Super Study God

Chapter 1881: Nu Wa has seen Dao brother!


Holding in his hand, where is Ao Xue, this face is clearly...

Su Hang was completely stupid, almost thinking that the chaotic time and space had caused him an illusion.



Penglai, Wa Palace.

In the eyes of everyone, when Su Hang led Ao Xue and went to the empty black hole at that time, the black hole of space-time emitted a light black light curtain. Su Hang entered completely unaffected, but Ao Xue seemed to be hit by Just like a wall, the light curtain flew out instantly.

At the same time, a light and shadow emerged from Ao Xue's body, just like the soul was away from the body, pulled by Su Hang into the tunnel.

The subsequent Wang bombing was like a collision with a tank and was instantly bombed.

"How can it be?"

Wang Zui looked at the black hole in disbelief. He was originally from a later generation. Why would this space-time tunnel repel himself?

Can't accept this fact at all, Wang Zangdang even had to lift himself and flew to the black hole.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, and the weird clouds instantly spread, staining the whole sky with blood red, looking very scary.

Everyone felt like a beheaded blade hanging over their heads, depressed, frightened, and frightened.

Looking at this posture, it is clearly the legendary punishment of the heavens. Some people do something against the sky, and the punishment of the heavens appears.

At the moment, Wang Bian stopped and quickly retracted into the crowd. He was under the gate of Taihuang Mountain and had defected from the division. His sins were already extremely high.

Where the doormen have seen such a situation, they have been in a panic for a while.

At this time, Feng Lixi stood up and arched his hand in the sky, "This is the Penglai Realm, which is not under the jurisdiction of Xuanhuang, and the penalty is quickly retreated."

The sound rolled out, shaking and shaking.

The courage is too fat, dare to challenge the punishment, is this old lady really dead?

Everyone watched in amazement, fearing that a day of thunder would come down and split the old woman's body into pieces.

Although this old woman is strong, she can't bear it in the face of the powerful punishment.

At this time, the people attracted by the punishment did not notice that the black hole of the space-time tunnel had rapidly shrunk and eventually turned into a black spot and disappeared.

At the same time, the punishment on that day was like a loss of the goal. It quickly converged, the clouds cleared away, and quickly disappeared, leaving only a clear blue sky.

Everyone was palpitating, looking at the sky, the disciples looked at Feng Lixi, their eyes were full of awe, this ancestor was really powerful, and even the punishment of the heavens could be scared off.

The pale face recovered a little bit of blood, Feng Lixi took a long sigh of relief, and God knew what she had just experienced.

Looking back, Ao Xue stood not far away, staring blankly at the sky. The place where the space-time tunnel disappeared was like a petrified statue. Two lines of tears slipped away, the indescribable sadness. .

Feng Lixi walked over, "My son doesn't cry, this is a trick to make people. You and I were born between heaven and earth, and we have to be at the mercy of that fate."

"Master." Ao Xue turned his face and looked at Feng Lixi, but he also cried when he saw Feng Lixi.

Perhaps, she also had the same experience as Ao Xue. The Nuwa family can avoid the red dust, but still cannot avoid the cause and effect.

"This time the old grandmother and mother dived smoothly, it was a fluke, I hope her old man will one day come back strong, help me wait for detachment." Feng Lixi took a deep breath, calmed the messy mood, and gently patted Pat Ao Xue's shoulder.

At this time, Bai Su came over, "I'm afraid that the man who thought you were being calculated by your sister hated Nuwa."

Feng Lixi turned to look at Bai Su and said, "I didn't really count him this time, everything is governed by fate rules. As for your hate, he owes me not only Nuwa's favor, but also the old grandmother. Great cause and effect, he can hate anyone, but he should not hate my Nuwa family."

Bai Su was stagnant and paused and said, "I used to think that the name Su Hang was familiar and I don't know where I heard it. Now I want to come. It turned out to be the old lady of the old grandmother, but even if he really owes the Nuwa Yes, Sister, you talk like this, it makes people hear it, and it seems not so comfortable."

Feng Lixi turned to look at Bai Su, "One is one, twenty-two, owed is owed, and always has to be paid back, Shimei, Nuwa's crisis has gone, you go back to stay in the tower. ."

Listening to Feng Lixi's tone, it can be seen that the relationship between the sisters and sisters does not seem to be very good.

Bai Su frowned and smiled softly. "Now the realm of the world has gone, and the man at the top of the tower has entered the cycle of reincarnation. What should I do if I go back to the tower?"

Feng Lixi said, "It was an order from the Master to punish you for entering the tower. It was against the orders of the master to leave the tower without permission."

"Master Zun has passed away for a long time, and the old ancestors are gone too. You and I are the biggest on this mountain. Sister still wants to suppress me with the order of Master Zun?" Bai Su chuckled a little. I didn’t say how long I was punished. Now that the tower door is open, I will come and go naturally.”

"Humph." Feng Lixi snorted softly, but didn't want to talk to Bai Suduo again.

Bai Su smiled, "Relax, I won't stay on the mountain to hinder Sister's eyes, I will go down the mountain and join the WTO later..."


Feng Lixi snorted softly, "Now it has passed ten million years, the man has long known how many reincarnations, you still want to go to him? When the Master punished you, you seem to have no regrets at all."

Speaking of which, the smile on Bai Su's face froze and became extremely serious.

After a while, he said to the wind, "Even if he reincarnates forever, changes pigs and dogs, I will find him. Of course, these are not what you can understand. After all, the sister is desperate and unaware."


These words seemed to have poked something. Feng Lixi's face became very ugly, and it took a long time to recover, pulling Ao Xue straight and turned away.

The corner of Bai Su’s mouth was curved a little, and he could win the virtuous sister a little bit. The mood felt good. However, with a smile, Bai Su felt that he couldn’t laugh again, and there was a bit of depression and sadness in his heart.



"Haha, are you surprised? Are you surprised?" In the space-time tunnel, the voice of the world's demon came from Suhang's palm.

Su Hang stared blankly at the woman who was led by herself. Where is Ao Xue? This face is clearly Nu Wa.

Where this is a surprise, it is clearly frightened.

Nu Wa smiled at Su Hang lightly, let go of Su Hang's hand, and arched her hand at Su Hang, "Nu Wa has seen Dao Brother."

"Why, why?"

Su Hang couldn't believe the facts he saw in front of him. After seeing it from left to right, he not only saw Ao Xue, but also Wang Biao. There was only him and the woman in front of him in the tunnel.

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