Super Study God

Chapter 1875: You are more reliable!

These monsters alone do not pose any threats to Soviet Airlines.

Although the real spirit of the world is the original sin of the earth, it looks like a cowboy, but now he only has one heart, where can he be stronger?

"Good job!"

For a long time, Jie Moxin laughed. Obviously, he compromised. "I can let these people go, but the debts owed to me by Nuwa's family must be repaid. Since Nuwa is on your wife, then this debt , It’s up to you to pay it back!"

"I?" Su Hang suddenly felt dumbfounded when he heard this. "I'm afraid you made a mistake. The debt was owed by Nuwa. I am an outsider. Why should I pay for Nuwa?"

Jie Moxin said, "You are indeed not an outsider, but your wife is in the bureau, we reasoned that your wife is not in debt yet, shouldn't I find you?"

What kind of logic is this? Su Hang's face is not very good-looking, is this forcibly planting big cause and effect on himself?

"I believe that these women next to you should be happy to be like this?" Jie Mo said in heart.

Su Hang turned to Feng Lixi and looked over.

Feng Lixi was a little ashamed, and said at the moment, "The Nuwa family inherits from the Taoist, and also asks the Daoyou to rescue the righteousness. Nuwa is grateful!

Su Hang heard that a face rose like pig liver. Why didn't he find out before? Actually let yourself help the Nuwa's cause and effect?

Everyone's eyes looked at Su Hang. If Su Hang does not agree, I'm afraid that the demon in this world will immediately go viral.

"Hehe!" Su Hang sneered and looked up at the real world. "There is no hatred between you and me. I also sympathize with your experience. However, sympathy returns to sympathy. I just want to say, I Now if you want to be a wicked person, you don’t have to struggle with any karma. When I kill you, no matter what the cause and effect, I will bear it!"

Everyone heard it and took a breath. After hearing Su Hang's words, did you want to be shocked? Want to destroy the realm of the world?

"Hehe." Jie Mo's heart smiled angrily, "Di Di didn't kill me at that time. Do you think you have that skill?"

Su Hang was stagnation, holding his fist heavily, and looked at the real world with cold eyes. At this time, he was hesitating. If he could not kill the real world, he would surely form a beam with the real world. The enemy, is it worth it?

At this time, the realm said, "I just want to get what I deserve, Pangu's Suhang, if you can help me reshape the body, this grudge, naturally understand."

Su Hang resented, "You overestimate me, do you think I have the ability to reshape you?"

"Yes, of course you do, I believe you have." Realm of Realm said lightly, "And, in my opinion, you are more reliable than Nuwa's."

"Then I really want to thank you for lifting it." Su Hangdao.

At this time, Feng Lixi sent a message to Su Hang, "Daoyou, you may wish to promise him first, and then go through today's robbery."

Su Hang heard the words and glanced at the wind next to him. How could this old lady feel annoying now?

How can you look so big? You Nuwa have cheated others once, and now you want to cheat him again, is this too much?

Su Hang was about to speak, and the realm said, "Don’t look out, the person I have guarded for Nuwa’s over the years, but your cause and effect, to say that Nuwa’s has nothing to do with you, you can believe What?"

Su Hang listened, took a deep breath, and remained silent for a long time before he said, "I can't guarantee you anything, but I can try my best to help you restore your body..."

"Do your best?" Jie Moxin's voice was obviously not very satisfied. "I want you to go all out. For this day, I have been waiting too long..."

Su Hangdao, "Reshaping the flesh for you is bound to be taboo..."

"Afraid of what he did, I will one day replace it." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang took a deep breath. At this point, things could only be taken one step at a time. To be honest, he was confident of defeating the realm of the world, but he was not sure of killing him.

Rather than endless scourges, it is better to use some peaceful methods to slow down this moment first, and then negotiate no later, anyway, he did not give him a promise.

"Then please accept your magical power." Su Hang said directly.

The shock of the world's magic heart, those monsters sensed the call, flew to the world's magic heart, and quickly merged into that huge heart.

"Let you live in the Wa Palace for a few days, when will the body recover and when will I leave." Jie Moxin dropped a sentence and went directly to the palace of the Wa Palace.

Feng Lixi waited for the elders to panic and hurried into the hall. I saw that huge heart grew on the inner wall of the hall, just like a chewing gum, sticking to the wall, all around It was blood, and the hall suddenly became eerie.

Everyone wanted to get close, but they were blocked by a layer of **** masks, scratching their ears and scratching their feet one by one, so anxious that they jumped their feet. This is the main palace of the Wa How can the emperor Wa Wa be governed by evil things? Entrenched?

"Xue'er, are you okay?" Su Hang didn't pay attention to them, he only had Ao Xue in his eyes.

"I'm okay." Ao Xue shook his head. "Brother Su, the elder grandmother said, this monster was passed to the last era, it was extremely powerful, you should not promise him."

Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "I didn't promise him anything. After two days, I'll take you away. By then, where can I still control him."

Ao Xue was stagnant, but he didn't know if Su Hang said it was true. For Su Hang, it was gone, but for her, there was too much concern.

Su Hang patted Ao Xue's shoulder. "I'm just kidding. Rest assured, I will try my best to help Nuwa remove this hidden danger."

"Thank you, Brother Su." Ao Xue looked up at Su Hang with great gratitude.

Su Hang grabbed her hand, "Why thank you between you and me? Let's go, change a quiet place, I have to find my granddaughter Wa Niangniang to get a good understanding of this realm."

Ao Xue nodded, and then went to the backyard with Su Hang, leaving the Nuwa family in front of him.

It's a shame that the nests have been taken by others?

This realm of evil spirits is a bit rogue. This is really the plan to stay away from debt.



Entering Ao Xue's consciousness sea, Su Hang found her granddaughter Wa, and from her mouth, Su Hang learned some causes and consequences.

The cause and effect are owed, and the current situation of Nuwa's ancestors is basically unable to repay.

Su Hang was helpless. Although he was a little upset now, Li Xi, but also had to sell Nvwa's ancestor's face, let alone think about Ao Xue.

Fortunately, the Nuwa ancestor still gave him some guidance.

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