Super Study God

Chapter 1880: time Tunnel!

At this time, Feng Lixi came over and looked at Ao Xue, a mother-like look, her voice trembling a little bit, "After today, I don't know when I will see you again."

"Master?" Ao Xue was exquisitely emotional. When she heard Feng Lixi's words, tears came out again.

Su Hang took a deep breath. "In these years, I would like to thank Nu Wa's care for me Cher. I will take care of her in the future. I will cherish it after today, and I will come from a period of goodbye."

Su Hang said this, but he just talked about it casually. This Feng Lixi may not be able to live for so long. In the distant future generations, Xuanhuang Realm does not have the footprint of his Nuwa family.

Feng Lixi heard the words and nodded slightly, facing Su Hangdao. "In the future, I would like to ask Daoyou to take good care of me. I am always a woman, and I have a stubborn mind. I have been offended before, and I hope that Daoyou will not be angry."

Su Hang listened, frowning slightly. This wind-risk attitude changed too quickly. At this time, she apologized to herself. It was also too bad-hearted.

However, Ao Xue was right. This is a poor woman. She sacrificed too much for the Nuwa clan. Su Hang was open-minded. She is also a master of Ao Xue.

"Everything before, but Yunyan's past, seniors don't have to be like this. Nvwa is the ancestor of the demon, the first sage of the human race, and I'm troubled to spend more time thinking about the beings of the Xuanhuang Realm." Su Hang only said.

Feng Lixi nodded slightly, as if to be taught.

"The time is up, everybody, Su Mou, don't pass by now. See you again in the future."

The system countdown is approaching, and Su Hang arched its hands at the crowd.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone saw that behind Su Hang, a black dot appeared in the space, just like a little ink stained on the rice paper. The black dot quickly expanded and quickly became a diameter Scary black hole.

The black hole is so dark that it hangs in mid-air and attracts everyone's attention. Everyone can feel the horror from the black hole. At first glance, they feel terrified, and they don't know how the black hole exists.

Xue Qi and others also watched, Wang Biao even showed the extreme desire, that is the space-time tunnel, the other end of the black hole, connected to his own world, the familiar and strange distant future.

Su Hang held Ao Xue's hand tightly, "Hold me tight, don't let go, we will be home soon."

Ao Xue nodded and smiled at each other.

"Haha, sure enough, Pangu's Suhang, you really have some patience."

In the Emperor Wa Palace, there was a voice, and there was a rage in the hearts of everyone, and then a black shadow flew out of the palace, which was the real spirit of the world.

Su Hangdao, "I'm sorry for the world's spirit, your busyness, I can't help, the time and space here can't accommodate me..."

"It's okay, I said, wherever you go, I'll go wherever you want to help me reinvent the body." Jie Moxin said, it was a bit rogue.

Su Hang smiled, "You can think clearly, if you follow me, it is a waste of hundreds of millions of years."

For hundreds of millions of years, if he chooses to reincarnate and rebuild, I'm afraid he can return to the top, no matter how strong it is now, after all, he can have a physical body.

So entangled with himself and let him reshape his body, in Su Hang's view, is really a very irrational choice, or that is simply stupid.

"It's okay, time and me are like clouds." Jie Moxin said directly.

Su Hang thought for a moment, if this old demon stayed, it would not only be a threat to Nuwa, but more importantly, it would be a threat to Xuanhuang Realm.

After all, this level of demon, I am afraid that it is better than those under Lin Xuan's door, I don't know how much stronger, and if I can take him away, although I have a lot of trouble around me, but it gives Xuan Huangjie a later count. Exempt the threat of this devil within 100 million years.

It's a good thing to take him away.

"It's okay, come on." Time is no longer waiting, and Su Air has felt that the huge suction from the empty black hole at that time is rapidly increasing.

Then he stretched out his left hand, and motioned the realm to jump on his palm.

The realm of the world turned into a stream of light, and fell on Suhang’s left palm. His body suddenly shrank, like a plaster, it was tightly attached to it, and many blood vessels emerged from the heart, directly plunging into Suhang’s In the flesh, he was quickly connected with Su Hang's flesh and blood.

"What are you doing?" Su Hang frowned, looking at the abrupt, still pulsating heart in the palm of his left hand, as if it were originally growing on his body.

"Relax, it won't hurt you, and I won't hurt you either. I'm afraid you will get rid of me, so I made a decision. You and I are flesh and blood, naturally foolproof." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang's face turned black, "It's too ugly."

This guy was thoughtful and integrated into his own flesh and blood. In this way, even if there are restrictions on the space-time I'm afraid I can't strip him?

"I don't think you're ugly, you still think I'm ugly?" Jie Moxin sighed, embedding the flesh and blood of Su Hang, and the palm skin quickly healed and recovered as before.

But Su Hang can still feel that there is a heart beating in the palm of his hand.

With a fist clenched, at this time, the suction power of the black hole was so great that Su Hang could hardly stand on its feet, and it did not dare to be neglected at the moment. Looking back at the crowd, he pulled Ao Xue straight to the black hole.

Another king bombing, already waiting for this moment, was also impatient and followed closely.



In the tunnel of time and space, the power of time and space is extremely violent, and there are some pictures stretched to twist and deform around, maybe some historical moments left by time and space, but because of distortion and distortion, it is impossible to see clearly at all, just like through The windows of the high-speed rail, like the scenery beside the road, are filled with colorful bands of light, dazzling.

If it is not Su Hang who has a violent physical training, and then there is a system of energy protection, I am afraid that it will fall into the space-time tunnel, and it will be torn into pieces by the flood of space-time energy in an instant.

This time, it has been more than three thousand years in Taikoo. Although it is still only a month for him, it feels longer than three thousand years.

However, if you can get Ao Xue back, even if you really wait for three thousand years, it is worth it.

In the passage of time and space, being pulled by a powerful regular force and speeding forward, Su Hang tightly held the jade hand in his palm and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

The avenue did not appear to be blocked, which was contrary to the accident of Su Hang, but this is also good, so as to avoid another conflict.

"Xue'er, if Jin'er sees you, he will definitely..."

Su Hang said, turning his face, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

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