Super Study God

Chapter 1854: Resentment!

Su Hang walked past the fence, and the whole person was trembling. Stopping outside the wall, Su Hang was a little afraid to go any further, for fear of disturbing this beautiful picture.

That figure was full of soul, Su Hang listened quietly, her eyes only on the woman. At this moment, time and space seemed to be still. In the world of Su Hang, it seems that only her is left!

The woman's hand stopped on the strings, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

The whole world held his breath, everything around seemed to be away, leaving only the woman in the courtyard and himself.

The eyes are opposite, the eyes are lingering, with endless friendship.


I don't know how long it took. Xu was a second, maybe a century. Su Hang opened his mouth slightly, shaking his voice, and called up the name in his heart that he didn't know how many times he called.

"Su, Brother Su!"

The two maids next to them retreated consciously. The woman stood up and looked at Su Hang. Two lines of tears slipped from her eyes. The voice was trembling slightly. It can be seen that she and Su Hang are very excited at this moment. .

Where can Su Hang restrain his feelings, immediately ran up in two steps and made Ao Xue tightly into his arms.

"Real person, don't forget your promise." At this time, an old voice suddenly sounded, but it was Feng Lixi's voice.

Obviously, Feng Lixi has been staring all the time, fearing that Su Hang will be out of bounds. After all, the ancestors now share a flesh with Ao Xue.

Su Hang paused for a moment, but where can he restrain himself? What **** promises, can't I hug my wife?

When I heard it, I didn't hear it. Su Hang completely ignored the warning of Feng Lixi and hugged Ao Xue tightly. The two were already crying together.

"Brother Su, Brother Su..."

Ao Xue gently called Su Hang's name in his mouth, as if he was afraid that all this was another dream. After tens of millions of years of waiting, it eventually turned into two lines of tears, which were difficult to suppress and burst into tears.

I don't know how long after that, the two finally calmed down. Su Hang held Ao Xue's face in both hands and looked at the tearful man in front of him, "Let me see, are you okay?"

Ao Xue nodded gently, "Brother Su, are you alright?"

"Okay, I'm fine." Su Hang choked with excitement. "I opened Panwangzuo that day, and I couldn't find you. It felt like the sky was about to collapse. Later, when I found the door of time and space, I thought you went to the future. But unexpectedly, you came to Taikoo, I finally found you, and finally found you."

Ao Xue buried his head in the arms of Su Hang. "I somehow came to this ancient world. I was afraid that I would never see Brother Su again. I was desperate, but I didn't want to. The world sees you."

Su Hang smiled happily, hugged Ao Xue tightly, and stroked her hair, "You are so stupid, why did you go to guard Panwangzuo for me at first, do you know, when I know you are gone Panwangzuo, my heart is almost broken."

Ao Xue didn't speak, only closed her eyes, buried her head in Su Hang's arms, and listened quietly. For this moment, how many years had she been waiting.


After a lapse of countless years, the mirror was finally broken and rounded. Naturally, there was something that could not be said between the two, and I didn't know how long it was said and how many scenes I cried.

"Nuwa's trapping you here, can you bully you? But are you willing?" After a long time, Su Hang thought of an important question.

Hugging tightly, as if afraid of letting go, Ao Xue will disappear again.

Ao Xue raised his head, looked at Su Hang, and said, "Master and the ancestor are very good to me. If it wasn't for the ancestors to save their lives, Xueer would have died..."

"Xue'er, you don't have to be scrupulous. If they force you, you can tell him that Brother Su is not a very irritating master. This Penglai must be turned upside down." Su Hang said directly.

Ao Xue stretched out his right hand and held Su Hang's mouth, "Brother Su, Xueer is voluntary, Nuwa has great favors on me, the old grandmother is in danger, Xueer must save her..."

"Really? They didn't force you?" Su Hang asked.

Ao Xue nodded his head seriously, "Brother Su, Nuwa's regenerative virtue to Xueer, Xueer hopes that you don't have stereotypes about Nuwa..."

Su Hang heard it and smiled, "I Su Hang is not a person of indifference, Nuwa's saved my Cher, I will thank them for their kindness to you, that is kindness to me, but , They hindered me from seeing you and made me grudge, so the grudge would be offset."

Ao Xue listened, unable to smile bitterly, and stretched his hand to pinch Su Hang's waist. "Then there is such a grudge like you?"

This guy clearly doesn't want to owe Nuwa's cause and effect, let alone return Nuwa's cause and effect.

Su Hang laughed, and his mood was really good. "Okay, then Xueer, how can I reward the Nuwa clan?"

"If a real person really wants to reward my Nuwa and let me loose Cher, let's sit down and have a chat."

At this time, Feng Lixi's voice came.

Su Hang looked back, but Feng Lixi didn't know how long he had stood behind him.

The forehead can't help but be covered with black lines. This old lady is also a bit too beautiful, right? It's abhorrent to jump out and use it as a light bulb at this time.

"Senior Wind, my husband and I will not meet again for a long time. If there is something we can't say, we will talk about the rest," Su Hang said directly.

At this time, Suhang, already a little bit uncomfortable with the wind, Lixi, appeared at this time, isn't it looking for uncomfortable?

Su Hang's words are undoubtedly telling Feng Lixi that you can give me some insights and avoid me, so as not to disturb our two-person world.

In the discourse, how much domineering, but, what is the way, I am strong, I am crazy, even if you are not happy, you have to bear with me.

My wife and I said a few words of love, don't you have to look at the eyes of an outsider, Su Hang has never been a rule-abiding person, his existence is to break the rules.

At this time, Feng Lixi didn't know what kind of mood it was, maybe it was a bit regretful, I just shouldn't have promised to let Su Hang and Ao Xue meet.

This guy clearly promised not to be too intimate, but she didn't want to be left behind in a blink of an eye, she could understand Su Hang's mood, but there are some things that don't need to be understood.

"Brother Su, don't talk to Master like this." At this time, Ao Xue said.

Su Hang heard the words and nodded gently. His eyes were full of deep friendship. It seemed that only Ao Xue could make his heart feel soft.

"Senior Wind, can you give me and Cher a little time alone?" Su Hang tried to make his voice sound less domineering.

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