Super Study God

Chapter 1855: finally come!

Feng Lixi sighed helplessly and turned to Ao Xuedao, "Xue'er, you must remember your mission."

Ao Xue nodded slightly, and then Feng Lixi had disappeared from the courtyard.

"Mission?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then turned to look at Ao Xue, "Xueer, what mission did she say?"

How come some mission came out somehow?

Ao Xue heard the words and just smiled reluctantly, then took Su Hang's hand and sat down next to the Guqin, leaning on Su Hang's shoulder and saying, "Brother Su, let's not say this, shall we?"

Su Hang shook his head, "No, I have to figure out today, do you and my husband, do you have anything else to hide? Tell me, no matter how rough it is, if we go together, Brother Su will never let you suffer anymore. A little bit wrong, a little bit bitter, whoever dared to embarrass my Xueer, I will crush him into a powder..."

Ao Xue heard the words and looked at Su Hang sideways. He smiled strongly and said, "Xueer knows Brother Su's good, but, this matter is not humanly available. Brother Su, you give us a little more time and it will be fine soon. Now..."

Su Hang stared at her directly, "What the **** is it, you say, with Brother Su there, nothing is out of reach of manpower. If you don't say it, it will only make me more worried. Is it related to the granddaughter Wa? "

Ao Xuexun paused, finally nodded slightly, and said, "The old ancestor lost her body, leaving only her soul, but the spirit is weakening. Many years ago, she was helped by the Kunlun Lord and wanted to reincarnate, but why? Found by Dadao and blocked, the soul was hit hard..."

"Kunlun? Yin is not hurt?" Su Hang asked.

Ao Xue nodded, "Yes, the old ancestor and the Yin Emperor have a close relationship. Before leaving the Xuanhuang Realm, the Yin Emperor came to Zhonghuangshan to meet the old ancestor. The old ancestor wanted to reincarnate with his hand. , But no matter how big the road is..."

Su Hang heard the words and took a deep breath. But he still thought that he had a relationship with Yin Wushang. If Yin Wushang left the world, should it be when he came last time?

Ao Xue went on to say, "The ancestor of the ancestor did not succeed, but instead was hit hard. After returning to Zhonghuang Mountain, the soul was almost dissipated, and the master feared that the avenue would be wiped out, so he planned to leave Nuwa's Xuanhuang Realm. Niangniang was attached to me, borrowing my body to slowly recover the injured soul, waiting for the opportunity to reincarnate..."


Su Hang exhaled for a long time, "Is that just the case? If she just wanted to reincarnate, she told me that there are so many difficulties. Now, the Underworld Emperor is my disciple, and I am in charge of Pangu. Six ways, why is it necessary for her to reincarnate? As long as her true spirit is still alive, I can help her."

Ao Xue listened, but shook his head, "Simple as you think, Brother Su..."

"Are you afraid of the road blocking again?" Su Hangdao.

Ao Xue nodded, "The ancestors of the ancestors from the previous era should not have existed in this era. If they are reincarnated, they will be tabooed by the avenue. They have failed once before. Now, the ancestors have no tolerance. Something went wrong."

Su Hang listened, patted Ao Xue's shoulder, and said, "You're afraid I don't know. The avenue in your mouth is named Lin Xuan. This is the Xuanhuang Realm Master. Points, if he tries to block again, he will naturally hand me over to break him."

To say this, he was so domineering, Su Hang could not believe that, with his own abilities, he could not yet send his granddaughter Wa to reincarnate. He said so, just to dispel the scruples in Ao Xue's mind.

Ao Xuedao said, "I naturally know that Brother Su has all the means, but the old grandmother and she need more than just reincarnation. Even if she succeeds in reincarnation, the Nuwa family can't protect her old man's reincarnation. Her elderly will fall into samsara on this, and eternal life must not be born..."

Su Hang heard a stagnation, yes, it is easy to send her into the reincarnation, but how do you ensure her safety? Is it always impossible to keep track of protection?

"What is the hatred between Dadao and Nuwa's family, why should they stare at the granddaughter Nuwa?" Su Hang asked.

This is really weird. If Lin Xuan didn't let Su Hang go, it's justifiable, but the Nuwa clan also came to this, but it made Su Hang puzzled.

Ao Xue shook his head. "The old ancestor said that it is a grudge. Since the last period until today, Nuwa and Pangu existed for the purpose of rebellion."

The reverse?

Su Hang sighed in his heart, "So how did you plan?"

"The old grandmother has her plan, but I don't know. This is a natural opportunity. It can't be broken. In case of being peeped by the avenue, you will fall short." Ao Xuedao said.

Su Hang was stagnant, and even Ao Xue was unclear. You can imagine how careful Grandpa Nuwa was.

"Then I can ask her face to face." Su Hangdao said, and then condensed his thoughts into a streamer. Before Ao Xue reacted, he directly entered Ao Xue's consciousness sea.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a vast ocean.

Su Hang and Ao Xue appear Xuedao, "The old grandmother is dives, don't be disturbed."

Su Hang nodded slightly, gave Ao Xue a reassuring look, and then bowed and arched into the deep sea of ​​Ao Xue's consciousness. "Pangu's Su Hang, please see the granddaughter Wa Niang, can the Niang come out."

When the words fell, a white figure appeared from the void, and the huge body almost covered half of the sky.

Su Hang took a look at the familiar face, and the reincarnated woman seen in the future Xianxia Mountain was the face in front of her.

"Meet the old grandmother." Ao Xue saw him and hurriedly bowed down.

The granddaughter Wa waved her hand gently, indicating that Ao Xue didn't have to pay much attention, and then set her eyes on Su Hang, "You are finally here."

The sound is like all-round surround sound, coming from every direction in Ao Xue's consciousness, solemn and solemn.

"finally come?"

Su Hang heard the words and looked up at her granddaughter Wa, her face was all stunned and puzzled. Why did she say this to herself?

What does it mean to finally come? Wasn’t Nuwa always obstructing her coming here?

"I don't know what you said," Su Hang asked.

Nu Wa's words, with a slight smile on her face, "Just before, did Xueer have explained to you? Her mission is to wait for you to arrive."

Su Hang was confused when he said this, and Ao Xue next to him was also confused.

Ao Xue seemed to think of something, "Old grandmother, your chance of reincarnation, could it be in Brother Su?"

Ao Xue has always understood that her mission is to wait for the rebirth of the granddaughter Wa, and the entire Nuwa family, including her master Feng Lixi, do not know what this so-called rebirth is, the granddaughter Wa said at the moment Her mission has been completed, and the result seems to be clear.

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