Super Study God

Chapter 1874: What a big tone!

How can this be good? This existence is mad, I am afraid that I can not stop it, I am afraid that the entire Nuwa family will be hit hard.


At this time, a clear voice came, Feng Lixi heard the words, looked back, and a face instantly became dark.

"Aren't you hiding you? Come out and do it?"

Seeing Ao Xue coming over here, Feng Lixi looked angry.

You know, Ao Xueke is related to the safety of the ancestors. At this time, it is too late to hide, how come out? Too ignorant of the general.

"Master, the meaning of the old grandmother, Xueer had to follow!" Ao Xue said.

Feng Lixi suddenly said nothing, all the ancestors were moved out, what can I say?

After that, Ao Xue raised her head to look at the real spirit of the world floating in the air, "Something happened to Senior, although tell me, she can hear it!"

"Haha..." The real spirit of the world heard the words and paused for a moment, ha ha grinned, "It seems that he said well, Nuwa and Nuwa, you are worse than me now, look at your posture, Nuwa's is Are you not ready to fulfill your original promise?"

Ao Xue listened and saluted to the realm of the realm, "Nuwa's promises have always been fulfilled, but things are not going to happen. The old grandmother is now unable to protect herself, and she is no longer able to fulfill her original promise. Please also invite seniors..."


Jie Moxin chuckled and said, "Enough is enough. Since the promises of those years could not be fulfilled, then use Nuwa's blood to repay it!"

There is not too much nonsense. I kept my promise and suppressed you for hundreds of millions of years in the chemical tower, but you could not fulfill Chen Nuo. This is a big cause and effect. How could it be easy to forget?

This feeling of being deceived is not at all uncomfortable. If you deceive an ordinary person, he has no ability to trouble you, but it's okay. To deceive a strong person, you have to pay a price.


Ao Xuewen said that her face was stagnant and her granddaughter Wa could not show up. Only let her speak for her. She was very clear that the existence in front of her would bring a disaster to the Nuwa clan.

"Huh!" Realm snorted coldly, and did not wait for Ao Xueduo to say, "Since Nu Wa is on you, let's start with you first, or break this cause and effect!"


Feng Lixi was overwhelmed when she heard the news and shouted at the moment. The elders opened their positions and surrounded Ao Xue in the middle.

"It's ridiculous, don't limit yourself!" Jie Mo smiled angrily.

The heart shook slightly, and dozens of monsters with scorpion heads struggled out of the heart. After landing, they immediately surrounded everyone in the middle.

Dozens of monsters, each of which has a strength comparable to the realm of heaven, that scene, even just a glance, is chilling.

Including Xue Qi and others, the Nuwa clan masters gathered at this moment, seeing this situation, still shivering and terrified.

"Nuwa's something is wrong, but it will not be guilty to death. You might as well look at my face. For the time being, we have something to say, don't hurt the peace!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and even when Su Hang came to see him, he fell into the formation and blocked Ao Xue in front.

"Brother Su!" Ao Xue was pleasantly surprised.

Xue Qi and others next to him saw the appearance of Su Hang, and they all took a subconscious sigh of relief. They didn't know why. They all had a self-confident confidence in Su Hang. As if Su Hang appeared, all crises could be resolved.

But Feng Lixi was surprised. Before she let Su Hang into the tower, it was a small calculation. Before seeing the magic, she wondered if Su Hang had already encountered an accident. Now Su Hang She appeared unexpectedly, but she didn't know the complicated mood.

The existence of Su Hang makes her a little worried, worrying that Su Hang will take Ao Xue away, and now Ao Xue, but Nu Wa's hope and lifeline.

Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu hurried afterwards. After seeing this situation, Tian Gui Nu stood consciously aside. It was none of his business. He didn’t need to sell his life for Nu Wa, but Bai Su stood with Nu Wa. At one place, although she was wearing a sinful body, she was in a difficult position, and she had to honor and disgrace!

At this time, the realm of the world opened his mouth, facing Su Hangdao, "Do you want to get in on my grievances with Nuwa?"

Su Hangdao, "If it is just the grudge between you and Nuwa, I will naturally stay out of the matter, but the woman you are going to kill now, she is my wife, so if you want to do it, you have to ask me whether I agree or not! "

"Oh, ridiculous!" Jie Moxin sneered, and said, "So, I became the biggest joke?"

Su Hangdao, "Although you have been in the tower over the years, I don't believe that you know nothing about the situation outside the tower, nor do you believe that you will not know that the grandmother and the lady Nuwa are now leaving the country, but you still stay at the tower in……"

The realm of the world interrupted Su Hang's words, "As you said, should I be self-serving?"

Su Hang shook his head, "You know that the Nuwa family can't fulfill their original and still keep to the fortification tower, which is enough to show that you are a person who believes in faith..."

"Don't try to tout me, I don't eat this set!" Jie Moxin snorted coldly and interrupted Su Hang again, "This is what Nuwa owes to me, I'm just asking Nuwa for repayment. No, then fill it with life, do you think, what I did wrong?"

The Nuwa people are all congested. They owe their debts and repay their money. There is nothing right to say. This is cause and effect. The reason planted by the ancestors is their turn to repay this result today.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Yes, you are right, don't look at your appearance, but you are indeed a party of domination. How do you punish Nuwa? I have no opinion, but, what you want to hurt is my life. The most important person in the group, Nuwa’s debt to you, you can kill someone to repay, but if you kill my wife, who should I ask for repayment?"

Jie Moxin coldly said, "Can you still want to do it with me?"

Su Hang smiled, "Is what I said is not clear enough? You dare to move me Xueer a sweat, I will let you disappear from this world forever!"

"Oh, you are so big!" Jie Moxin sneered, he could not hear the threat in Su Hang's words.

Everyone in the Nuwa family hung up at the moment. Su Hang was angering this existence. Can you arouse his anger, can you hold the scene?

Su Hangdao, "You should be very clear, do I have that ability!"

Boom, Boom...

The heart is beating non-stop, getting stronger and stronger, like a hammer hitting everyone's heart, almost suppressed by the atmosphere and suffocating.

Su Hang was looking directly at the realm of the realm of the world. Although the realm of the realm of the real world didn't really shoot, Su Hang had that confidence. Even if he couldn't eliminate him, he would be able to hit him hard.

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