Super Study God

Chapter 1882: Ask for stability!

Nu Wa looked at Su Hang apologetically, "Brother Dao is anxious, and listening to Nu Wafen said that traveling through time and space was originally a matter of rebellion, and Xueer is also a flesh and blood body, and even more inaccessible. This is a world rule, not The rule of the avenue, this rule was born at the beginning of the creation of the Xuanhuang Realm. Unauthorized travel through time and space, disturbing history, will inevitably lead to punishment. Only Dao Brothers are an exception."

After a pause, Nu Wa continued, "Years ago, I wanted to go to the afterlife to get reincarnated. I got the Yin's help without injury and opened the space-time tunnel. However, I happened to be aware of the rules and was seriously injured. I had to be careful this time. Take this opportunity to reincarnate …"

Hearing this, Su Hang can no longer listen. He doesn’t care about these things. What he cares about is why Ao Xue failed to keep up, and why her follower was Nu Wa.

Immediately, Su Hang turned and flew towards the tunnel entrance.

However, everything is in vain. In the torrent of time, he is almost as small as a lone boat with lost waterway. He can't find the direction at all and can only drift with the waves.

Beside, Nu Wa said, "Dao brother does not have to struggle fearlessly, what you see is fate. With your current strength, it is impossible to fight against fate."


Su Hang was depressed in his heart and couldn't help but roared loudly, "Why, why can you do it, Cher can't? Why should I do this to me."

"Brother Dao is not angry." Nu Wa quickly said, "Xueer is the body of flesh and blood, and the soul of that world. She has already integrated into that world, and will be repulsed by the space-time tunnel, and like me, like the real heart. If you subdue that red squid, we are not mysterious yellow and can naturally shuttle with you."

The meaning of Nu Wa said is very clear, who can be taken away by themselves, only the people outside the world, and the aborigines, controlled by the rules, can only be at the mercy of fate, controlled by the rules of the world.

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be the case. On that day, he also took Tian Xie Tian Jeal and his two siblings through time and space, and those two people did come from outside the realm.

"She said it well." At this time, Jie Moxin also spoke. Although Nu Wa failed to complete Chen Nuo to him, but seeking truth from facts, he still spoke to Nu Wa, "Your wife has been integrated into that one In the world, if you take her forcibly to leave, I am afraid that even if the avenue does not show up, the rules of fate in this tunnel will also destroy her. If you have found her, you will not be afraid that there will be no goodbye in the future... …"

After listening to the words of the real world, Su Hang is still difficult to accept. He thought that as long as he could bring Ao Xue into the tunnel, he would be able to take her back to the future generations and reunite the family.

At most Lin Xuan will appear to block, and then he will fight hard with him, but who can think of so many ways in it? It was completely different from what he had imagined. He didn't even realize it at all, and Ao Xue had already gone away from him. At this time, he wanted to go back and look for it. It was impossible.

Turning to Nuwa, Su Hang airway, "You know the result, why didn't you tell me?"

Nüwa said, "Brother Dao forgive sins, as the saying goes, the heavens cannot be revealed. Nüwa is reincarnated wholeheartedly, and dare not be a little negligent. If there is any omission, I am afraid that the reincarnation will not succeed. I dare not explain to my brother."

Su Hang listened, and for a moment he had nothing to say.

At this time, the realm said, "Nuwa, you don't think you are more miserable than me now. Say, why do you have to go to the next generation to give birth?"

Nu Wa smiled bitterly, looked at Su Hang, and said, "Just ask for stability."

The world of the later generations is indeed much more stable than the ancient world. After all, there are already many rules and restrictions on the Xuanhuang Realm of the later generations. There is no power to travel through the outside world, and there are no strong men like the ancient world. This is chaotic.

Su Hang took a deep breath, but you are stable, how about me?

Soon, the space-time tunnel will come to an end, and the speed of the shuttle gradually slowed down. Nu Wa turned to Su Hang and arched her hand, saying, "Brother Dao, don't pass this, goodbye."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Su Hangto to say that, he turned directly, turned into a streamer, and rammed past the tunnel.

Su Hang was shocked that this had not yet reached the exit, directly hitting the time and space barriers, wasn't it death? Nu Wa did so easily, and was easily lost in the chaotic time and space.

Too late to stop, Nu Wa has penetrated into the stream of time and space beside the tunnel, and Su Hang vaguely saw a deformed picture across his eyes.

It was an extremely ordinary farmyard. A well-dressed man was standing outside the window, not knowing what he was peering inside.

And when the man turned his face, Su Hang couldn't help but stunned for a moment. The face on the screen that was distorted by the tearing of time and space was himself.

For a moment, Su Hang suddenly realized that, if he had read the mistakes just now, the scene just now was the scene where the Great Sage was reincarnated at the Ye Family of Xianxia Mountain?

Sure enough, the woman who was born that day was really a granddaughter.

Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly. Did these destiny have been arranged for a long time? Sure enough, destiny is Everything is seamlessly arranged.

Suddenly, there was a large light shining in front of him, and the exit had already appeared. Su Hang was completely involuntarily disappearing from the space-time tunnel in an instant and completed the space-time shuttle journey again.



Su Hang stood in the mountains, looking at this very different world after generations, suddenly felt a little strange, standing for a long time, and failed to recover for a long time.

"Is this the world of the future? It seems to feel a lot of filth. This sky-long energy may be too much? Isn't there any magical power, strange, strange."

The voice of Jie Moxin came from Suhang's palm, awakening Suhang from his mind.

"Hey, Pan Gu's Su Hang, please cheer up. Although his wife is lost, life has to continue." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang gritted his teeth fiercely, "Don't mess with me, I just want to find someone to fight."

The realm of the world paused, "You can’t solve the problem by fighting. Since you have the ability to travel through space and time, it’s not difficult to see you again in the future. You don’t have to worry about these children’s affection. Wait for you to help me restore my body and take the place of the land. Anyway, what fate rules, but nothing."

Su Hang heard that, with a black face, the words in front of this man seemed to be comforting people, but when he talked, he said that his flesh had gone up, and it was a bit abominable.

"Nuwa has already reincarnated, what are you still doing?" Su Hang snorted and shook his hand.

Realm Demon Heart said, "I have already said that I will not reincarnate, and this life will not reincarnate..."


Su Hang took a sip, took a deep breath, cleared his depressed mood, raised his left hand, and said, "I'm too lazy to control you, go for it, as long as you don't mess up, this world, Let you wander."

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