Super Study God

Chapter 1883: The future earth?

"What a joke?" Jie Moxin didn't mean to get out of Su Hang's body, "I said, don't you want to get rid of me..."

Su Hang was helpless, "Then you have to come down from me."

The realm said, "Why not? Isn't it good now? To be honest, your body of the road is also a choice for me, but rest assured, I am a person who does something and does not, I I’m not interested in your body, and it won’t occupy your body."

"Oh, account for my body? It depends on whether you have that skill." Su Hang sipped and said disdainfully.

The realm of the world is not angry, "This world is too strange to me, follow you more securely, let's parasitize with you for a while, and have a mutual care."

"Take care of a fart, I still need you to take care of it?" Su Hang took a sip.

Jie Moxin said, "That might not be necessary. Don't underestimate me. I thought that I was also a flamboyant figure. You will need me sooner or later."

Su Hang shook his head, no longer talking nonsense with him, can't he chop his hands in order to please this servant?

Looking around, Su Hang frowned slightly, but the mountains and hills here were not the place he passed through that day.

"In other words, where is this?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hangdao, "You don't know what you said, just ask a feather."

"I said to you, why are you talking so bluntly?" Jie Moxin fired.

"I'm in a bad mood, beep me less." Su Hang said angrily.


As soon as the words fell, Su Hang felt that his left hand had lost control, and grabbed a hand directly into his crotch, pulling off an inexplicable hair.

"Lying trough, you're upset?" The sore pain was called Shu Shuang, and Su Hang's whole person was so crooked. Needless to say, it must have been a real evil.

"Respect me a little bit. I'm also a real sinner. Anyway, I'm older than you." Jie Moxin raised Su Hang's left hand and pointed his index finger at Su Hang's nose. The posture, not to mention how weird.

A pinch of hair fluttered with the wind, "However, in other words, your hair is very strong."

"You guys, really think I can't take you?" Su Hang, with a black face, leaned out his right hand and grabbed his left hand in the palm. "Do you believe me or not?"

"Why hurt the enemy by one thousand, and damage yourself by eight hundred? Why do you want to?" Jie Moxin smiled with a smile. "We work together to benefit from each other, and we share two injuries. We respect each other, and naturally it will be fine."


Su Hang snorted and threw his left hand, "Fuck my hand again, be careful I will turn your face."

As the words fell, Su Hang felt his left hand regained consciousness.

"Fortunately, I used to be a flamboyant figure. If you help me with my heart, I will help you with my heart," Jie Mo said.

Su Hang was suffocating. If he had the same temper as before, he had to use his left hand to put up ten tubes.

I was too lazy to talk to him again. Su Hang rose into the air and instantly entered space. The stars around him were all in the sky. It turned out that the place was not a land of immortals, but a star field outside the land of immortals. The corner of the Quartet.

There are one star and sixteen planets in this star field, three of which are distributed with life, and it is just one of the life planets where the Suhang was located.

The age of the stars in this area should not be too small. In the evening of the western mountain, entering the old age, I am afraid that it will not take long before this star collapses, turning the whole galaxy into nothingness.

The vast universe, countless stars, and the end of the stars, this kind of thing happens all the time, so it is not surprising, but it is a pity for the life of this side. Although there has been a smart civilization, it has not evolved enough to escape this. The high-order life bodies in the starry sky, and their life stars have already entered their old age.

"Hey, you shouldn't tell me, are you lost?" Jie Moxin asked.

Seeing Su Hang standing in the void, a look of daze without knowing the direction, I was a bit doubtful that he was lost.

Su Hang regained his mind and said, "Joke, my ancestral ancestors of Pangu clan, will I get lost here?"

"Why don't you leave? Why are you doing something here?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang frowned slightly, a little surprised, and looked at a green planet not far away, "I just have a middle feeling, a special feeling, as if I lost something on this star area."

"Huh?" Jie Mo was stunned for a moment. "The heart touches, there must be a cause..."

In a state like Su Hang, it is impossible to have such a feeling for no reason. The so-called sixth sense, the sixth sense of a powerful monk, is generally very effective. Since Su Hang has this feeling, I am afraid that he really has Things fell here.

Jie Moxin's words were not finished, but Su Hang had already turned into a stream of light, and went to the emerald green planet.



On this planet, the plants are quite lush, the mountains are high, the endless grasslands are erupting, life is full of vitality, and the air is so good.

What surprises Su Hang is This planet is actually a human planet. Although he does not know what star field this star field is, it must be a remote corner. It is really rare to have human footprints.

Following the guidance of the soul, Su Hang came to a human town. The level of civilization here is not high, at most it can be regarded as the Tang and Song periods on the earth.

"Strange." When entering the city, Suhang looked left and right, with a lot of doubts on his face.

"How strange?" Mojie asked.

Su Hang paused, "This place is somewhat similar to the earth in my hometown. The people here, skin color, body shape, language, are so similar..."

From the beginning of entering the city, Su Hang felt weird. The humans here look very similar to the humans in Huaxia. The architectural styles are all the ancient Chinese architectural styles. Even the words on the street signs are all his Familiar Chinese ancient traditional characters, this is nothing, the key is that these people can barely understand what they say.

This is clearly the same race.

In the vast universe, across countless stars, races that have not yet evolved high-level life like this, will be naturally selected during the evolution process, and their genes and appearance will be vastly different. Is similar?

Su Hang can't help but feel a little weird. It is like a small earth here. When could it be that the earth migrated?

Jie Moxin said, "Hey, I said, wouldn't you have crossed your head and landed in the wrong place?"

"How can it be!"

Su Hang shook his head, but he was also playing drums. Going to a more future earth?

Obviously it should not be. After all, the planet in the sky is not the sun, and there are not so many planets in the solar system, and it will not be the earth here.

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