Super Study God

Chapter 1871: The covenant of all ages!

Listening to Su Hang said, Xuan Tian was silent for a long time, and then he smiled bitterly and sighed, "You are right, there is revenge, and there are complaints, it is true gentlemen!"

Su Hang looked at Xuan Tian with some anxiety. This old man wouldn't be unhappy, would he just burst into injury? Wouldn't it be too much for those meetings that I just said, to stimulate him?

Just when Su Hang was upset, Xuan Tian said, "I don’t hide from you, I did a wrong thing in my early years, ruined a person to practice, and destroyed his soul. Fortunately, he was lucky and escaped. A trace of the real spirit entered into the reincarnation, after thousands of years, and finally, he came back again, he would not let me go..."

When it comes to this, Xuan Tian has shed tears, quite a bit old tears.

Why are you crying? This scene was a bit awkward for Su Hang.

It seems that Xuan Tian said that it was indeed a grudge between him and the real person in the sky.

"Senior, you don't have to be like that. That person knows you are regretful and will be generous..." Su Hang didn't know how to persuade. Such a person exists, and actually cried his nose in front of his face. Drama, but Su Hang also heard a bit sad.

At this time, Xuan Tian waved his hand and said, "At that time, I was trapped in a robbery, relying on a ray of real spirit, and remained in this heaven and earth. I spent ten billion years in the world and tried to return to the peak, but it was because of this cause and effect. The entanglement, the flesh cannot be released, even though the skill has reached the level of the avenue, but it can't stop the aging and death of this flesh, alas..."

Su Hang took a meal and listened to Xuan Tian's words. His current situation seemed to be exactly the same as that of Mo Dao Xuan in later generations. Mo Dao Xuan was reincarnated to the 9th 9999th in the later generations. Aging, casting spells to avoid the chasing souls of the underworld, and finally had to choose to re-enter the reincarnation, and Su Hang was also accepted as a disciple.

"Senior's current situation, the junior feels deep sympathy!" Su Hang smiled bitterly, "But since all these business debts are caused by the cause and effect between the senior and the man, the senior only needs to win his forgiveness. Cause and effect, isn't it?"

"I think so too." Xuan Tian nodded slightly and looked up at Su Hang. "Come and tell me, how can this cause and effect be settled?"

"This..." Su Hang froze, and said, "The predecessor's cause and effect, owe me Su someone, to ask how to end, it is time to ask the talent right!"

"That person?" Xuan Tian paused.

The person Su Hang said was, of course, a real person in the sky. Presumably Xuantian could understand that although the two didn't explain, they should both know the truth.

"But the man asked me to ask you." Xuan Tian said directly.

"Ask me?" Su Hang was dumbfounded. "Why do you owe him cause and effect? ​​Why should you ask me? Seniors don't laugh."

You owe the sky cause and effect, why did he let you come to me? How can this be?

It's like, you owe someone else's money, and that person asks you to give it back to me. There is such a bizarre thing, unless that person happens to owe me money.

Cangtian owes himself cause and effect, is this possible? Su Hang couldn't help but shake his head. The cause and effect is not money.

Xuan Tian shook his head, "I'll ask you, if this cause and effect should be on you now, is it as you just said, if the old is self-destructive, it falls into reincarnation, and it has gone through thousands of tribulations, this Is causation gone?"

Su Hang froze in place for a while, and did not know how to answer Xuan Tian.

Xuan Tiandao, "That man asked me to ask you, you should answer it on his behalf. I have been waiting here for hundreds of millions of years just to wait for this answer."

Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing, and I'm not his attorney. Why should I ask this kind of question, even if I said it, it doesn't mean what he meant. What's the use?

Xuan Tian looked at Su Hang with bright eyes, "Give me the answer."

Su Hang was helpless, but he should be right to widen his heart. After all, in the future, this person in front of him still has a relationship with him. He will worship under his door and become his disciple.

"Maybe, you can." Su Hang nodded, "If you are so atoning, he still refuses to forgive you, then, it is not your problem, fell into reincarnation and suffered from thousands of robberies, no matter what the cause and effect. It should be eliminated."

Speaking of which, Su Hang suddenly woke up and looked up at Xuan Tian. Shouldn't Xuan Tian choose to enter the reincarnation just because of his words?

I remember when I met Mo Daoxuan, I heard Mo Daoxuan talk about it. He once had an agreement with an existent, if he could get into samsara, he would suffer from samsara, and he could be a man again after all ages.

The one who had an agreement with him is himself?

Thinking of this, Suhang could hardly calm down.

When he was about to say something, Xuan Tian smiled, and his old face looked very happy. "Thank you, Xiaoyou, for resolving the happy knot for the old decay, so the old decay can rest assured."

"Senior, you..." Su Hang was Surely he was guessed by himself?

Xuan Tian looked at Su Hang with a smile, "Lao Xian listened to the Nuwa clan's descendants, saying that the six reincarnations of the Xuanhuang Realm are under your control, and the old desire to enter the reincarnation has to invite the children to open the door of convenience. ."

"Senior." Su Hang hurriedly interrupted. "Just before it was said, it was the personal opinion of the junior, and it does not represent the meaning of that existence, so please ask the senior to think twice."

Xuan Tian waved his hand, "No need, I have decided, and tossed for tens of billions of years, if you reincarnate for ten thousand years, you can kill this cause and effect. For the old, it is not a big deal. ."

Xuan Tian was so determined that Su Hang had nothing to say, but he had never thought that the person he agreed with Xuan Tian would be himself, and he promised Chen Nuo so vaguely.

If, after coming to Ri Xuantian, reincarnate forever, the cause and effect will not be reduced, then by that time, I am afraid that I owe him a big cause and effect.

He couldn't help laughing, but he could feel that, no matter what he said at this time, Xuan Tian had already recognized the death reason and could not be recovered at all.

"Xuan Ming, the Lord of the Underworld, is a disciple of the younger generation. If the predecessor really wants to enter the sacrificial calendar, the younger generation can give the senior a token side, which is regarded as a token. The senior will go by himself." Su Hang said, taking out a homemade Pangu order , To Xuantian.

"Thank you friends for your success." Xuan Tian reached out and took the token.

Su Hang said with a bitter smile, "The juniors only said, but the family's words can't be trusted. What the person thinks, the juniors really don't know. If there is cause and effect in the future, the juniors can't bear it..."

Xuan Tian shook his head, "Nature's own choice has nothing to do with Xiaoyou, and Xiaoyou doesn't need to be mad..."

Su Hang couldn't help crying, how could he feel that Xuan Tian had been pitted? Don't you blame me? Can I feel at ease?

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