Super Study God

Chapter 1872: Xuantian's gift!

"Gift?" Su Hang looked at Xuan Tian with some consternation.

Xuan Tian only smiled, Su Hang saw that he closed his eyes, his whole body radiating a black light, the light quickly condensed toward the position of his heart, and soon, turned into a black bead, toward When he flew up, he immediately flew into Suhang's forehead.

Su Hang was shocked, when the reaction came, the bead had entered his conscious starry sky, like a dark star, floating quietly.

"This is?" Su Hang opened his eyes and looked to Xuantian.

Xuan Tian was covered with a faint golden light, and looked up at Su Hang with some helplessness. "Today I would like to thank Xiaoyou for guiding the old, and you don’t have to worry about it. You can’t bring this body into samsara. Instead of letting it go to the world, it is better to give it to the little friend, which is also a reward for you!"

It turned out that the beads turned out to be condensed by Xuan Tian's cultivation. At this time, Su Hang was stunned. Mo Dao Xuan of the later generation had passed his lifetime cultivation to him. Now, Mo Daoxuan's previous life, Xuan Tianzhenren came again.

How much cause and effect do you owe Xuantian? Su Hang groaned for a moment, and wanted to refuse Xuan Tian's gift at the moment, but saw that the golden light on Xuan Tian's body had slowly disappeared.

Like an effervescent tablet put in water, the body quickly dissipated with the golden light.

"The old man has been cultivating here for hundreds of millions of years, and there are still some things left in the grass. If you are interested, take it yourself!"

"He's goodbye to his destiny, and hope that at that time, the old is already detached!"


After a long sigh, Xuan Tian just sat in front of Su Hang, and the flesh disappeared into the sky and earth with the golden light.

Su Hang stood up and stood in front of Caolu for a long, long time, but he never recovered.

If it wasn't because of the grass in front of him, or because of the bead floating in his mind, I was afraid that he could only treat everything that had just happened as an illusion.


After a long time, Su Hangchang sighed. Until now, he was still dumbfounded. He couldn't figure it out at all. Xuan Tian owed the cause and effect of the sky. Why did he finally have to retaliate on himself?

I really don't know what the real man in the sky is playing. Is it true that the real man owes to him?

Zuo Siyou thought that Su Hang couldn’t figure it out and couldn’t straighten out the connection, but one thing could not be changed. Xuan Tian had given him all his own. Existence has been entangled!

A moment later, Su Hang entered the grass cottage. Xuan Tian just said that he left something in the grass cottage. With Su Hang's usual personality, he naturally wanted to explore it.

After all, since he already owes Xuantian, he doesn't care much.

The only thing he is worried about now is that if Xuantian reincarnates the world and finds that the cause and effect between him and Cangtian has not disappeared, will he not find himself in trouble?

However, Su Hang has already stated that he wants to believe, what can he do?

At most, let me make up for the reincarnation of Xuan Tian in the future. After all, he is not only his own disciple, but also his own son!

Walking into the grass hut, the grass hut is not big, and it is more rudimentary than expected. There is almost nothing but a wooden bed, a wooden table, and two stools.

He also said that he left something, but the result was empty. Su Hang couldn't help but smiled bitterly, only found a burning incense burner on the table.

Su Hang reached out and picked it up. This is a three-legged round incense burner. It’s not too big. A slap can hold it up. There are three round hollows on the belly of the incense burner. A special fragrance floats out of the hollow. I felt comfortable all the time.

It looks like a baby. Through the hole in the incense burner, he looked into the incense burner. Su Hang's eyes lit up suddenly. I saw a few pills of medicine floating in the sky and was being quenched on the fire.

It turned out to be Dan Xiang! After Su Hang’s accident, he was a little crying and laughing. This Xuantian, was still practicing the pill, but the pill had not yet been refined, and he ran to reincarnate, which was too hasty.

This is a panacea, I want to come to a good level, but I don’t know what panacea is made in this stove!

It seems that this medicine has not been fully formed yet, and Su Hang did not pay much attention to it when it was released. He directly put away the small medicine and waited for it to be scanned with the Xueshen system. Know what this medicine is.

I looked around again and again. Except for an old hat hanging on the wall, there were no objects in the room. At least, Su Hang did not think that the quilt on the bed would be a treasure.

This mysterious sky is really poor enough!

Su Hang smiled bitterly, took the Dou Li down, scanned it with the Xueshen system, and a few flashes of light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, it's really a baby!" Su Hang put the hat on his head and instantly disappeared from the cottage without any warning.

When he removed Dou Li, his figure appeared without warning.

There is a certain amount of joy on Su Hang's With his eyesight, it is natural to see the speciality of this hat.

The ability of this bucket is very simple, stealth!

But this invisibility is not as simple as ordinary invisibility. Not only can it be invisible, so that others can't see you, but it can also hide your voice, so that people can't hear you or even touch you. It's totally The invisibility of the position is like turning into nothingness.

It’s a good assistant. For this kind of thing, Suhang still likes it. This thing is called a Tibetan-shaped hat. Don’t look at the appearance. It is actually a superb Taoist weapon, which can hide people in the void, completely Invisibility is really rare.

The ordinary stealth technique is nothing more than a blind eye. Even the strongest stealth technique will be seen through when it comes to real masters. It is absolutely invisible like this Tibetan-shaped hat, which is basically impossible.

After collecting the hats, Su Hang looked around and found that there was nothing left to search. He left Caolu. The purpose of entering the tower this time was to take advantage of the soil. Now, the interest in the soil has not been obtained yet. forget!



Leaving the ninth floor, returning to the eighth floor space, and seeing the real world again.

"It seems that the cause and effect is over now?" Before the Su Hang opened his mouth, the real spirit of the world had already spoken. "The period of one hundred million years agreed by Nuwa and I has come, and it should be released now!"

Su Hang heard the words and said, "The one upstairs has already entered the reincarnation, but I have a problem!"

"I know what you want to ask!" Jie Moxin interrupted Su Hang's words. "However, I have nothing to tell you. Causality is something that can be made clear in a few words. Instead of asking others, it is better to look for yourself. The answer, all the fruits, all have causes. He waited for you for so many years, and he was relieved, and I, hehe..."

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