the only granddaughter, Wa Niang.

But it is said that the granddaughter Wa Niangniang became Zhonghuangshan, and she has already been integrated with Zhonghuangshan. Now, Nuwa's moved to Penglai, I am afraid that the granddaughter Waangniang...

Entering the hall, the hall is still bright, the room is not big, but empty, only a futon in front, a Tsing Yi woman sitting cross-legged on it, it is Feng Lixi.

I haven’t seen it for more than 30 million years, and Feng Lixi seems to be a lot older. It stands to reason that for more than 30 million years, for the existence of Heavenly Dao Realm, it’s nothing. There is no trace of it, but she does look old.

The appearance of the monk is the appearance of the mind. The appearance is old, it can only explain that her heart is old.

"Senior Feng has seen it." Su Hang moved forward with a salute.

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