Super Study God

Chapter 1870: Xuantian!

There is no word to describe Su Hang’s current accident. This old face in front of him not only knows, but also familiar, it is Mo Daoxuan who he has only seen recently.

Before entering this ninth floor space, Su Hang was thinking about it for a long time, but he never thought that the existence here would be Mo Daoxuan.

How could it be him? However, Su Hang responded quickly. This is not an afterlife, but an ancient one. This one in front of him should be Mo Daoxuan in the ancient times.

However, that day he suffered from Mo Dao Xuan cause and effect, and had already gone to the underworld to help him enter the last round of reincarnation. The cause and effect had already ended. Where else did it come from?

"Mo Daoxuan?" The old man looked up at Su Hang, a gleam of light flashed in his cloudy eyes, "Pangu's Su Hang? It seems that we have already met?"

Su Hang paused. Although the old man called out his own name, he seemed unfamiliar with himself?

Soon, Su Hang responded, this is too ancient, this old man is the original body of Mo Daoxuan, the legendary Xuanjie Realm Master, Xuantian?

Thinking of this, Su Hang couldn't help but take a sip of water, Xuan Tian, ​​the master of Xuanjie Realm, but that is the legendary existence of the same generation as the real person in the sky, the strength is absolutely inestimable.

Moreover, he can't compare Mo Dao Xuan, who has already repented in vain, to the contrast with the existence of Xuan Tian deity.

Later generations Mo Dao Xuan had good intentions towards him, and the reincarnated body even went to his door and became his disciple, but now Xuan Tianke may not have good intentions towards him, after all, here is Too old.

Just thinking about Huang Tian, ​​Su Hang could imagine what kind of existence Xuan Tian was. Therefore, at this moment, Su Hang's inexplicable tension was more careful to guard the old man in front of him.

Faced with Xuan Tian's doubts, Su Hang just smiled and quickly bowed to salute, "It turns out that Xuan Tian is a real person, and Su Hang is polite!"

Xuan Tian stared at Su Hang for a long time and suddenly smiled, "Interesting, interesting!"

Su Hang was very worried at the moment and was busy, "Fangcai, the realm of the realm said, there is a cause and effect between me and my predecessors, but I don't know, but is it the real thing?"

"Cause and effect?"

Xuan Tian listened, smiled, turned and stumbled under the eaves, sat down on a small wooden stool, then greeted Su Hang, and motioned him to sit down and say.

Su Hang walked over and sat down. Xuan Tian's move at least proved that he had no malicious intentions towards himself temporarily.

Xuan Tian raised his head strenuously and looked at Su Hang, "Nuwa's said, you can help me out, let me wait for you here, ha ha, Pangu's, destiny entangled, even I can't escape!"

"Wait for me?" Su Hang looked at Xuan Tian with surprise.

Xuan Tiandao, "Before I talk about cause and effect, let me ask you, if someone did something bad to you, would you forgive him?"

Su Hang was stagnant, and Xuan Tian's words made him a little confused, hesitating for a moment, and said, "It depends on what is bad, some can be forgiven, but some things that touch the bottom line, certainly cannot be forgiven." "

Although he didn't know what Xuan Tian meant by saying this, Su Hang still had an ambiguous answer to avoid being entangled in it. This answer can be said to have been said or not.

"Then, if it destroys your practice and destroys your soul?" Xuan Tian asked.

Su Hangteng stood up at once, watching Xuantian defensively.

According to the general plot routine, after the villain has inexplicably said this sentence, it is time to explode and hurt people!

Xuan Tian smiled at this time, "Don't be so nervous, I'm just discussing the problem with you, you just have to answer what I think!"

Su Hang was suspicious. After a while, he just returned to his seat and sat down. He still dared not relax and guarded carefully. In the face of such an ancient existence, if the other party really took their own Su Hang, they could not escape with a certain degree of confidence. .

"Of course, this kind of thing is unforgivable!" Su Hang said directly, and all the special codes ruined your spiritual practice and destroyed your soul. Can you forgive?

Su Hang’s answer didn’t seem to surprise Xuan Tian. Xuan Tian nodded slightly, “What would you do if you met such a person?”

"Me?" Su Hang looked at Xuan Tian with surprise.

Xuan Tian nodded, "Make an analogy, for example, the old decay once destroyed your spiritual practice and destroyed your soul, and one day, you came back unexpectedly and found me. What would you do?"

Su Hang looked at Xuantian strangely, and suddenly realized that Xuantian said, should it be the history of their grudges between them and the real people in the sky?

At that time, Xuan Huang and the two colluded to break the practice of Cangtian Real People, but did not want Cangtian Real People to return one day, and directly killed them with iron fists.

He used himself as a metaphor, I wonder why? It seems that he has not been able to let go of that grudge.

Since Su Hang thought that it had guessed the intention, then this answer should be cautious.

After thinking for a while, Su Hangdao said, "Of course there is revenge, there are complaints, and the cause and effect owed to me, I naturally want to get it back. Don't be born!"

This is the truth. Anyone who encounters such a thing will definitely choose the same as Su Hang. What kind of person is Xuan Tian? If Su Hang does not say so, I am afraid that he will be treated as perfunctory and anger this person.

Xuan Tian slightly nodded and said, "That's right, if I were you, I would be like you, but if that person knew something wrong, he would repent, ask for it, and confess to you, then you would not Will you forgive him?"

Su Hang heard the words and hesitated for a moment. He was thinking about the purpose of Xuan Tian's question. What answer did he want?

What Xuan Tian said was afraid that it was his situation at the moment. He wanted to get the understanding of the real people in the sky, but what was the point of asking himself?

Pause, Su Hangdao, "If this is the case, it is not hopeless. After all, it is often said that knowing the wrong can be changed, and it is very good. If it is me, maybe it will really give a chance!"

"Oh?" Xuan Tian heard the words, showing a glory between the eyebrows.

Su Hang has a spectrum in his mind. Obviously, Xuan Tian wanted this answer. He wanted to know if he could forgive his fault!

Su Hang continued, "However, for such a person, the death penalty is exempt, and the living crime is inevitable..."

"Oh? What is a living sin?" Xuan Tian asked.

Su Hang thought for a while, "I want to report grievances with virtue, but there is no hatred, no gentleman, and deep hatred. It is not a sentence that I can apologize. He should destroy his spiritual practice, destroy his soul, and let him suffer all the hardships I have suffered before he can qualify for my forgiveness!"

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