Super Study God

Chapter 1861: Pagoda of fortune!

Su Hang heard the words, but his face was very firm. "No matter what, you have to try it. If you don't argue, how can you be sure?"

Ao Xue grabbed Su Hang's hand tightly and said, "Brother Su, come here in Japan and don't have to ask for it. As long as you and I are alive and well, there will always be a day of goodbye in the future. Good boy, that is enough!"

Su Hang heard that he took Ao Xue into his arms and took a deep breath, smelling the fragrance of her hair, "One day, I will hold my destiny at my feet, and never let it play with you like me. !"

Ao Xue wrapped around Su Hang's waist and buried his head in Su Hang's chest. "In future, don't be impatient, no matter what dangers you encounter, it is most important to save your life!"

Su Hang nodded seriously and reached up to hold Ao Xue's scented cheeks, "You have waited for me for tens of millions of years, and then I will wait for you!"

The two eyes blended together, and the moment of emotion, Su Hang couldn't restrain himself anymore, opened his big mouth of blood basin, and printed it on the small mouth of Ao Xuena's cherry.


Just two centimeters away, a cough came from behind, and Su Hang couldn't help but straightened his neck.

Without looking back, I knew that the old woman Feng Lixi must have come.

"Senior Wind, you really are everywhere." Su Hang smiled bitterly and looked back. Sure enough, Feng Lixi had a wooden stick in his hand, and I didn't know when he had come behind him.

Feng Lixi bowed apologetically, and said, "I'm taking the liberty to disturb, the real person forgive me, I wonder if the real person can have time, can he come with him?"

Su Hang and Ao Xue glanced at each other and shrugged back to Feng Lixi. "Looks like, I have no reason to refuse."


Because the granddaughter Wa lived in Ao Xue’s body, she could not be close to her wife, Su Hang really felt a little stubborn, otherwise, maybe in a while, Su Jin should have more siblings Too.

Feng Lixi came out at this time, it was clearly intentional, and it was not once or twice, and Su Hang could only take her.

This is like you going to your girlfriend's house and helping her with her homework. Your girlfriend's mother comes in from time to time to deliver fruit, for fear that you will do something.

Feng Lixi took Su Hang to Houshan in Penglai. Su Hang originally thought that Feng Lixi was just an excuse. He didn't really find himself in trouble, but when he followed Feng Lixi to Houshan and entered a hidden cave, Su Hang changed his mind.

There are a lot of disciples guarding outside the cave. Obviously this is a very important place for the Nuwa family. The space in the cave is not too big, and a golden pagoda of several feet high floats in the air.

The golden treasure illuminated the entire space, and Su Hang's eyes could not help being attracted by it.

Feng Lixi walked under the tower, stopped, and Suhang looked up, he could feel a unique kind of majesty radiating from the pagoda.

"Senior Wind brought me here, somehow?" Su Hang asked Feng Lixi.

Feng Lixi listened and looked away from the pagoda, looking back to Su Hang, "This tower is called Taohua, it was the holy weapon used by the old grandmother when she created the human race, and the tower became a space world. Don’t you want to rest? The rest you want is there."


Su Hang heard that he couldn't help but carefully looked at the pagoda.

Feng Lixi said, "There are nine floors in this tower, and each floor is inlaid with a chemical bead, and the rest is placed on the ninth floor. However, the chemical beads on the ninth floor were lost due to accidents, so the ninth floor It cannot be turned on. In other words, if you want to rest, you can only find a way to do it yourself."


Su Hang froze for a while.

He originally had a synthetic pearl in his hand? It was obtained from the hands of a doppelganger, is it the same thing?

It is a pity that his artificial pearl was robbed by Styx in later generations, and it is impossible to verify whether it is the same thing.

Su Hang looked at Feng Lixi and said, "Is there a way for you? Please also ask Senior Feng to show a clear way."

Feng Lixi said in a hurry, "The ninth layer of the chemical beads was lost, which made the ninth layer unable to open. I have no way. The pagoda was left by the old grandmother. The current situation of the old grandmother is even more impossible. Turn on the pagoda, if you want to rest your heart, the most I can do is make an exception and let you enter the tower. As for whether you can enter the ninth floor and get what you want, it depends on your fortune."

Made so complicated?

Su Hang couldn't help laughing, knowing that he didn't have much time and did so many things.

Helpless, Su Hangdao, "Yes, please ask Senior Feng to open the tower gate."

Feng Lixi nodded slightly, "There is only one entrance to the pagoda, and you can only enter from the bottom of the pagoda. This pagoda is a holy weapon of the ancestors. There will naturally be danger in it. However, if you want to come with real people, these are not Question, you only need to go to the ninth floor entrance to try your chance, whether you can open the tower door and take out the rest of the soil, it depends on the nature."

After that, Feng Lixi reached out with a finger, a streamer flew out, and the tower door on the bottom of the pagoda opened with a thud.

Isn't Nima a trap? Su Hang looked at the gate of the tower and couldn't help but wonder. Would it be that the wind had pulled the guise and wanted to put himself in the tower, a hundred?

However, Su Hang soon dismissed this ridiculous idea. Can this pagoda trap itself? Even if it can, it will not be long before he returns to his later generations. Where can this tower keep itself?

At the moment, Su Hang did not hesitate, turned directly into a streamer, and flew directly into the dark tower gate under the pagoda.

With a bang, the moment the Suhang flew in, the tower door closed as well, and Feng Lixi turned around and walked out as if he were a fine man.

"Master, do you really let him enter the chemical tower?" As soon as she came out of the cave, the three generations of Nuwa were already waiting outside. She seemed a little puzzled about Feng Lixi's approach.

Feng Lixi said indifferently, "Let him cool inside, because the teacher can't stare at him all the time without that effort, and wait a few days before letting him out."

Nu Wa sweated more than ever, "Master Zun is really..., in order to prevent the real person from getting close to the sister and sister, this kind of method has been used, but just afraid that when the real person comes out, he will wait for a fight with me."

She was not afraid that the pagoda could not trap Su Hang. After all, how could it be that the granddaughter Wa's treasure could not be trapped?

Feng Lixi smiled, "I have already explained to him, what is he going to do with me?"

Nu Wa smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid he really got to the top..."

Feng Lixi waved his hand, "He can't get in without the ninth layer of chemical beads."

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