Super Study God

Chapter 1863: Kikukaoni!

The same stairs, the same way of walking, followed the woman, this time, really did not return to the first floor.

Su Hang felt weird. He didn't feel any difference from the stairs he had just taken himself, but it was two different results.

The space on the third floor was very dark and humid, as if entering the sewer, Su Hang couldn't help covering his nose.

Seeing the situation, this is a forest, the scope is quite wide, anyway, I can't see the side at a glance, Bai Su seems to take him to another world.

The light in the forest is unknown, there are strange trees everywhere, the rattan is everywhere, the thick and spoiled branches and leaves on the ground exude a lot of stench.

There is a hillside in the distance, covered with yellow chrysanthemums, which is quite eye-catching. The faint fragrance of chrysanthemums floats far away and mixes with the surrounding odors. The smelly alternative feeling is really disgusting.

Bai Su took Su Hang directly to the chrysanthemum field. "The chrysanthemum ghost dominates this space. Only with the consent of the chrysanthemum ghost will the world return to its original appearance and show the road to the fourth floor. "

"Why are you helping me?" Su Hang asked Bai Su.

Bai Su smiled. "No one has been here for a long time. If I say it's fate, do you believe it?"

Su Hang shook his head directly, "This reason is not sufficient."

Bai Su laughed, "I also want to go to the ninth floor, is this reason enough?"

"Don't you say that the nine-story space in the tower can come and go as you like?" Su Hang asked.

Bai Su said, "It is indeed possible to come and go at will, but I also said that there are strong men in the tower. The chrysanthemum ghosts on the third floor and the heavenly ghost slaves on the fifth floor are easy to say, but the realm of the eighth floor, I can't get through it. Since you say you are very good, then it's up to you."

"Thank you," Suhang stared at Bai Su and said, "We call cooperation, right?"

"You can think so." Bai Su smiled. "This is a win-win situation."

Su Hang laughed and said nothing, followed by Bai Su, and soon came to the vast chrysanthemum field.

The ground is full of chrysanthemums, yellow, orange, orange, endless, it looks really magnificent, here is like a world of chrysanthemums.

At this time, Su Hang felt that the stinky feeling was far away from himself, but replaced by the scent of chrysanthemums.

"Chrysanthemum ghost, where is it, hurry and come out to pick up guests." Standing in the chrysanthemum field, Bai Su shouted directly, and she could see that she knew the chrysanthemum ghost very well.

However, it is correct to think about it. One third floor and one second floor are all neighbors.

At this time, there was a tumult in the chrysanthemum field, and a figure appeared not far in front.

"Susu, I'm busy. You came just right. Come and help me loose the soil for these flowers."

When the sound came, Bai Su gave Su Hang a wink, and had already taken the lead to the figure.

Su Hang also walked over, a man in yellow clothes, really squatted in the chrysanthemum field, holding a small **** in his hand, to give those chrysanthemums loose soil.

Looking at the back, it should be a man with a very strong body. The yellow-colored clothes are almost the same color as the surrounding chrysanthemums, completely hidden in the ocean of chrysanthemums.

"Chrysanthemum ghost, I didn't want to help you loose the soil today. I brought a friend with you. Let's get out of the way. Let's go to the fourth floor." Bai Su stood behind the man and said directly.


When the words fell, the man immediately stopped, the **** in his hand stopped, put it at his feet, and slowly turned his face.

Su Hang's gaze also focused on this person. The strong man of the five realms of heaven, the Taoist realm, did not know what kind of existence it was, and why was he locked in the chemical tower?

"Uh... this..."

However, when this person turned his face, Su Hang was completely stunned.

Is this... a face?

After seeing this person's back and hearing this person's voice, Su Hang had already imagined what this person's face would look like, but when this person's face fell in front of Su Hang, Su Hang's entire People can't calm down.

His face twitched, is this a face? This is clearly an ass!

The white flowers, the two halves, are very rounded, and at a distance, I thought who was standing upside down in the ground.

"Friend, it's not polite to face people with your ass." Su Hang couldn't help saying.

"Poof..." Bai Su listened next to him, and couldn't help but chuckled, but he was able to hold back again.

The man was a little angry when he heard Su Hang’s words, “It’s even more impolite to comment freely on the appearance of others.”

God, this **** actually spoke.

Su Hang looked at it lightly, and the fold in the middle of that **** really opened like a mouth, and made a sound.

Su Hang was almost turned to the ground by lightning. Speaking, the last time he was shocked by the appearance of the person, it was the guy who was cursed like a few by the curse of Xiao Jiu.

This is the first time Su Hang has seen her as a face. He can't help but look up and down. Is this person standing upside down?

Bai Su busy said to the man, "Chrysanthemum ghost, don't be surprised, this is my friend, his name is Su Hang."

Su Hang accused, but also arched his hand at the butt, "Tang Tu Dao You, please forgive sins."

Special code, actually say sorry to a butt, Zhen Nima's funny, what do you look bad, but just like an ass, even without eyes and nose, come alive, it is no wonder that the name is called chrysanthemum ghost.

When he first came, Su Hang thought that this was an expert who wanted to plant chrysanthemums, but he didn't want to, but it was a wonderful flower with a corresponding scene. It really made people cry and laugh.


The chrysanthemum ghost snorted coldly and turned directly to Bai Su Road, "Do you want to go up?"

Bai Su nodded quickly. "Good, go to the ninth floor."

The chrysanthemum ghost used his wrinkled mouth and said, "I want to go there too, but unfortunately, the ninth-floor bead is missing, and the space has already been closed. Heart, it's not so irritating."

"I know all this." Bai Su looked at Su Hang and said to the chrysanthemum ghost, "But my friend wants to try it, chrysanthemum ghost, you can do it conveniently."

The chrysanthemum ghost lifted his **** to look at Su Hang, "Some people always don't see the coffin and can't cry, Su Su you just want to go up, this person also wants to go up, but not so light."

Su Hang heard his words, frowned gently, and looked at the face in front of him. Su Hang really wanted to say something. Please move your **** away. I'm really afraid that you will spray out.

Listening to the meaning of this chrysanthemum ghost talk, it is clear that he has just offended him, do not want to let go of him so easily.

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