Super Study God

Chapter 1869: The existence of the 9th floor!

It is definitely profitable, otherwise she will not be so active.

At this time, the realm of the world said, "Everyone in the tower knows that the ninth layer has the opportunity to wait, and all of them are rushing, but unfortunately they are a group of small fish and shrimp. I can't even pass this level, let alone contact the ninth. What about the existence of layers?"

After a pause, the real spirit of the world continued, "I don't hide from you. In the ninth floor of this tower, a person is imprisoned. I have a contract with a person. If I can suppress a hundred million years here, he Help me find my true body. Now that the 100 million year period is approaching, Nu Wa's let you come here, just to let you come to the cause and effect between the existence and the above, and after that, I can also Freed from the shackles of the chemical tower!"

"I'm coming to an end?" Su Hang smiled. "Neither you nor Nuwa can do it. Let me come? What can I do, let him wait and see?"

Jie Moxin said, "I have already said that it is the cause and effect between you and him. Neither me nor Nuwa have the obligation to do it for you. I can stay here for hundreds of millions of years. It's worthy of that person!"

Su Hang looked at the real world with surprise, and did not speak for a long time.

"What are you thinking about?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hangdao, "I'm thinking about whether to believe your words, or whether you really deserve to believe me."

"Why not?" Realm said.

Su Hangdao, "You are respecting the original sin, the original sin is the incarnation of evil, I have to doubt your motives, you say you are entrusted to suppress here, in my opinion, it is more likely to be trapped by the granddaughter Wa Wa Right here?"

"Haha..." Jie Moxin heard the words and smiled long, "Who told you that the original sin is the evil incarnation? It's ridiculous."

"Isn't it?" Su Hang chuckled.

"Of course not." The real world said, "Original sin is a monk's world. It does not exclude the flow of incarnation of evil. However, all things in the world have good and evil, and original sin is no exception. The evil of original sin is only for the deity, because Only by killing the deity can original sin be replaced and a higher Tao can be achieved. When you say that the original sin is evil, it can only mean that the Tao you understand is too shallow."

"Huh?" Su Hang paused for a moment, and never thought that Jie Moxin would have such a general statement, and it was quite reasonable, so that he could hardly refute it. After all, his morals were indeed too shallow.

Jie Moxin said, "You don't want to go up, I don't force it, the time of 100 million years is approaching, time is up, the chemical tower can no longer restrain me, I will ask that person to ask Chen Nuo, and you Well, Su Hang, I have to remind you that if this cause and effect can't be resolved, your spiritual practice may be affected by a lot of ups and downs, drink and peck your own fixed number, the words are here, if you want to go, bring you Leave the land you want."

The voice of the world's magic heart fell, and Su Hang saw the change of the stone wall next to it, and there were two left and right stone doors.

"The stone gate on the left leads to the outside of the tower, and the right leads to the ninth floor. You can choose it yourself."

Su Hang was standing in front of the stone gate, and he was confused by this situation.

After hesitating for a while, Suhang looked up to the real world, "I only ask you a question, I hope you can answer it seriously and honestly."

"Say it," Realm said.

"Have we met before?" Su Hang asked this question very seriously.

Silence, Su Hang's words asked, immediately fell into silence, silent in the passage.

"Okay, I know the answer."

After a while, I didn't see the real spirit of the real world. Su Hang already knew something in his heart, and immediately turned around and went to the stone gate on the right.


Since both Jiemo Xin and Nuwa Fenglixi want to foolish themselves on the ninth floor, then go check it out.

Whether it is a conspiracy or a trick, or there is really a great opportunity to wait for himself, Su Hang vaguely felt that he should go up and see, because he did not feel the slightest hostility and maliciousness from the realm of the realm.

What exactly exists and what causes and effects?

The consciousness modeling technique and the tactics of derivation of heaven and earth can't count the cause and effect. Only when you really look up, can you understand it.


The ninth floor.

After all, he still came up. Su Hang stood at the gate of the ninth floor, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly. In the end, he still couldn't resist his curiosity.

This ninth-level world is also an independent space world. The earth is desolate, the white clouds and the dogs, and the distant mountains rise and fall, and there is no end in sight.

The consciousness swept across, and a grass hut was formed halfway up a green hill in front of it, as if it were a human being. Su Hang was suspicious and went straight to the grass hut.

Soon, Su Hang came to Caolu, and the grassy cottage looked very shabby, but it was still neat. There was a small courtyard in front of the grassy cottage, surrounded by fenced bamboo walls, and some small dishes were planted in the courtyard. A **** and straw hat undershirt were placed in the corner.

Here, obviously someone is living.

With some doubts in my heart, I also carefully guarded Su Hang entered the hospital, looked around, and said, "I don't know who is here, I'm coming to Su Hang, come and visit."

"Eh, what is Su?" An old voice came out of the grass cottage.

It was the kind of airy gossamer, wind candle remnant breath, very thin, accompanied by mountain breeze, almost unheard.

"Under Su Air." Su Hang said.

"But Pangu's Suhang?"

The voice was a little louder, and then Su Hang saw a ricket figure, pushed open the door of the cottage, and came out of the cottage.

A black robe with gray, I don’t know how many times it was washed, his body was rickety, his upper body was almost parallel to the ground, a bamboo stick cane, white hair, white beard, white eyebrows, walking on the road Shivering, this man is not old anymore.

However, what surprised Su Hang was that when Su Hang pulled out the Xueshen system to scan the information of the person in front of it, it was found that the Xueshen system was actually ineffective for the person in front of it.

You should know that Su Hang is now in Heavenly Dao Realm. All the existence of Heavenly Dao Realm is completely unscathed under the scanning of his system of theology and theology. The current situation can only explain that this old man is afraid of Dadao Realm. Super powerhouse.

At the moment, Suhang's precautions are even heavier, and Dadao is a threat to him.

Can this person know that he is Napangu? Could it be acquaintance?

"I don't know how to call it?" Su Hang looked at the old man in surprise, and vaguely, he felt that the old man's voice was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

However, when the old man slowly lifted his buried head and looked at Su Hang, Su Hang suddenly stupid.

"Mo, Mo Daoxuan? Why are you? How is this possible?" Su Hang's mouth grew wide and he couldn't hold back for a long time.

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