Super Study God

Chapter 1862: Bai Su!

In the chemical tower, Su Hang looked back at the confined tower door, but only smiled arbitrarily.

Instead, he focused his attention on the tower. The space was not large. It was the size of an ordinary classroom. It was not as glorious as the outside. It was very ruined, and there was dust everywhere.

Even the walls are mottled, there are many places where the wall peels off, and even a few dead bones are placed beside the wall, but they don't know what kind of creature they belong to.

Obviously, many things have been closed in this tower. Feng Lixi said that there will be dangers in this tower, but Suhang does not care. With his current state and strength, what else are you afraid of?

An almost full-level existence, you let him play a novice to climb the tower, what challenges can there be?

There was a wooden staircase in the corner leading directly to the second floor. Su Hang didn't hesitate and walked straight up, stepping on the creaky stairs, and quickly went up to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the second floor, Su Hang felt a sharp gaze at himself.

In the same small space, someone might take care of it, but it is much cleaner than the first floor. There is a portrait of Nuwa hanging on the wall, and below that portrait, a woman in white is sitting on a futon, and Su Hang comes in. At the time, she seemed to be meditating.

It was also the arrival of Su Hang that alarmed her. At that time, those cold eyes looked towards Su Hang.

Su Hang ignored the woman and went straight to the stairs next to the woman.

"Little woman Bai Su, don't know how to call your friends?" At that moment, the woman stopped Su Hang.

Su Hang stopped and looked back at the woman. The woman was dressed in white. She was very clean and had a good face. She was a little amazing.

"Just borrowed my ears, then I shouldn't have seen me!" Su Hang said directly, but had nothing to say to her.

The woman said, "Don't see anyone come in for a long time, so the Taoist friends just left?"

Su Hang didn't answer, but the woman said, "The little girl is trapped here. I don't know how many years. I saw strangers at first sight. It is inevitable that I have a lot of words, but I don't know what kind of crime you have committed. Why have you been imprisoned? Among the pagodas?"

"I only came in to get something, not into the tower because of sin!" When he spoke, Su Hang had already climbed the stairs. He was not interested in who was in the tower.

A flash of light flashed in the woman's eyes, quickly chasing Su Hang on the third floor.

Su Hang looked back at her in surprise, "Can you come up?"

The woman smiled slightly, "Isn't I already coming up? This chemical tower is divided into nine floors, each of which has its own space, but also interrelated, there is no limit to the people who enter the tower, but if there is no one who knows the road Lead, this is a maze!"

"What do you mean?" Su Hang asked.

The woman smiled, "Look at this third floor, do you feel familiar?"

Su Hang heard that this set his eyes on this third-level space, a small space, densely covered with dust, mottled walls, and scattered unknown bones scattered at the foot of the wall.

Really seems familiar? Isn't this the first floor? Su Hang froze for a moment. The environment here is clearly the first floor, but he came up the stairs. How did the third floor become the first floor?

Turning to the woman, she looked back, and the woman smiled, "This is the magic of the chemical tower. The nine floors are intertwined with each other. Those who don't understand the inside, enter the pagoda, and they are headless flies!"

Su Hang frowned, "Do you know how to get up?"

"Which floor are you going to?" The woman did not rush to promise Su Hang, but asked Su Hang's purpose first.

"The ninth floor!" Su Hang said directly.

"The ninth floor?" The woman froze for a moment, looking at Su Hang unexpectedly, "What are you doing on the ninth floor?"

"Don't you just say, take something!" Su Hangdao said.

The woman paused and said, "If you want to go to the ninth floor, I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think!"

"How to say?" Su Hang looked at her.

The woman said, "Although I know how to go to the ninth floor, there are a lot of demons in this tower, many of them have even been in the tower from the last generation, and they are powerful and incredible. , If they are willing to give way, if they refuse to make way, embarrass you..."

Su Hang looked at the woman with some surprise. "You also call the old grandmother? Are you a disciple of the Nuwa family?"

The woman heard the words and smiled. "It's a good guess. I am indeed under the Nuwa family. Contemporary Nuwa Fenglixi is my sister..."

"Contemporary Nuwa is no longer Feng Lixi!" Su Hang reminded, but she was a little surprised, this woman turned out to be Feng Lixi's sister.

Feng Lixi is old and has a wrinkled skin. Looking at the woman in front of her, she has a good face and a beautiful face. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a fairy.

When the woman heard the words, she was stunned for a moment. Obviously, the news in this tower was blocked. She didn't know that Nuwa had passed it to the third generation, and she was no longer Feng Lixi.

For a moment, the woman came back to It seemed to know what Su Hang wanted to ask. Immediately, "I was confined in the tower by the grandmother for violating ethnic rules. How long has it been!"

Su Hang carefully looked at the woman in front of her, but she didn't know how true or false her words were, but what about the truth? For Su Hang, it does not matter.

"Lead the way, take me to the ninth floor!" Su Hang said directly.

"You guys are really a bit overbearing!" The woman looked at Su Hang strangely. "But yes, you can enter this tower. What kind of ordinary role can it be? It seems that you are not a waiter, so, You tell me, who you are, I will take you up!"

"The surname is Su, the famous airline, everyone's ears!" Su Hang said directly.

"Su Hang?" The woman heard the words and chewed the name Su Hang, which seemed a little weird. "Where did this name seem to have been heard?"

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned gently!

The woman thought for a while, and seemed to fail to remember, and then waved her hand, "What is Su Hang, I can send you up, but there are some old monsters in this tower, I can't afford it!"

"Just lead the way, the rest is for me!" Su Hang directly interrupted the woman's words.

"The tone is not small!" The woman glanced at her and said, "The third and fifth floors, each with an old monster, said that the owner of the third floor, called the chrysanthemum ghost, Tiandaojing Liupin, can you Can it be beaten?"

"If you don't try, how do you know?" Su Hang replied.

The woman's expression relaxed, "But you don't have to worry, the chrysanthemum ghost has a good relationship with me, it is not necessary to make way for it!"

After talking, the woman took Su Hang up the stairs, and quickly returned to the second floor. The woman did not stay and took Su Hang directly to the third floor.


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