Super Study God

Chapter 1877: The blood of the realm king!

This remark is self-deprecating. Indeed, the real spirit of this realm is really not a general headache for him. If you want to destroy him, you may not be able to destroy it. The key people have reason to find Nuwa's debt collection. What reason do you have to do him? You can't do him, he is entangled with you again, Su Hang feels as if she has been ridiculed by the porcelain.

"I'm asking you about business, let alone these useless!" Jie Moxin interrupted Su Hang's vomiting.

Su Hang looked up at him and said, "Otherwise, let's make a discussion. Like Xuan Tian, ​​I will give you a chance to reincarnate yourself. After reincarnation, you will naturally have a flesh!"

"Fart!" The real spirit interrupted Su Hang's words again. "If I want to be reborn, I have to wait until today. How can those ordinary mortal fetuses hold my noble soul?"

"Well, noble soul?" Su Hang shook his head a bit mockingly, "I don't think you are abandoning the mortal flesh, I think you are afraid of reincarnation, and you will be utterly mournful. "

"Since you know it, ask me what to do?" Jie Mo said.

Su Hangdao, "Since I let you reincarnate, I will naturally find you after your reincarnation to help you restore your memory and restore your behavior!"

"No, I don't trust you!" Jie Moxin interrupted Su Hang directly without any hesitation.

Su Hang knew that this idea must be no drama. She could only shake her head with a wry smile. "Don't you say that I am more reliable than Nuwa, why don't you believe me now?"

"I just said that you are more reliable than Nuwa's, and did not say that you deserve my trust!" Jie Moxin said.

"This is a bit hurtful!" Su Hang laughed dryly. "What's wrong with reincarnation? Everything is coming again. In a few hundred million years, it's a good man!"

"What I want is the innate flesh, the strong body of the Dadao Realm!" Jie Moxin emphasized, "How did Nu Wa tell you? She is the mother of fortune, there must be a way!"

Su Hang paused, and didn’t want to hide the realm of the world. He said directly, “The way is, it’s just that the materials are hard to find. I’m going to reshape the flesh of the Dao realm. There are still four kinds of materials missing. Realm of Blood of Realm of Kings, among these four materials, colorful stone pith and Yang Meimu are easy to handle, but Tianxin Teng and Realm of Realm of Blood are really helpless!"

Su Hang's words were regarded as throwing the problem to the realm of the world, not because I didn't help you, but because I was really helpless.

"Huh?" Jie Moxin hesitated and said, "You can get Yang Meimu, why is Tian Xin Teng?"

Su Hang smiled bitterly and said, "The Celestial Elder Guteng has enmity with me. Do you think that with my current ability, dare to find him to ask for Tianxinteng?"

Jie Moxin was silent for a moment, "You are such a troublemaker, how can you get Guto's boss?"

This fact is disgraceful, but he still told about the fact that Yin Yu'er regretted marrying herself and slapped Gu Jia's face fiercely.

At the moment, Su Hangdao said, "Of course, if you have a way to prepare the blood of Heavenly Hearts and Realm King, then everything is easy to say!"

"If I could find it, what would I do with you?" Jie Moxin snorted coldly, "You have a grudge against Gu Teng, do I have no grudge with him? And the blood of the king of the world is even more difficult. ..."

"That's no talk?" Su Hang spread his hands.

"Nothing to talk about? Now that you have received cause and effect, you have to be responsible to me in the end!" Jie Moxin said.

"Is this a shame? If you say so, then I really don't care about you. I will take my wife away tomorrow, and you and the Nuwa's cause and effect, find them to liquidate yourself!" Su Hangqi Road, Nima's really wrong with me? When I take you without temper, do you? If it were not for you to be pitiful, would you tell me so much nonsense here?

"Are you going? Where are you going!" Jie Moxin's voice sank.

"That's right!" Su Hang shrugged, without concealing, and even said a little bit ridiculously, "Through time and space, to the distant future, so even if you can prepare the materials, you have to wait for me to come next time. Only when I can help you, but I don’t know when it will be next time, maybe hundreds of years, thousands of years, maybe millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years! "

When he said this, Su Hang was even a little bit happy. Tomorrow I will take my wife away. I can’t help you if you want to make a mistake. As for the cause and effect of you and the Nuwa family, find them to liquidate it yourself. !

"I will go with you!" At this time, the realm of heart opened, "Unless you help me recover my body, otherwise, you don't want to get rid of me in your life!"

Su Hang heard that, with a black face, "Not to mention if you can follow me. Are you so dependent on me? Is it interesting? I already said that it was not that I refused to help you. It was really powerless."

"That's not necessarily true!" Jie Moxin snorted, "Tian Xin Teng is difficult, but if you want Tian Xin you don't necessarily need to find Gu Teng Weigua!"

"What do you mean?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "His grandson Gu Danfeng, the body should also be Tian Xin Teng, just heard you say, that kid has enmity with you, and will definitely come to you, when the time comes..."

"You're a good abacus. I don't want to kill anybody more than anything!" Su Hang said directly.

"Just ask him for a piece of ontology, why kill?" Jie Moxin said directly, "As for the blood of that kingdom, it is difficult for others, but for you, it is not a difficult thing to be afraid!"

Su Hang frowned, "Why do you say this, what is the blood of the realm king?"

Previously, the granddaughter Wa didn't tell him what the blood of the realm of the realm was. At this time, when listening to the realm of the realm of the realm, I was a bit curious.

"Humph!" Realm of Heart said, "Don't say you don't know. Few people in these heavens and thousands of realms know what is the blood of the realm of the realm. If you know Daojie as the realm, do you not know what is the realm of realm? What?"

Su Hang heard the words, as if thinking of something, his eyebrows twisted gently, "You mean..."

"Yes, above the realm master, the king of dominance is the realm king!" The realm of the realm of the realm is amazing, "When the realm of the realm reaches the peak, you can detach from the supreme, that is the realm of the realm, this realm, Even in Heaven, few people know!"

"So, the blood of the realm of the realm is the blood of this kind of existence?" Su Hang's face twitched, and his heart was shocked by the realm of realm. The original realm of the realm reached its peak, and there was a supreme realm of realm.

"That's right!" The realm of the world did not deny it, and then said, "It can be said that among the heavens and the realms, the realm of the realm king is one of the few. The five main world realms of the year were all in this realm. Unfortunately, Xuantian Huang Tian fell, Hong Jun was reincarnated and rebuilt, and now there are only two of the Five Realm Kings!"

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