Super Study God

Chapter 1879: Leave!

After a pause, Su Hang said with a smile, "Sui Bai can have such a heart, Sumou is naturally grateful."

Bai Su smiled and gave a little salute.

Su Hang also saluted. Now in his view, this white pigment in front of him may be more reliable than the Nuwa's style.

On the other side, Tian Gui slave said, "I heard that Kunlun was robbed, and now that I have left the tower, I think I should go back to Kunlun to see it."

Su Hangdao, "Now, the Queen of Kunlun, the Queen of the West, Yaoyue, is my young disciple, and you can help one or two if you forget.

Tian Gui Nu nodded quickly, "Kunlun remembers."

It can be seen that the Heavenly Ghost Slave is very awesome to Su Hang. Su Hang doesn't know why, but he is not interested to ask more, which has some causation.

"That's it, after tomorrow, I will go down the mountain together." Next, Xue Qi said.

Both nodded without objection.



Somehow, since Su Hang and Jie Moxin talked, Jie Moxin has calmed down, and there is no more trouble.

Feng Lixi thought that Su Hang and Jiemo Xin had reached an agreement, and ran cheekly to ask, Su Hang could only say sorry to her.

What evil spirits and conspiracies are involved in the real world, Su Hang has no interest any more, and does not want to blend the realities of real world and Nuwa.

Su Hang couldn't help even if it was beyond her ability. If it wasn't because she was Ao Xue's master, Su Hang had already slapped her on the face just because she had previously calculated Su Hang's affairs. .

This second-generation Nuwa has quite a bit of distractions. Su Hang does not want to deal with her excessively. Because of her existence, Su Hang's impression of Nu Wa has fallen greatly.

As for Ao Xue, Su Hang is sure to take it away. Of course, Feng Lixi was unwilling after learning that. After all, Ao Xue was related to the safety of her granddaughter Wa, how could she be allowed to leave Penglai?

However, how can the Soviet Union compromise? At this time, naturally it is necessary to be strong. I will take my wife away, and you need your old lady to agree?

If it were not for fear that Ao Xue would be caught in the middle, Suhang was only afraid of beating his wife.

Feng Lixi is noble and used to her. In Nuwa's family, no one dared to refute what she said, and even the other forces of Xuanhuang Realm are also respectful of her Nuwa's family.

However, is there any way, the other party is too strong, can not beat, what can be done? Fire can only hold back.

Finally, the granddaughter Wa summoned suddenly, and Feng Lixi entered the sea of ​​Ao Xue's consciousness, and did not know what the granddaughter Wa told her. After she came out, she changed her attitude towards Su Hang.

It was readily agreed that Su Hang took Ao Xue away, which made Su Hang stunned.

This 180-degree change in attitude can make Su Hang feel a little bad, and Feng Lixi's smile also makes him feel a little bit boring.

But in any case, Feng Lixi agreed that Su Hang took Ao Xue away. Of course, she did not agree with Su Hang and she didn't care, but Ao Xue didn't care. That was her master after all. Su Hang didn't want Ao Xue to take regret with Leave yourself.


"What did Nuwa's ancestor say to your master? How do I feel this old lady smiled so strangely?" After Feng Lixi left, Su Hang murmured and asked Ao Xue.

"Brother Su, you can't disrespect Master." Ao Xue gave Su Hang a charming glance.

Su Hang shrugged helplessly, "I called her old lady to be polite, her eyes reminded me of the eyes she had coaxed me into the fortification tower that day. I was just afraid of counting."

Ao Xue smiled helplessly and leaned on Suhang’s shoulders, saying, “Don’t make Master think so bad, she is just safeguarding the Nuwa’s heritage. Her elderly people sacrifice too many things for Nuwa.”

"Hateful people also have pity." Su Hang took a deep breath and said, "She is your master, kind to you, I will never be angry for her, only if she does not exist, It's just that her sacrifice is her business. I won't allow you to sacrifice for Nuwa. If Nuwa is calculated on my Cher, I will choose to erase Nuwa's heritage."

Ao Xue stretched out a finger and blocked Su Hang's mouth. "Don't say silly things, you say that, the old grandmother can also hear it."

Su Hang smiled and hugged Ao Xue tightly, "Hearing the best, let her understand my will, let her converge under these doors, others respect me, I will naturally respect others, friends, Naturally, you should be honest, if you have a plan, you will not be friends, and will only become enemies."

This is indeed what I told the granddaughter Wa, whether it was a friend or an enemy, so choose yourself.

Ao Xuedao said, "I know Brother Su is kind to me, but Brother Su, there are some things that must be done within our abilities. Don't be too reluctant. We only have time, we can come to Japan..."

Su Hang took a deep breath and reached out to caress Ao Xuexiu's hair. "Resue early, I will take you away tomorrow and escape from this cage."



In the early morning of the following day, the countdown of the Suhang watch system was running out~ came early to the square outside the Wa Palace.

Xue Qi, Wang Biao, Feng Lixi and others, but also came long ago, seem to know that Su Hang is about to leave, ready to do the same as a farewell meeting.

Su Hang looked a little strange and alert towards Feng Lixi.

The wind shouted, "She'll come out immediately."

This old lady, don't you do anything wrong? Su Hang always feels that something is wrong.

Without taking care of her, she turned to Xue Qidao, "Mo Yao has forgotten what I told you."

Xue Qi nodded slightly, "Brother Hang, you're going all the way."

Su Hang glared at the goods with a trace of a black line across his forehead. Will the goods speak?

Turned to Wang Xiang, "If you follow me for a while, you can go back, it's all about the creation, I don't dare to promise you anything."

Wang Zu nodded again and again, with infinite expectation on his face.

At this time, footsteps came from the rear, Su Hang looked back, a smile appeared on his face, but Ao Xue, dressed in white, came from the corridor of the inner hall.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the past, and Su Hang also looked a little infatuated. Today's Ao Xue, especially beautiful, Su Hang's heart is warm, this may be love.

"Brother Su."

Ao Xue walked in front of Su Hang and gently called. Su Hang took her hand and said, "Xue'er, Brother Su takes you home."

"Well." Ao Xue nodded, but tears were already in his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Su Hang wiped her tears and asked softly.

Ao Xue broke into tears and smiled, "Xue'er is happy, but he doesn't know what it is like in time and space, and what he looks like when he enters."

"You will see it soon." Su Hang smiled. Today is a great day.

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