Super Study God

Chapter 1878: Farewell to ask!

Su Hang's heartbeat is surging. The two kings of the world he said should be Heaven and Earth Lord. "You will not let me go to the two existing bloodletting!"

Isn't this Nima dead? Su Hang thought it was ridiculous.

"If you don't go, how do you know they won't give it?" Jie Mo said.

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't want to do such a thankless thing, and, I still want to live a few more years. Instead of looking for them to bleed, I think you might as well wait a few more years until I reach that level. You can give you as much blood as you want."

After listening to the realm of the world, Su Hang knew that this is an impossible task. There is no need to get entangled with the realm of the realm. Love it.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Jie Moxin sneered. He could see that Su Hang's indifferent attitude annoyed him.

"Whatever you think!" Su Hang shook his head and got up and walked out. "See you soon!"

The realm of the realm, with one rib, is unreasonable, and he has done his best. Since he does not listen, he really has no way to do it. Anyway, he will leave tomorrow, whatever he does, he loves If you are in trouble with Nuwa, let him go.

When Su Hang left, the realm was silent for a long time, and a heart thumped, and he could see that he should be very angry. Xu Jiu only said to himself, "Pangu's Su Hang, I have waited so hard for so many years, Do you think it's so easy to get rid of me?"



"How are you, Daoyou?"

As soon as Su Hang came out of the hall, the Nuwa clan all gathered around, and Feng Lixi eagerly asked Su Hang.

Su Hang stared at her and said, "No way, it doesn't make sense, I have a bad eloquence. I can't compare to my predecessors. You should talk to him yourself!"

Feng Lixi stagnated, let her talk? Is this possible? Now that the main hall is sealed by the enchantment, where can she get in?

"Ah? How is this good?" Nu Wa's people all felt cold for hearing this.

Su Hang ignored them, went down the stairs, and called Xue Qi, Hong Yun, Wang Fang to the side of the square.

"Brother Hang, what's the matter?" Xue Qi asked doubtfully.

All three looked suspiciously at Suhang, and in the posture of Suhang, there was something to explain.

Su Hangdao, "I will have to leave tomorrow. I have something to do with you."

"go away?"

Wang froze for a moment, and naturally understood what Suhang meant by leaving. Presumably, he would go back to the afterlife?

At the moment, Wang Biao's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Su Hang's arm. "Brother, take me with you!"

Anxious and urgent, Wang Biao's eyes were full of anticipation, "I really can't stay at this place, take me back!"

Su Hang frowned, looked at the Wang Biao in front of him, and looked up at Xue Qi again.

Xue Qi waved his hand quickly, turned his face to look at the red cloud, and faced Su Hangdao, "I won't go back, Brother Hang, if you can take him back, take him!"

Wang Bian burst into tears and looked sad, and he begged, "How good is he to be accompanied by my sister and sister, you and I, I don’t know how sweet it is, I have long been reluctant to go back to you!"

This is the truth. Xue Qi has now become a family. With concerns, how can it go, and, as far as the history known by Su Hang is concerned, Xue Qi and Hong Yun have left their mark in history, and Su Hang knows theirs better. The ending, but for Wang Bo, for Ao Xue, Suhang is all unknown, so it is not impossible to take them back.

What's more, for him, even if he came back to later generations with himself, it would only span a time gap of hundreds of millions of years. If he stays here honestly, as time goes by, he will wait until that day sooner or later.

Therefore, for them, more time to stay together, perhaps more important.

Su Hang nodded slightly, could he bring people back, he was still playing drums, if Wang Bing wanted to go, he could try it himself.

"Your business, I will talk about it later." Now, Wang Wang was set aside and turned to look at Xue Qi. "Since you choose to stay, then you have to shoulder your mission."

Xue Qi was stagnant, he wanted to come to Xianyun Yehe, he liked to be at ease, and he didn't like to be tired of common affairs, so he would hide with Hongyun in Nuwa's family. Now listening to Su Hang's tone, he clearly wants him to go out again.

"Brother Hang, you say, there is something I need to do." Xue Qi took a deep breath and said directly.

Over the years, he also had many guilt for the human race. At the moment, facing Su Hang, he had no reason to refuse.

"Now the Xuanhuang Realm Tribulation has just passed, scorched earth on all sides, and all wastes are waiting to be revived. I came to Penglai this time to find Xue'er and secondly to find a resting place for the human race. It's time, now it will rest on you, you take it to the Xuanhuang Realm, spread it in all directions, and teach Shenzhou to regain its vitality as soon as Su Hang said, take a small jade bottle from his sleeve and send it to Xue Qi In the past.

What is hidden in this bottle is the living soil he got from the chemical tower, that is, the excrement of the real spirit.

There are a lot of them, which should be enough to alleviate human disasters.

Xue Qi clutched the bottle tightly in his hand and looked at Su Hang seriously. "Take it easy, Brother Hang, the younger brother will never let him down."

Su Hang nodded slightly, although Xue Qi's kid always felt unreliable, but it was quite a matter of seriousness. Su Hang explained to him the serious matter. Since he agreed to come down, he would naturally not be sloppy.

The behavior of the Nuwa family has already caused Su Hang’s rejection and doubts. When he took Ao Xue away, the whole Penglai, the only person who could trust him, was Xue Qi, so this matter, Su Hang could only Leave it to him.

Su Hang patted Xue Qi on the shoulder, feeling quite like a last word.

"Although Xiyang is powerful, it can evolve fertile soil and moisturize all things, but to realize the greatest potential of Xiyang, it must rely on the nvwa's fortune. If Brother Dao does not give up, Bai Su is willing to serve."

At this time, a clear voice came, and Su Hang looked back, but it was Bai Su coming from the side, followed by Tian Gui slave.

Bai Su looked at Su Hang with a smile, and the real world was in chaos. Fenglixi hadn't had time to pursue the matter, and Feng Lixi didn't have time to pursue it. I was afraid that they wouldn't follow the chaos.

Su Hang looked at Bai Su, the woman he saw in the tower, Feng Lixi's sister, they hadn't known each other for a long time, but the impression on Su Hang was not bad.

Bai Sudao said, "The Nuwa family can't accommodate me anymore. The tower has faced me for thousands of years. I want to walk around the world, but I don't know if my brother is willing to grant me such merits?"

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